Chapter 158

In the wilderness of Tianyu, a fat silly dog ​​was running vigorously. The silly dog ​​who usually looks stupid turned out to be so heroic after running, but he was a little fat and his hair was already fluffy.

Ning Feng rode on the back of the silly dog, Xiaolong wrapped his body tightly around Ning Feng's left arm, and the group of people galloped quickly into the wilderness, looking for a place free from human habitation and alien beasts.

At this time, thunder surged between the sky and the earth, as if a terrifying giant beast that could tear apart any object was roaring towards the earth.

In the wilderness of Tianyu, there are also some relics left over from the previous era. Many of these relics have not been touched by the five major clans, such as the Tongtian Tower, such as the Shadow Swamp.

A team of land reclamators just came out of a relic. Their luck was very bad. They spent a lot of money to buy tools to dig up a relic that was patronized. First, their patrons entered from another entrance. The entrance was very secret and they didn't discover it in advance. After entering the ruins, they found that it had been taken by someone more than ten years earlier, but they still took a lot of things to make up for the loss.Of course, the things that are not particularly valuable are all broken copper and iron.

Ning Feng sat on the back of the silly dog ​​and ran wildly, and the silly dog ​​ran away.

"What was that just now?" Ning Feng was noticed by a human land reclamation man just after he passed by the land reclamation man.

Another human pioneer went on to say, "It looks like a strange beast, everyone be alert!"

Hilton in the team laughed, "Aren't human beings stupid? This is a strange beast from Tianyu!"

After speaking, everyone laughed, only the two human pioneers in the team were more embarrassed.

Ning Feng let the silly dog ​​run around in the wilderness, and finally found a place surrounded by tall trees or cliffs and sat down. At this moment, no one would disturb Ning Feng's progress.

Ning Feng clicked on the advanced task.

【Advanced Mission of Battle Master - Yodel's Rubik's Cube】

The Yordle family owns a legendary item, the Yordle Rubik's Cube, the great secret of this world is preserved in the Yordle Rubik's Cube, let's unlock it!

Reward for completing the task: [Ascension to Heaven Rank].

Mission completion: 100%.

Directly choose to complete, the energy on Ning Feng's body seemed to release the shackles, rushing out, and the color of the world changed suddenly.

An aurora rose from Ning Feng's body and went straight into the sky. The stones around Ning Feng began to buzz and the branches and leaves of the big trees began to rustle.

At the moment when Ning Feng was promoted, it seemed as if the heaven and the earth were forbidden, and the boulders, branches, and even uncles within tens of meters were uprooted and suspended in mid-air. Can be defended.

Ning Feng did not have such strength before. Although he could control objects with his mind, they were not durable. Only weapons forged with rare metals such as Lanpin Meteor could reduce their consumption.Now the consumption of manipulating anything on Ning Feng has become extremely small.

The experience accumulated in the second God Drive these days made Ning Feng upgrade crazily.

In one breath, Ning Feng's experience has directly reached level [-]. If the experience value consumption caused by each level is not too terrifying, Ning Feng will definitely be able to reach the peak of the heavenly level now.

But even so, Ning Feng, a mid-level celestial rank, can defeat ordinary peak celestial ranks with the strength of the fighting master profession.

"Huh!" Ning Feng exhaled a long breath, now is the time to choose the attribute, [Fire] [Water] [Wind] [Soil] [Wood] [Thunder] [Light] [Darkness].Ning Feng already has the first attribute of fire. He likes to hold thunder, but he finds that it is not suitable for a fighting master to hold thunder. Anyway, Ning Feng thought that the third god drive can also choose thunder, so the first The two gods driving Ning Feng decisively chose [Water], the acme of water is ice, and only an ice-attribute fighter can exert its greatest strength.

After selecting the element attributes, the water element began to flow in Ning Feng's body, transforming Ning Feng's body, but there was already fire there, and the original owner was not very polite to the newcomer, but the first god exorcist was taken However, Seal still held his dog firmly and did not let Huo crawl around.

Otherwise, there will be an incompatibility at that time, and Ning Feng will not know how he died.

Without the interference of the fire, the water element began to thoroughly cleanse Ning Feng's body, allowing Ning Feng's body to adapt to the power of the water element, of course including the second divine drive, the second divine drive is the soul, and each soul can only hold one This is the second element that Ning Feng obtained.

Time has passed for a long time, and the entry of elements into the body is a slow and gradual process. This process is also extremely dangerous. If it succeeds, it will be fine. If it fails, it will naturally end up in ashes.

The water element and the fire element are supposed to be much gentler, and water represents the soft side.Ning Feng quietly waited for the end of this process.

Finally Ning Feng woke up, at this moment Ning Feng was truly a Heaven Rank Imperial Fighter.

Looking at the ice crystals condensed in his hands, Ning Feng had a thought, and the ice crystals flew out like flying arrows, instantly piercing through a row of big trees in front of Ning Feng. Coupled with the use of spirit, Ning Feng has now become a different kind of ice mage.

Think about it, one Frostbolt may not be enough, if it is a thousand, ten thousand.

As Yu Doushi said, firing ten thousand arrows together is more terrifying than flying knives with thoughts.

Ning Feng stood down, the silly dog ​​had already fallen asleep in the wind in the distance, Xiaolong was conscientiously guarding Ning Feng's side, and was still in peace.

Seeing Ning Feng getting up, the silly dog ​​immediately got up and walked to Ning Feng and lay down. Hearing the growling sound in the silly dog's stomach, it turned out that he was hungry.

Ning Feng had no choice but to take out a large pile of dried meat from his backpack and put it in front of Shagou.Xiaolong drew the attention of Qingyunmu in Ning Feng's package, but Ning Feng endured the pain and bought a lot of Qingyunmu for Xiaolong as rations.

Ning Feng himself also took the initiative, using local materials, and started to cook instant noodles, which tasted like chicken stewed with mushrooms.

Sometimes Ning Feng thinks that he is eating instant noodles that cost tens of dollars a bag, while Shagou is eating dried meat that costs hundreds of dollars a catty, and what is even more terrifying is Xiaolong, a piece of Qingyun wood can cost more than [-] yuan.Fortunately, Xialong has a small stomach now, and one meal can last half a month.

After eating, Ning Feng was about to clean up the mess, but at this time a human being covered in blood rushed out of the woods.

Of course, when this person saw Ning Feng, he immediately became overjoyed.

"I finally found you, I finally found you, my lord, save me, save me!"

After speaking, the human passed out.

Ning Feng narrowed his eyes. The strength of this human being was around the top-rank of the earth-level. Very few earth-level humans appeared in the wilderness. There was only one possibility, and that was that he was just here to "digging for gold".

Immediately afterwards, "chasing soldiers" made Ning Feng more sure of his judgment.

(End of this chapter)

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