Chapter 169 Master's Bad Taste
Ning Feng raised the knife in his hand and pointed at the alien without hesitation.

The human race should have the courage to fight to the end.

Facing the swarming alien race, Ning Feng tightened his crown, all of this was too real, Ning Feng saw the reflection in the pupil of the nearest alien race.

Unknown fear spread in the depths of my heart.

"Kill, kill, kill!" Ning Feng yelled three times and rushed towards the alien race.

Even if you fight to the last person, you should have the courage to move forward. Ning Feng's knife has not passed the throat of the foreign pioneer.

An afterimage fell into the corpse under his feet and rolled to the side.

"How is it possible!" The alien turned into a strange beast, and finally disappeared in the air.

The world next to him collapsed suddenly, Ning Feng raised his head, but he was still in front of the screen wall.Shagou and Huowutong were looking at him curiously.

"You just touched Zhaobi and you didn't move. What happened?" Huo Wutong looked at Ning Feng.

"It turned out to be a void beast?" Ning Feng murmured.

Ning Feng said: "There is a Void Beast that is good at illusion hidden in the screen wall! This is the kind of creature that shouldn't have appeared in the sky at that time!"

Since this mansion was the owner's residence before his fortune, it stands to reason that the Void Beast should not have appeared in the owner's era, unless the owner returned to Woxianju to arrange it after he ascended the throne.

If this is the case, Ning Feng is going to completely give up the idea of ​​exploring this "Reclining Immortal Residence" to the end. Finding the fire policy is the most important time, and "Reclining Immortal Residence" can be left to explore slowly.

Let's go, let's go to the next yard.

Now Ning Feng can confirm that Huo Zhengding was trapped in these courtyards, and Huo Zheng was trapped in one of the Zhaobi by missing.

If so, Ning Feng only needs to try one by one.

In the third courtyard, Ning Feng stepped forward to touch the screen wall again.

What appeared this time was a sword formation responsible for changing, and Ning Feng recognized it at the first sight of the sword formation.

Three Immortal Sword Formation.

The Three Immortals Sword Array was created by three players who claimed to be the first. As the saying goes, one life is two, two is three, three is all things, and three can evolve endlessly.

Seeing the Three Immortals Sword Formation, Ning Feng smiled. The sword formations of the three players can have countless changes, but the sword formation here is dead, it has rules, and there is only one solution.

Ning Feng walked into the Three Immortal Sword Formation with a smile, then walked out again, and the Three Immortal Sword Formation disappeared.

Ning Feng returned to Zhaobi again.

"Let's go, let's go to the next place!" Ning Feng said and walked towards the fourth courtyard.

In the first three courtyards, Ning Feng has already grasped the rules.

Ning Feng quickly passed the test in the screen wall of the fourth courtyard.

Next, is the fourth, fifth, sixth.
When he knew the No. 15 yard, Ning Feng failed to find any clues to invite Huozheng to be trapped.

"Where will it be?"

It has been several hours since Huo Zheng was trapped, and the longer the time is, the more dangerous Huo Zheng will be.

This Woxianju thousands of years ago may have been designed by the owner only to punish outsiders, but who can guarantee that there will be no accidents in these institutions.

Sixteen, seventeen, eighteen.

Ning Feng didn't find a good solution, so he could only try one by one.


This is the last yard.

Among the 36 yards, Ning Feng made it to the last level one by one.

Standing in front of the No.30 six screen walls, "I should be able to find it now!"

Ning Feng touched the screen wall again.

The mysterious light and shadow appeared, and Ning Feng's consciousness once again entered the world in Zhaobi.

A huge Buddha statue appeared in front of Ning Feng.The Buddha statue sits cross-legged in the lotus pond, pinches Zen fingers, and looks directly at Ning Feng. The first time he sees the Buddha statue, he is shocked and hits the soul. At this moment, a huge pressure is on Ning Feng.

"Pfft!" A mouthful of blood finally touched Ning Feng.

"Zen! Is my concentration tested?" Ning Feng sat down cross-legged, he knew that this pressure could not be avoided, and only a calm heart could resist the erosion of this force.

Ning Feng is not a believer, but he can't help but understand the essence of Zen, or the most superficial thing.

But that's enough!

When the ripples in his heart gradually smoothed out and the ripples disappeared, Ning Feng's heart was as calm as a mirror.

The pressure really disappeared in an instant.

"That's true!" Ning Feng said.

He opened his eyes and looked around. The Buddha statue stood on the top of the cliff surrounded by cliffs. The size of this side was within sight, but Huo Zheng was not there.

"How is it possible, where did Uncle Zheng go!" Ning Feng asked hesitantly.

"Uncle Zheng must be trapped in failure, but I have been succeeding all the way!"

Ning Feng thought for a while, and he came to the edge of the cliff.

He stretched out his legs and jumped down.

"In this way, it should be judged that I have failed!"

Ning Feng thought to himself.

Ning Feng, who jumped off the cliff on his own initiative, felt his eyes go dark.

In the blink of an eye, he appeared in another world.

A cage suspended in the air appeared around Ning Feng.

And the prompt "Challenge failed!" came from my ear.

Ning Feng searched around, and sure enough, there was a seriously injured person curled up in the corner of the cage, whoever it was if it wasn't Huo Zheng.

"Uncle Zheng, Uncle Zheng! Wake up!" Ning Feng yelled twice and found that Huozheng didn't respond, and even his breathing was extremely weak. If it wasn't for Huozheng's heaven-level strength, he might not have survived Ning Feng's arrival.

Ning Feng took out the red potion from his backpack and poured it into Huo Zheng's mouth.

As soon as the player took the red potion, Huo Zheng's state quickly improved.

After ten breaths, Huo Zheng's eyelids struggled slightly.

"Uncle Zheng, Uncle Zheng!" Ning Feng yelled.

Huo Zheng heard Ning Feng's call and opened his eyes.

"You, you are Feng'er!" Huozheng's body was still a little weak, Ning Feng quickly helped Huozheng up, and leaned against the iron railing of the cage.

Ning Feng took out a bottle of drinking water from his backpack and said, "It's me, Uncle Zheng, come and drink some water!"

Huo Zheng took Ning Feng's water and took a small sip. Huo Zheng, who had just walked before the gate of hell, was not suitable for drinking a lot of water.

"Why are you here!" Huo Zheng looked at Ning Feng and asked. "Shouldn't you be in City G?"

"I see. Don't blame the Huo family. Seeing you as a young eagle spreading its wings in City G, I feel very proud to be your uncle!"

Ning Feng scratched his head, "You must know about my stay in City G. As for why I came here, it's a long story!"

Huo Zheng said: "Since you don't want to say it, then don't say it!"

"Now, you come in and I'm the only one, and we're both stuck here!"

Ning Feng looked around, and there were bright iron railings in the empty cell, and there was only a single chessboard in the middle of the cage.

Ning Feng thought to himself, "It seems that the hope of going out here is all based on this expectation."

Glancing roughly at the chessboard, Ning Feng said with a smile: "It might be!"

(End of this chapter)

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