Chapter 188 The Fat Flagship

The soldiers of the White Bear Clan surrendered very thoroughly.

Especially when Ning Feng promised to hand them over to the Great Prophet Caliph of the White Bear Clan.

The prairie at the foot of Gaso Mountain is the yearned-for place of the white bear warriors who have suffered from war.

Ning Feng stood in front of the bridge.

This B-rank battleship was severely damaged by him just now.

But that's totally fine.

Isn't it just a little hurt?As long as it doesn't directly explode in the air, he thinks that with his kindness, the yordles will send an engineer over, and it's only a matter of time before it's repaired.

Maybe it can be sold for free.

What would Ning Feng think when he held a B-rank warship in his hand?
Naturally, it was the second ship.

Looking at the B-rank battleship that was obviously stronger than his own.

It must be reasonable to be chosen as the flagship by Madrid, at least it looks relatively new.

"You guys drive the warships to Tianlu City! I'll go back as soon as I go!"

Ning Feng took out Duan Xiaoxi in his hand and opened the restriction on Tianlu Mountain.

To be honest, he still had some trust in the white bear warriors on the ship, but Tianlushan's restriction naturally became a very good battleship prison.

No one would have thought that Duan Xiaoxi in Ning Feng's hands was the key to Tianlu Mountain's restriction.

That man still left him a lot of good things.

At the very least, Duan Xiaoxi can be used not only as a weapon, but also as a key.

"What is that, why is the spaceship coming towards us!"

Everyone on Tianlu Mountain saw the movement of the Germination (let's call it the Germination for now!).

"Isn't he afraid of the restriction of Tianlu Mountain?"

"Is this suicide?"


When the Germination approached Tianlu Mountain, the expected ship crash did not happen.

"Ah! Here he comes!"

Someone in the crowd let out a terrified sound.

Fear is natural in the face of the most powerful weapon of our time.

No one will be afraid of this terrifying weapon.

Even if you have seen Huo Zheng and Huo Wutong on Tianma.

When the Germination hovered above their heads, a kind of depression sprouted from the depths of their hearts.

"This, is this a B-rank battleship captured?"

Huo Zheng looked at the Germina in the air in astonishment, until Ning Feng got out of the Germina and went straight to the flagship of the Third Army.

Huo Wutong quickly woke up from the shock, and murmured, "If he is still in Huo's house."

"What kind of existence has our Huo family lost!"

Ning Feng got out of the Germination and went straight to the flagship of the Third Army.

Now the flagship of the Third Legion is placed in front of Ning Feng like a piece of fat.

Go in through the gap made by Lu Mingsheng.

Ning Feng couldn't help but spit out a few words.

"What a prodigal son, the damage is so severe!"

In the flagship, the battle between Lu Mingsheng, Madrid and more than a dozen Tian-rank white bears caused a mess inside the flagship.

If it wasn't for the fact that the flagship has the latest control system and the interior has been strengthened, it must have fallen by now.

"Hey, can you go out and fight!" Ning Feng shouted loudly.

He was really heartbroken.

When Lu Mingsheng heard Ning Feng's cry, he felt a slander in his heart.

"You still want to capture this ship?"

Lu Mingsheng himself felt heartbroken, as there was not a single warship left in his family.

"No, I want this battleship too!"

"Let's go out and fight!"

Lu Mingsheng shouted loudly and flew out.

Only Madrid and others spurted a mouthful of old blood far away.

"I'm not dead yet, you're planning on my battleship!"

The rest of the White Bear warriors were also furious.

"If the tiger doesn't show its power, you will treat me as a dead bear!"

Madrid rushed out of the battleship with more than ten Tian-rank White Bear warriors.

In the sky, Lu Mingsheng's pitch-black sky-level weapons and Ning Feng's silver-gray sky-level weapons are particularly eye-catching.

"One, two, three, six, nine!"

"Give these words to me, and leave the rest to you!"

Lu Mingsheng accidentally coughed a few times, "You are too slow!"

"Blame me, you were planning to kill me just now!"

Ning Feng never thought that Lu Mingsheng would have so many words. This opponent seems to be not bad?

He heard Lu Mingsheng's cough, and after several rounds of fighting, Lu Mingsheng was also slightly injured.

After all, Madrid and more than a dozen Tian-rank white bear warriors are not vegetarians either.

"bring it on!"

"People can go, battleships stay!"

Ning Feng took out Duan Xiaoxi and pointed.

The sharp blade made Madrid and the others feel a burst of emotion.


"This is to die for!"

"Come on, we don't have the face to go back today!"

Madrid gritted its teeth.

The annihilation of the Third Legion meant that his status in the White Bear Clan plummeted.

When he went back, what awaited him was endless humiliation and marginalization.

Maybe there will be a third legion in the White Bear Clan in the future, but he will definitely not be the leader of the legion.

"Burn it! Polar Bear Clan!"

Under Madrid's shouting, the white coat color that was originally the symbol of the white bear clan turned blood red.

"No, it's berserk!"

Lu Mingsheng looked at Madrid in shock.

Ning Feng also muttered to himself, he did not guess that Madrid and the others actually had such weapons.

The Polar Bears have a trick to burn their own blood to make them go into a state of rage.

Burning blood means burning life, Madrid and others have already put life and death aside.

"Everything is for glory!"

Madrid and others yelled.

Originally, they didn't intend to do this, but Ning Feng's behavior put another foot on their already miserable faces.

A man who wanted to capture their venerable warship.

They wanted to say that the White Bears would never surrender.

But, is it true that the White Bear Clan will never surrender?
"The caliph asked me to kill Markov!"

"Respect the warriors of the Caliph, don't hide anymore, follow the will of the Caliph!"

Ning Feng pretended to be a magic stick, and said something in a pretentious manner.

Madrid dismissed it, this man actually wants to provoke internal conflicts in our white bear clan?

"Don't he know that the Third Army is absolutely obedient to the leader Mahad."

"Just, what the hell are those three soldiers who came out?"

"Why did they cancel Life Burning!"

"They turned out to be twenty-five boys!"

"Really? Is it really what the Caliph meant?"

The three Tian-level white bears canceled their life burning, walked out of the queue and came to Ning Feng.

"Are you sent by the Caliph?"

"We did not take orders from the Caliph!"

Ning Feng: "."

"I'm just trying to provoke your relationship!"

Ning Feng remembered that in the story line of the original hopeless situation, in the face of Mahad's aggressiveness, the caliph once directed a large-scale instigation of rebellion.

It's just that the instigation failed, and the caliphate completely stepped off the historical stage of the White Bear Clan. Since then, the White Bear Clan has been on the road to death under the leadership of Mahad.

Until it hit a human chariot.

"No wonder you guys fail!"

"This underground activity is too bad!"

Madrid spit out a mouthful of old blood again.

(End of this chapter)

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