Chapter 436 Glacier Snow Ape
There is such a saying in hell that a god who does not want to have a god position is not a good god!

However, if you don’t want to have a god position in hell, you may need some skills, and even a little bit of luck. There are only so many god positions in hell, and you need to compete for a job.In short, there are many ways to obtain the god position, or the previous owner of the god position is destroyed and inherited, or the god on the god position is pulled down.

In short, this battle for the god position is not as beautiful as imagined, and even a little bit cruel!
How many demons lit with divine fire fell upon this!
Otherwise hell will be destroyed by these gods.

How many gods with god positions were trampled on the ground by other gods because they didn't defend the ring!

This is a cruel competition, and there is no way out, unlike what others say, a step back will open up the sea and the sky, but for the gods, there is only an abyss deeper than hell!

The god position is so tireless for every demon who ignites the fire!
Because a god with a god position means immortality!

At least gods with god positions can live tens of thousands of years longer than ordinary gods.

So every demon that ignites life wants to be a god with a god.

The evil-eyed demon god Brand is very lucky. First of all, the strength of the sixth god of the night god who is closest to him has been greatly weakened!
This gave him more confidence to challenge the opponent.

But his luck was also relatively bad. On the previous expedition to the edge of the universe, he lost his battleship Demon God, which was a battleship with great combat effectiveness, and Brand, who lost the expedition, also lost his own Of all the lords, invincible can be said to steal chickens without losing money!

Originally, Brand was the most powerful competitor this time, but with the failure of the expedition, Brand's power was suddenly hit hard!

Even some free demon lords don't trust Brand very much, and they are unwilling to work for him. After all, no one is willing to belong to a god who can disappear under his command.

So this thing can be said to be extremely ironic.

Before Ning Feng appeared, Brand could not recruit a single lord!
Because most demon lords don't trust him anymore!
With the addition of Ning Feng, the demon Karazhan not only gave Brand hope, but also made all the demon lords who were watching join in.

It can be said that it has played the role of throwing bricks and attracting jade.

Perhaps otherwise, I didn't even think that the brick he threw was not an ordinary brick.

Brand didn't expect that the bastard demon Kaliozan would block dozens of cases and weaken the strength of almost all the lords sitting under Lucy.

It's time to start the battle for the throne.

Brand found Ning Feng and said exactly such a thing.

The battle of gods is about to begin!

On one side is the ordinary god who has made enough preparations, and on the other is the extremely weak sixth god of the night, Luxi!

This battle for the throne is getting more and more interesting.

With Brand's order, the lords under his command began to attack everywhere, clearing the road to the sixth God of King Tong, Shenshan.

The earth and sky of the Second Hell also began to make rumbling sounds.

This is the friction caused by the movement of Brand's Kingdom of God in the next play of space.

When the creatures of hell heard about this business I went into my cave, put my ears down and my arms down, and started shaking!
God Zhan, the unlucky ones are not only the gods, but also the countless ant-like creatures!

They are ants in front of the gods, and the life and death of ants have nothing to do with the gods!
So every war of gods means that thousands of buildings become innocent cannon fodder!

The 3000 and [-] half saints under Ning Feng followed closely behind!
As a result, it is very fragile in the process of moving. In order to prevent other gods from raiding, the demon lords who are actually scattered are more of a vigilant task!
As for driving away the demons of other forces, it is just in case there are gods hiding in it!
So it is conceivable that when a god challenges the position of a god, the road to a god's work will naturally not be too easy, and it can even be described as bumpy!
Ning Feng's 3000 and [-] semi-holy warriors are the closest to Brand's kingdom of God. It can be said that he is Brand's last barrier!

Of course, the thousands of god-level fighters in God's country are another matter!

Ning Feng also suggested to Brand that he would lead [-] semi-holy mixed blood demons to wipe out all the forces at the outermost periphery, but Brand didn't allow it!
Ning Feng didn't know exactly what Brand was thinking about!

Is it a test for yourself?

Ning Fengnuo thoughtfully watched Brand's life moving bit by bit. If it was possible for him now, he could directly penetrate the moving Kingdom of God.

Does Brand just trust himself like this?This is equivalent to handing over your back to yourself!

But Ning Feng didn't move. Since he was in the most core position, it was enough for him to do the last round of defense!

So under the other's gaze, Ning Feng didn't move or even concentrate on following the last lap.

The road to the throne is not peaceful!
The sixth god represents the supremacy of the planet named Kogano in the Second Hell.

So this road is doomed to be uneasy!

However, those obstacles that appeared would have been wiped out by the surrounding demon lords when they reached Ning Feng's location.

As for the gods so far, no gods have taken action to stop them.

So Ning Feng was simply happy to be at leisure, he didn't know that in the Kingdom of God, Brand had been staring at him.

As a god, the Kingdom of God is naturally the most mysterious place!
The same is true for Brand's Kingdom of God, the reason why it is called the most competitive candidate for the position of God

It is because he has a huge number of god guards in his life, and the power of this god is enough to make other gods afraid.

But this fear can be made up for. At least one god is willing to spend a lot of money, and Brand's advantage is quickly made up for by other gods!

Brand is well aware of the advantages, so it is not difficult to find ways to widen the gap with other lives!

This time Ning Feng did really well, far exceeding Brand's expectations.

This is because Brand has always been wary of Ning Feng!
Or Brand is wary of all demon lords!
After all, there is no word of trust in the world of demons!

Plus you can't show up really too much for Brand's surprise!

And you can't have checked Ning Feng's details. If you can't find anything, it's as if Ning Feng, a demon, was born out of thin air!
This made Brand even more confused!
The war to the throne is imminent!
Even if Brand knew that Ning Feng had a problem, he could only use Ning Feng patiently and boldly!

The path to the throne of God is too tempting!
How many gods can only look up to that masterpiece for the rest of their lives!

He got this opportunity by luck, and Brand didn't want to give up, so even if the delicious fruit of zero points was poisonous, he would eat it!

At least until now, Ning Feng has no problem!
Brand in the myth looked at Lin Feng vigilantly!

He is in the Kingdom of God, but he is already ready to move. If Ning Feng makes a slight move, he will rush out of the Kingdom of God and kill Ning Feng.

But as a last resort, he didn't want to go this far.The other lords except Ning Feng are not very useful!

However, Brand wants to deal with all the hidden dangers at this time, rather than being plotted against when he hit the top position!

So this road leading to the provincial party committee is a test for Brand as well as Ning Feng!

If the two of them pass by, then the god position is just around the corner!Even after Brand got the god position now, Ning Feng only needs to choose to continue to be loyal to him, and he will help Karazhan ignite the god fire!

Otherwise, this smile also means that Ning Feng has given up the way to pass the god!
The temple of Lucy, the sixth slave god, is on the roof of the world in Kogano!
And Brand's kingdom of God is relatively close to him. What he has to do is to pass through three plains, then climb up to the roof of the world, and finally enter the land of extreme heaven! !

After passing through the three plains almost smoothly, Ning Feng and others left the hot lava and felt the icy snow when they knew that the next challenge was coming!
Most of the demons in hell are fire-attributed demons, and less are cold-attributed ones, but there are exceptions!

That is the Eye of Cold Snow under the west seat of the Sixth God Road!

The Eye of Frost Snow is a god made by an ice-attributed succubus after igniting the divine fire!
She was with Lucy when he was still working for God of Achievement!

After Lucy attained the title of the sixth most important city, the Snowy Eyes followed Lucy all the time and even became Lucy's god!

There is only one god position from God, and he will not be able to share his god position with Frost Eye, but this relationship will restrain Frost Eye to challenge other god positions!
So in a sense, Han Shuangyan knew it himself!He chose this path, that is guardianship!

Choose to protect Lucy's throne unconditionally!
Now the Eye of Frost has become Brand's most powerful enemy on his way to the throne!
As soon as they stepped into the Frost Domain, Ning Feng's people felt a blizzard blowing towards them!

This is both normal and abnormal. Snowstorms are common in such a harsh environment, but Ning Feng felt the fluctuation of divine power from it.

So the maker of this blizzard doesn't need to think about who it is!

Who else but Frost Eye can control such a large-scale snowstorm!
Sure enough, Ning Feng heard the creatures walking in the snowstorm!The glacier snow ape, this is not a creature from hell, he comes from another plane. He has to say that the glacier snow ape is the most suitable species to live on the roof of the world!
And their strength is strong enough!He is the most suitable fighter for the guardian of the roof of the world!
"Enemy attack, enemy attack!"

Ning Feng will also see the voice of those glacier snow apes.

To be able to make a demon lord scream like this in an instant, Ning Feng knew without thinking that the strength of these glacier snow apes might not be low!

Alas, the demon lords in front of them were thrown into the sky one by one!
A rampant glacier snow ape with hair all over Li Bai appeared in Lin Feng's eyes. Facing the powerful demon lord glacier snow ape, he knocked him into the air with a slight bump!

It is conceivable how powerful these glacier-learned snow apes are!
A glacier snow ape rushed towards Ning Feng's formation when a stick of incense was released.

"It's really strong!" In Ning Feng's eyes, the strength of this slightly larger Glacier Snow Ape was only a line away from the peak of the holy rank!

It was the glacier snow ape who saw Ning Feng and rushed up like no one else. It seemed that in their eyes, Ning Feng was just a fly and just slapped it away!
How did he know that what he bumped into was a huge iron plate!

"Good come!"

Karazhan directly took off his coat, and it was the first time Ning Feng showed his strength in front of people's eyes!

Last time, he even defeated his opponent with just a light shot!

This time he is going to be serious!

Facing the galloping iceberg and snowfield, Ning Feng used the ability of hellfire as soon as he was positioned!

Although this is Ning Feng's biggest trump card right now, Ning Feng is also afraid to say that these glacier snow apes are scared away, so that he will expose his strength more than the loss!
So under such circumstances, Ning Feng didn't use his own hellfire as soon as he came up, he carried the glacier snow ape completely in a physical posture.

Glacier Snow Ape directly raised his huge arms to Ning Feng, this blow could completely knock down a mountain peak!
Under normal circumstances, Ning Feng could choose to escape, but this time Ning Feng directly chose to be tough!
He directly met the arms of the glacier snow ape with both fists!

And with this blow, he directly held the strength of the glacier snow ape!

Ning Feng only felt a vibration in his hands, and then he took two steps back, and the glacier snow monkey also took three steps back!
For the first time, not only was Ning Feng not afraid of Bingshan Snow Ape, but he had the upper hand.

"Is it so scary?" Lying on the ground in the distance was a demon lord who was blown away by the glacier snow ape.

The demon lord has completely lost his fighting power after being hit by the glacier snow ape!

Fortunately, Glacier Snow Ape didn't kill him, otherwise all he had left would be a pile of meat sauce!

Now that he has become a spectator, Ning Feng's every move has naturally become the object of his attention.

When he saw that Ning Feng was able to bear the blow of Glacier Snow Ape with all his strength and was unscathed, he still had the upper hand!

He felt bad all over, "What kind of pervert is this person's demon!"

In the eyes of other demon lords, Ning Feng with such strength is simply a pervert!
The glacier snow ape that Ning Feng repelled was the most powerful existence among the group of glacier snow apes.

And while everyone was watching the battle, the perverted Ning Feng in their eyes even directly fought back!
Being beaten is not Ning Feng's hobby, he prefers to crush others!

And also better at knocking down enemies with combination punches!
Ning Feng is about to implement this concept to the end!

"Don't you want to compare whose fists are harder! Let's compare!" Ning Feng completely turned into a violent madman at this time, and he attacked the glacier snow ape punch after punch.

The hit glacier snow ape had almost no room to fight back, so the leader of the strongest glacier snow ape retreated steadily under Ning Feng's attack under everyone's gaze!

(End of this chapter)

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