Chapter 439 In Your Name
Ning Feng in the world of gods kept flying towards the depths of the void holding the fifth god body, the kingdom of gods!

You can only hide the Kingdom of God in the void as much as possible, so as not to be peeped by other gods!

He was both powerful and fragile for a newborn god!
And a nascent kingdom of God is the best nourishment in the eyes of other gods!

They don't mind crushing him and letting their own kingdom of God be annexed, so that they can strengthen their own world rules of plundering others!

Why not do something that kills two birds with one stone!
Therefore, many gods try their best to hide their divine kingdom in places that others do not know!To prevent their fragile lives from being attacked by other gods!
But now Ning Feng is much more dangerous than other gods, after all, there are a lot of ordinary gods standing in the current plane!

If they found out, he would definitely leave Ning Feng and the one who was torn apart!
Of course, in order to prevent the Kingdom of God from being torn into pieces by the space hurricane at the first moment of appearance, extend the body out of the new world at a certain distance, and feel the horror of the space hurricane in the void!
But if the body can bear it, Ning Feng will continue to go deep into the void.

"Just here!" Ning Feng felt that he had no way to go any further!
This place is already far away from the world, even if Ning Feng's kingdom of God is above the heads of these gods, they can't see the birth of a huge kingdom of God!
Ning Feng controlled the kingdom of God he was born in, stepping into the void bit by bit.

Ning Feng could clearly feel the sharpness of that powerful cutting force when blocking the barriers of the kingdom of God to touch the space hurricane in the void!

But this doesn't stop Ling Feng, as long as the Kingdom of God is not blown apart, he will keep talking about the Kingdom of God being pushed into the void little by little!

The nascent Kingdom of God is extremely huge, and today Hurricane seems to have encountered a huge city wall in the originally empty space!

This huge obstacle blocks the direction of the space hurricane.

But they wouldn't turn a corner and run straight into Ning Feng's kingdom of God!
The Kingdom of God has endured a burden that it dare not bear, this is the rule in the void!If the birth of the world can't even withstand the space hurricane, how can it grow into a plane!

Little by little, Ning Feng pushed his Divine Kingdom into the void!
The Kingdom of God has all entered the void, but this is not over yet. If there is no fire in the Kingdom of God, it will soon be destroyed by this huge space hurricane!

Therefore, the Kingdom of God without Divine Fire is not perfect, and Ning Feng is still one step away from igniting the Divine Fire in the Kingdom of God to achieve the title of God!
Ning Feng directly entered the Kingdom of God. At this moment, there is still nothingness in the Kingdom of God, but simply has a skeleton!
Now is the time to light the fire!
"Get up!" Ning Feng yelled at the Kingdom of God!
I saw mountains and rivers, deserts and plateaus began to appear in the Kingdom of God!
A towering mountain rises from the center of the Kingdom of God!

Higher and higher until he is high enough to look up to all beings!
"Definitely!" Ning Feng shouted again!
Following Ning Feng's order, the mountains stopped rising, and all the rivers and mountains stopped changing!

The rudiments of the Kingdom of God began to appear, and finally Ning Feng appeared on the mountains!
The mountain range is covered with snow at this time, and there are two huge ancient characters written on his cliff, Kunlun!

Ning Feng looked at the mountain range he named Kunlun, and without a moment's hesitation, a dark flame popped out from his fingers. This was the hellfire condensed by Ning Feng.

"Go!" The fire of hell fell into the top of the Kunlun mountain, and he landed on the white snow, but he didn't go out, only heard a whistling sound and turned into a huge flame!
The flames soared into the sky!

And at this moment Huo Huo seemed to feel something, he began to flicker and look around, there was nothing but he could feel a strong will staring at him around Huo Huo.

And kill it anytime!

How could the flame that Ning Feng had worked so hard to ignite could be easily extinguished!

Yingfeng began to inject spiritual power into the flames to ensure that the flames would not be extinguished!
At this moment, that inexplicable existence stretched out its black hand and held it towards the flame!
Ning Feng knows that this is the will of the universe, everything in the universe has its own rules, including the birth and destruction of the world!
If it is to let practitioners simulate the birth of the world, under the rules of the universe, this is equivalent to the birth of a new world!
The strong are born, the weak are eliminated, the will of the universe will not allow a world to be born easily!
The birth of every world means that he has to extract energy from the universe!

The birth of every world overdraws the vitality of the universe!

The universe will not let a newborn world go so easily!
So he's going to put him out!

How could Ning Feng give up lightly!

It is the two forces that have begun to stalemate!
Ning Feng could feel the strong will of the universe, which was much greater than the resistance encountered by other gods when they ignited the divine fire!

It may be related to his world. In his impression, no god was born with such a huge kingdom of God!

"I'm not a different kind!" Ning Feng smiled wryly as he felt the huge cosmic will!

Kiss him, he has no choice, otherwise he wouldn't have faced such a tenacious will of the universe!
But don't you want to put me out, I naturally won't give up lightly!

With a loud shout, Feng poured the spiritual power in the sea of ​​consciousness into the divine fire continuously, ensuring that the divine fire would not be extinguished!

As Ning Feng's mental power was put into the will of the universe, he became more and more crazy, crying two forces to compare each other, one side must lose the other!

The two sides will not give in to each other at first!

Ning Feng's divine fire sometimes flickered and sometimes soared into the sky.

The stalemate will begin right here between you and me!
It's just that Ning Feng knows that the will of the universe has time, so even if your rules are a shackle, he can't stay here all the time!
So what Ning Feng doesn't want to do is to persevere until the end to win!
For Ning Feng, this time is very short but also extremely long because even if his mental power is a sea, he will be exhausted at times!
Soon Ning Feng felt his spiritual exhaustion, but he couldn't give up.

Gritting his teeth, he kept overdrawing his spirit!
And as Ning Feng's spiritual power became smaller, the divine fire also slowly began to flicker, and it may not even take long for him to be wiped out by the will of the universe!

Ning Feng gritted his teeth and insisted on the differences, almost succeeding!
In this way, Ning Feng persisted!

At this moment, the will of the universe suddenly dissipated!

The ordinary Kingdom of God suddenly burst into flames, and then he shot straight into the sky, and then spread from the sky to the surroundings of the Kingdom of God!
The flames spread along the third eye to the barrier!From then on, the whole earth seemed to be on fire!
Then the flames began to go out, and then life began to be born in Ning Feng's kingdom of God, and light spots fell on the kingdom of God, and finally various animals began to appear in Ning Feng's kingdom of God, and these animals would have Too high wisdom, they jumped around in Ning Feng's divine kingdom!
Ning Feng knew that these were the unique "life" in the Kingdom of God!
With the rise of the will of the universe, a powerful flow of people began to pour into the fire, and the will of the universe rewarded Ning Feng's kingdom of God after the challenge!
That is, at this time, the flames on the barrier were still burning, and the space of the Kingdom of God began to spread outwards!
Under this huge energy, Shenhuo is constantly extracting energy from the void, nourishing the Kingdom of God and making it grow!

As the Kingdom of God continues to grow, the barriers of the Kingdom of God are getting thicker and thicker, and with the continuous renewal of the Kingdom of God, it is enough to survive in this void full of space hurricanes!
This is the role of the Kingdom of God, the Kingdom of God is God!

The size of the kingdom of God means the amount of energy that the gods can use from their own kingdom of God!
The bigger the kingdom of God means the stronger the gods!

The nascent Kingdom of God, after the experience of Shenhuo, began to expand to a huge extent!

Until the gift from the will of the universe is exhausted and the Kingdom of God stops and does not grow, this shows that the Kingdom of God has been completely consolidated!
Next, God will expand little by little under the influence of Shenhuo!Without the gift of the will of the universe, the growth of the Kingdom of God will be very slow!
Ah, there is no need for Ning Feng to worry anymore!

Because at this moment Ning Feng's achievements have reached an outrageous position!

Even the god fruit of those heavy gods who have the god position is not as good as Ning Feng's god kingdom!
This was an unexpected surprise for Ning Feng!
Does this count as a strange alternative!

You don't know what to say about yourselves!
That is, at this time, the battle for the throne in the temple of the house has ended!

Brand's seat was taken away by Adolf while it was still warm!

The divine fire that appeared on the altar of the god is naturally Adolf's!

And the divine fire belonging to Brand has long since disappeared without a trace, which means that Brand has completely failed!
The end of life and death of Brand Nordger who just got the god position!
It's really embarrassing!

Many ordinary gods looked at the final result and didn't say much. They were waiting!

The holy demon lords under Brand's original glory were ashamed!

Sad stories come too fast, and happy things leave too fast!
They never thought that Brand's god position would be squeezed down without even warming his buttocks!

Now it's their turn to cry!

There are quite a few demon lords who want to take the opportunity to sneak away, but who dares to move under the watchful eyes of so many ordinary gods!
No one dares to move!

The kingdom of God belonging to Adolf on the altar is shining!

This is the symbol of Adolf standing on the Digestion God!

At this moment, Ning Feng suddenly opened his eyes!
The burning flames of the stakes startled many ordinary gods!
What the hell, it was just an ordinary holy rank just now!Why did he become a god all of a sudden!
The holy lords under Brand's command were also shocked!They get closer to Ning Feng!
The moment Ning Feng opened his eyes, he suddenly felt a powerful pressure on them!

Kamui?When did the Karazhan of the holy rank also have divine power!Isn't it the unique ability of gods?

No, not right!

This is a god!
When did you get stuck and like and become a god!
Many gods and demon lords were astonished by Dongfeng's sudden display of the son of gods. They couldn't accept it. Why did an existence that was originally an ordinary holy rank suddenly become a god!

However, when they were stunned, they suddenly raised their heads and said to the temple!
"If in the name of Karazhan, launch a battle for the throne against the sixth subordinate god of the night god! The winner lives and the loser dies!"

From the beginning, Ning Feng's challenge was as decisive as Adolf's!

Just like the reason why Ning Feng initiated the challenge was to avenge Brand!
Did Brand already know that there would be such a move to keep Karazhan as a foreshadowing?
Many ordinary gods have also heard of Ning Feng, especially those ordinary gods who were robbed by Ning Feng, so they naturally gritted their teeth at Ning Feng!

But when Ting Feng suddenly became a god, he felt his eyelids twitching non-stop!
It seems that something bad happened again!
"No, absolutely impossible!"

The lord under Brand's command is naturally familiar with Ning Feng!So they knew that Karazhan had always been a peak holy rank!But he suddenly became a god!It's hard for them to believe it!
"I didn't expect Kazan to hide it so deeply!"

"After all, he is hiding his identity as a god, but this is unreasonable. Brand is also a god, and a god cannot deceive a god!"

Then how did Karazhan do it, he is obviously an ordinary holy rank!
Under the astonishment of everyone, Adolf in the temple was also stunned for a moment!
I have not recovered a bit!He immediately changed into a smile and said, "I'm afraid it's too late to challenge your kingdom of God!"

Just when Adolf thought he was stupid, he only listened to the rumbling sound from outside the temple!

A huge kingdom of God is looming above the sky!

The terrible flames of hell are burning above the barriers of the Kingdom of God!

"This, is this a kingdom of gods?"

It's not that these ordinary gods have never seen the world, these gods have really never seen such a huge kingdom of God!
The burning hellfire represents that this kingdom of God is really very powerful!These are even only heard of in their legends!
Legend has it that some gods who have stepped into the limit, their gods will possess the power of the world!
Just like what Ning Feng is doing now!
Ning Feng's Divine Kingdom didn't even show his whole picture, which was enough to shock all ordinary gods!
And Ning Feng himself flew to the temple!

Since it is a battle of the gods, then do the whole set if you want to do it!
Ning Feng naturally let an identity who avenges Brand take on this challenge!
So he yelled as he flew, "For Brand!"

Everyone thought that Ning Feng wanted to avenge Brand!
Hearing what Ning Feng said, even the demon lord under Ulande's command had a letter!

Many gods lamented that Brand is really calculating, but there seems to be something wrong!
But they couldn't tell why!
They would never have thought that Ning Feng's Kingdom of God was only formed during the period when Adolf challenged Brand!
Sister, what they saw was only a corner of Ning Feng's divine kingdom!
Adolf in the temple also looked at the Kingdom of God in the sky in surprise!
"how is this possible?"

(End of this chapter)

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