Chapter 445 Misunderstanding
This time, Ning Feng is going to give Huo Wutong a big surprise when he leaves the customs.It was only when Ning Feng came to Huo Wutong's office full of joy.

A little boy rushed into Huo Wutong's office.

This strange young boy stunned Ning Feng for a moment, what's going on, why did such a thing appear here?

Ning Feng was very surprised. It must be known that it is not ordinary people who can have an intersection with Huo Wutong.

There are only a handful of people who can enter Huo Rutong's office.

Who is this little boy?
It's not that Ning Feng doesn't believe in Huo Wutong, after all, Huo Wutong is the mother of his two children.

This strange little boy.It made Ning Feng feel very uncomfortable, and his face was too pale.Could it be that I didn't understand the time of this retreat day and raised a little boy?

Ning Feng threw his consciousness into the office.

Sure enough, that little boy ran into Huo Wutong's office, and moved to Huo Wutong's side without even saying hello.

"Master, this document needs your signature?"

"Oh, good!" Huo Wutong looked at the robot assistant Ning Xia gave her.

Five years after Ning Feng retreated, Apocalypse Technology's data center AI intelligence project finally ushered in a breakthrough.An AI robot named z was born.

Its computing power was directly rated as a holy rank.

In other words, his strength is equivalent to that of a holy rank machine clan.

Lambo is in charge of this project.

After all, this project that took countless time and energy has finally landed. Once upon a time, it was as important as the virtual world, but now the floating city in the virtual world has been established for decades, but the AI ​​​​smart project, but I have never been in the field. It can be said that there have been no results, only investment.Rambo's face was very dull.

Because that's not what they want.The kind of artificial mental retardation born by machinists

They are true artificial intelligence.

Today's pan-human alliance is already very large, and it is no longer possible to maintain it with human power alone.

And thus true artificial intelligence was
is named named z.

The birth of artificial intelligence is inseparable from Ning Xuan.

Ning Feng has seen the loneliness in Huo Wu since he was a child, so he specially created a character template for this. Originally, his idea was to be a housekeeper, but Yinxia intervened halfway, and he became the handsome man he is today. of.young male.

Looking at the handsome face of this robot, Huo Wutong sighed, he could only say that his daughter really didn't understand his father.

At this moment, when he put the document in his hand in front of Huo Wutong and bent down to ask Huo Wutong to sign, the expensive office door was suddenly opened, and the space began to shatter.

Visible space cracks appeared on his body.

"No, wait"!Huo Wutong knew what was supposed to happen finally happened, she was about to stop it, but it was too late.

Just as Huo Wutong was about to stop it, Z directly formed parts one after another and shattered on the ground.

"This!" When Ning Feng saw the machine parts scattered all over the place, he also understood that this might be causing trouble, and at this moment Xiaozhi, who had not been used for a long time in Ning Feng's mind, also started to say.

"Robot Z detected!"

Ning Feng saw a lot of information about z, especially the big Ning Xuan and Ning Xia on the producer column.

"Me!" Ning Feng was about to explain, but was stopped by Huo Wutong.

Huo Wutong looked at Ning Feng with interest and said.

"You still have to figure out how to explain it to your precious son and precious daughter!"

"Okay!" Ning Feng spread his hands helplessly, he knew that this time he might cause trouble!

In this situation, there is no way for immortality to come.
Seeing Ning Feng's expression, Huo Wutong also laughed. In fact, when Tan Dingxia sent this robot over, he knew that such a scene would happen. Sure enough, Ning Feng immediately smashed this handsome robot!
You must know that this is a birthday present from Ning Feng. If Ning Xia finds out about it, some of them may cry.

Ning Feng looked at Huo Wutong in embarrassment. In fact, he didn't want to, but now that the deal is done, he has nothing to do.

Ning Feng sighed twice and said, why don't we fight for him now.

Ning Feng walked to the pile of parts, and he carefully looked at the pile of parts.

He found it very troublesome. I am afraid that the complexity of this pair of parts has surpassed his craftsmanship as a holy mechanical master.

Ning Feng coughed twice in embarrassment and said to Huo Wutong.

"How about we call Rambo over, and Rambo can definitely fix it!" Huo Wutong nodded and said. "I hope so!"

In fact, Huo Wutong doesn't seem to have any hope, but as the greatest mechanic of the Pan-Human Alliance, I am afraid that only Rambo can fix this thing.

After a while, Lan Bo came to Huo Wutong's office.

"It seems that you have succeeded!" Seeing Ning Feng for the first time, Rambo naturally congratulated.

He looked at Ning Feng excitedly.You must know that along the way, he watched Ning Feng, from apprentice to master to holy rank, and achieved the current immortality.

It can be said that Rambo has seen Ning Feng's growth.

At that time, Ning Feng was not even as strong as Rambo.But now this man must become the existence he looks up to, immortal!

What is a strong man?What is a real strong man?It can be said that all immortals are ants.Only if you don't want to, you can experience the hardships of the years without disappearing.

Like ordinary holy ranks, even at the extreme, they only have a lifespan of 1000 years.

Immortal Shouyuan is an era.

What is an era, an era and an era.

before dusk.

Era means a reincarnation.

It's dusk now, which means a reincarnation.

Originally, an epoch was hundreds of billions of years.And now the dusk will fall in ten thousand years.

After dusk, all Immortals are at risk of falling.

Especially the races belonging to the inner ring of the universe.

The last time it was the human race, but this time it was replaced by the four great races of the universe, fairy, demon, heaven and hell.

So this time the four major clans are in danger.

Ning Feng readily accepted Rambo's congratulations, but the most important thing now is still.Fix the housekeeper and robot assistant who was broken by him.

Rambo took a look, and then he said meaningfully.

This is probably custom made.Let me give it a try.Hearing what Rambo said, Ning Feng felt strange. Could it be that there are still machines that Rambo cannot repair?

Actually it is true.

This butler robot was manufactured by Ning Xuan and customized by Ning Xia. An irreversible mechanical mechanism was added to the original complex structure, so when seeing this complex mechanism, even Rambo was not fully sure.

Ning Feng was shocked by Lan Bo's answer. Could it be that his two children are already so powerful?Even Rambo is full of praise.

Speaking of this, Huo Wutong next to him raised his head proudly.

"That's natural!" The current Ning Xuan and Ning Xia are the pride of Huo Wu.

Graduating from day one to the academy with top grades.

They are estimated to be one of the top existences of Apocalypse Technology.

According to their words, the two of them now belong to the giants of Tianqi Technology in terms of strength and status.

And Rambo also wants to train them in the direction of successors.

When Ning Feng knew this from Huo Wutong's mouth, he could only sigh, it turned out that during his absence, the two children had already reached such a point.

Fortunately, in this world, there is no mechanical energy that can stump Lambo.

But after a while, Rambo finished repairing the handsome butler robot.

"Okay, now I've fixed it, I'd rather not break it again!"

Ning Feng laughed awkwardly, and said, "No, no, I will pay more attention in the future!"

After Rambo left, Ning Feng hugged Huo Wutong from behind Huo Wutong.

Ning Feng moved his hands from behind Huo Wutong to Huo Wutong's waist.

"Hate it! You're the only one who is jealous of the two little guys!"

Being ridiculed by Huo Wutong like this, Ning Feng can only throw his anger on the artificial retarded Xiaozhi!

"It's because you can't handle this little thing, it's really an artificial mentally retarded Xiaozhi!"

To Ning Feng's ridicule, the artificial mental retardation couldn't even make a correct response.

Keep replying "I didn't find the solution you want, I didn't find the solution you want!"

Ning Feng, your artificial mentally retarded reply, was really speechless.

On the contrary, the boy with a bad face who was defeated by Ning Feng was really smart.

Just in the middle of a Lambo repair.Ning Feng asked Rambo to slightly adjust the appearance of this handsome boy and these people, turning him into an uncle in his 40s.

Although it is actually the same, Ning Feng felt much more comfortable after his ugly appearance. Seeing this scene, Huo Wutong laughed at him. He never thought that Ning Feng would be jealous of a robot.

Being held in Ning Feng's arms, Huo Wutong could not help leaning against Ning Feng's arms.Over the years, this embrace was Huo Wu Zhong Chaosi's dream, but he didn't want to disturb Ning Feng.Become an obstacle on Ning Feng's road.

So all these years, he could only suffer in silence.

Now that Ning Feng has finally returned, it also means that Ning Feng has finally reached that realm, but his heart fell into anxiety again.He knew what the current state of the prisoner's alliance was like.

He also learned from many news about the strength of the human enemy.

The four major races, to today's weak human race, each is like the existence of the sky, but now this one is four.

If one is not careful in the face of these four terrifying forces, it will be the result of the entire ethnic group being wiped out.

More than 9000 years ago, the four major races rose from the corpses of the human race, and they jointly formulated the rules.

But who knows if they like the former human race, and they are making a comeback.

No one knows, will the four major races be the first to kill the human race before dusk?

After all, the former human race was really terrible.The four families can grow so huge on the corpse of the human race.If the human race returns to its former strength.

Those 21 God King-class battleships fought the entire universe.

No, it's not that Dusk's strength is too terrifying. I'm afraid the four major races don't have any chance at all.

Therefore, except for Ning Feng, everyone does not have much confidence in the return of the human race to the inner ring of the universe.

Only Ning Feng knew that in the original story line, the human race returned to the universe, and the journey around the ring was extremely dangerous.It's just that the human race still has a firm foothold in the inner ring of the universe after all.

You must know that the Human Alliance at that time was not prepared for anything.

Now under Ning Feng's command, the human race has made complete preparations, so Ning Feng is naturally confident.

Instead of feeling the inner ring of the universe by the immigrants at dusk later, it is better to go directly to the inner ring of the universe to seize a territory now.Officially announced the return of the Terran.

Tens of thousands of years ago, the human race was very powerful.Many alien races need to rely on the breath of the human race.

Although there are many conflicts and realities between alien races and human races, it is more the jungle that has received favors from humans.

It can be said that it is both good and bad.

So Ning Feng decided that now he is willing to lead the human race back to the inner ring of the universe, and he will lead the player army to fight the pre-war.

What Ning Feng has to do now is to wait for the player's return.

Ning Feng counted the calendar and started counting down.

Until the calendar turned to the last page.Ning Feng heard the sound from the system.

"A new chapter, the Inner Ring of the Universe, opens!"

"Story line, there are eighteen powerful forces in the inner ring of the universe. Immortals, demons, heaven, and hell form the Elders' Alliance. Their four strengths are the four elders. The elders have a veto system, while other visions can only vote. As for how to have voting rights, there are eighteen immortal cities that have been planted in tears in the rain!"

"Paradise Town, Yaochi, Purgatory, Demon Realm and other cities named by all races!"

Obtaining one of them will have the right to vote.

This is the new order dominated by the four major races after the defeat of the human race.

The goal of zero points this time is naturally one of the immortal cities.

As long as one of them is obtained, it means that the human race has returned to the inner ring of the universe.

You, the enemy, must secure a seat on the inner ring of the universe, there are countless.The race has been staring at them so well to bully them long ago replaced by people.

So in this matter, we still need to make a living.

Now is the time to make a plan.

Soon the core of the Kunlun Council was convened.

The folk custom made a plan based on everyone's discussion.

Here, Ning Feng is used to lead the players.Enter the inner ring of the universe.

This is naturally the Nether Race.

Today's Nether Race is very embarrassing in the inner circle of the universe.

Although they also belong to the order.The Big Four are the most important.Both Heaven and Purgatory disapprove of it.

The Nether Race is exactly the birthplace of the Necromancer.

In the movie theater, You Nation is just a bunch of skeletons.From time to time, they release liches to tempt their people.

The Nether race is the most hateful.

The fact becomes eating, fighting the Nether clan in class,
The situation of the Nether race in the inner ring of the universe has not been very good these years.

Shili suffered a blow from the interpretation of Paradise Rainforest, and it can be said to be a soft persimmon in eighteen centuries.

It is the other outer ring forces. As for their immortality and fighting inside, I dare not have any thoughts about them.

Otherwise, the status of the Nether clan would have been replaced long ago.

(End of this chapter)

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