The desperate situation begins with the villain BOSS

Chapter 175 Kill the Chicken and Respect the Monkey

Chapter 175 Kill the Chicken and Respect the Monkey

"What? Leave the expeditionary force." Huo Wutong was naturally very shocked when he heard the news of Huo Zheng.

Huo Zheng naturally expected Huo Wutong's reaction.

He looked at Ning Feng.

Huo Wutong also looked at Ning Feng.

Ning Feng nodded.

"Get ready, but we're not going to be the first!"

Huo Zheng thought for a while and nodded.

Ning Feng shook his head.

Huo Wutong herself still doesn't know, but now she has become very dependent on the Lu family.

Like many small families, it is naturally the choice of the weak to attach themselves to the strong.

Without the heart of a strong man, without having muscles, he is still a weak man, and Huo Wutong is still a bit weaker in this regard.

If you want to wear the crown, you must first bear its weight. If you don't bear it, how can you support the world.

Huowutong still has a long way to go in the future.

Who said that you have to go up to or down from four companies to afford the expeditionary force!
Ning Feng thought about it, calculated the time, and it was almost here soon.

Madrid, the commander of the Third Army of the Polar Bear Clan.

Madrid, which is a hundred miles away from Tianlu City, was on a warship. This time, he did not transfer a B-class warship. Originally, his third legion stuffed all the logistics supplies into the spaceship.

Under the order of the big leader Mahad, he had no choice but to unload the supplies, park the B-class warships in the fleet in place, and only bring his guards, which are directly under his power.

With the Guards and more than a dozen C-class warships, Madrid thinks these are enough.

The humans near Tianlu Mountain are equivalent to the strength of half a legion. Madrid believes that the cowardly humans, this guard group in their hands is enough to defeat them.

"Humans, wait for me!" In the flagship, Madrid looked angrily in the direction of Tianlu Mountain.Markov's body was sent to the gate of the barracks. This is not a provocation!
So a powerful Polar Bear fleet pointed directly at Tianlu Mountain.

The scouts of the Lu family have been patrolling hundreds of miles away from Tianlu Mountain. As soon as the fleet of the White Bear Clan approached, Lu Mingsheng knew of the appearance of the White Bear Clan fleet, but he still didn't understand the intention of the White Bear Clan, and the Yan family left the expedition army and was arrested by the Lu family. Lu Mingsheng was devastated when the hunt was revealed.

The Lu family's reputation suffered a severe blow.

"White bear clan, I will use you to stand up!"

Under the command of Lu Mingsheng, the Lu family's fleet took off one after another, and of course there were those small families who decided to follow the Lu family wholeheartedly.

"What are you?"

This was the first sentence that the Lu family's fleet said when they met the White Bears, but it was indeed under fire from the White Bears' fleet.

"They dare to take off the fleet!"

"Give me a hard beat on them!"

So the fleet of the White Bear clan opened fire directly.

"Fight back, fight back!"

The Lu family lost two warships in one encounter.

The weakened version of the C-class battleship is really not powerful, at least it seems a bit cumbersome when facing the real sky-level powerhouse.

But when the fleet confronted each other, it was immediately obvious that at least the Lu family's fleet was at a disadvantage.

The Polar Bears still have some technology of their own, and on the human side, even though major technology companies emerge in endlessly, the core components of the spaceship cannot be manufactured by humans yet.

Anyway, it's good to be able to buy it.

Who knows how much black-hearted money the yordles have made in the process.

Ning Feng is also paying attention to this battle.

He showed the effect he should have.

Originally, his idea was to make Tianlu Mountain the burial place of Madrid, and then he took the head of Madrid to see the Prophet in exchange for books in the dilapidated library in St. Petersburg.

Human beings cannot do without their own knowledge!

And all this knowledge is in the huge library under the city of Saint Petersburg.

The real revival of mankind lies.

Technology points suitable for humans.

Only in this way can Ning Feng restore the technology tree that humans have been bent by alien races.

"Come on! Let the artillery fire be more intense!" Ning Feng licked his dry lips.

"Go up and fuck them!"

A face-to-face meeting, the fall of two C-class warships, hit Lu Mingsheng with anger.

If it wasn't for the Class B battleship not being at home, how could he let someone almost steal the camp of the Expeditionary Army.

So in addition to the confrontation of battleships, the heavenly powerhouses of both sides began a close combat.

With the joining of the heaven-ranked powerhouses, the C-rank warships of both sides were shot down one by one.

Both Madrid and Lu Mingsheng are a little bit pained.

At this moment, the C-class battleship is expensive, but its characteristics of being impatient to charge are exposed.

They don't know that some profiteers are already enjoying themselves.

"Fight, consume!"

"Finished, come to me to buy a new one!"

If anyone is the happiest in a war, it is only the evil arms dealer.

"Fire, fire!"

"Fire me!"

When many heavenly ranks from the Lu family joined the battle group, Madrid was a bit overwhelmed.

"Damn it, call me all the Third Army Corps stationed here!"

In anger, Madrid ordered the transfer of the Third Army to the herald.

"But, the great leader!"

"If you want you to go, don't, don't talk so much nonsense!"

In anger, Madrid watched with distress as his guards were wiped out one by one by Lu's heavenly masters.

"Made, you still underestimate them!"

"Give me the opponent's commander!"

Seeing the opponent's warships decreasing one by one, Lu Mingsheng was naturally very proud.

"My lord, the opposing commander sent a communication request!"

Lu Mingsheng was taken aback, "Why, those who come to surrender, please come in!"

Lu Mingsheng's temporary flagship, the Madrid screen is displayed on the center console.

Seeing that the little boy was a human, Madrid was naturally indignant, "I think Markov's mother was secretly executed by him only after hanging out with a little boy!"

Speaking of which, Lu Mingsheng really has the potential of being a bad guy, but he can rely on his face to make a living, but he still speaks with his strength.

"Humans, please order your fleet to cease fire. Is this just a misunderstanding?"

For the sake of looking at its own fleet, Madrid decided to play tricks.


"What kind of misunderstanding? Let your fleet fire first?"

Lu Mingsheng narrowed his eyes and looked at Madrid in the picture.

"What a strong human being!"

Madrid has felt the power of Lu Mingsheng through the whole series of videos, but he is not bad as the leader of the third white bear army.

"Humans, I am no different from a conflict with you. I have only one purpose here, and the other side is to find and kill the humans in my son."

"The human who killed your son, do you have evidence?"

"There are tens of thousands of humans in the big camp behind me. Do you want to search them one by one?"

In Daying, the Li family where Liu Feng's friends lived was not the Li family from the upper four families, but a small family that controlled a small settlement.

In the camp, the conflict between the Lu family and the Baixiong clan was being broadcast live.

Of course, this came from Lu Mingsheng's instruction. After all, he wanted to establish an unshakable majesty in the hands of these families.

Liu Feng was having lunch, and beside him was his friend Li Qi.

The first thing he said when he saw the White Bear Clan fleet was.

"Did the White Bear Clan really come to look for that lord?"

Speaking unintentionally, the listener was interested, Li Qi quickly took a few mouthfuls of food, slipped out of the living cabin without Liu Feng's inadvertence, and walked towards the Lu family's camp.

(End of this chapter)

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