The desperate situation begins with the villain BOSS

Chapter 128 Family World, Family World

Chapter 128 Family World, Family World
"Is the price of 100 million a bit expensive?" Ning Feng looked at the shopping guide in surprise.

To be able to open such a large Jubaozhai in the big market of the mall, the power behind it is at least one of the seven major families in the mall, and even more so, there are seven families standing behind Jubaozhai.

The ones who can be the shopping guides in this Jubaozhai are either super-looking beauties or men with exquisite facial features. It just so happens that Ning Feng's shopping guide is a man, and Ning Feng is a little jealous of his beauty.

The shopping guide was afraid that Ning Feng would misunderstand, "My lord, this thing is indeed consigned by someone else in Jubaozhai."

"The same goes for the consignment price, and this is already a situation where we don't charge any other fees!"

Ning Feng asked after hearing the question: "Then you still do such a loss-making business!"

The shopping guide smiled and pointed to the ceiling and said, "It doesn't matter if we say it!"

"Can't it be cheaper?" Ning Feng asked again.

The shopping guide shook his head.

"Okay!" Ning Feng was about to pay, and after that, it was only 100 million. Buying such a mediocre thing felt like a loss!
But this is the first gift for Wu Xianyi.

"take this"

"Yo, this thing is good, I bought it, how much!"

No need to look, Ning Feng knew who this person was, who could come out at this time, except for that disgusting rabbit!

"Death!" Ning Feng thought to himself, some people can only be quieted by death.

"My lord, this lord came first." The shopping guide was also very embarrassed. He had only heard of such a bloody thing, but he had never encountered it, but he encountered it today.

"Take him out! I'll pay the money!" Ning Feng said lightly.

Xue Wuli hurriedly said, "I'll offer 200 million!"

The shopping guide smiled and said, "I'm sorry, but this lord came early, so this thing can only belong to this lord!"

Xue Wuli continued: "Don't worry, I am friends with your Wang Dong!"

"Director Wang?" The shopping guide naturally knew that there was a Director Wang in Jubaozhai's board of directors, who was a disciple of the Wang family among the seven great masters!

But, what can Dong Wang do!
"Even if Director Wang is here, it won't work! Jubaozhai has Jubaozhai's rules!" The shopping guide ruthlessly rejected Xue Wuli's threat.

Xue Wuli was in a hurry: "Are you sure, don't listen to your Wang Dong's opinion, your Wang Dong listened to me, but you are on the way!"

The shopping guide replied: "Wang Dong can't change the rules of this Jubaozhai even if he comes!"

Ning Feng really wants to know what kind of drama Xue Wuli wants to perform!
"Why don't you just wait, I'm curious if this Director Wang can let me hand over what I have in my hands!"

The shopping guide became anxious when he heard Ning Feng's words. He said to Ning Feng in a low voice: "My lord, let's make the deal first. Let's go quickly. We, Mr. Wang, are not easy to talk to!"

"Could it be that I'm easy to talk to?" Ning Feng said silently.

"My lord?" The shopping guide looked at Ning Feng anxiously.

Ning Feng said: "Give me the things first!"

The shopping guide responded and went to pick up the things.

When Xue Wuli saw that the shopping guide ignored his words, he immediately became angry: "How dare you, wait for your Wang Dong to come, what do you say!"

Ning Feng blocked Xue Wuli at the right time, "How should I say it, of course it's up to me!" Ning Feng naturally knew that he had to resist this matter, otherwise the unlucky one would be the shopping guide, although in terms of appearance, , he is a little bit jealous, but such a matter of life or death needs to be cautious.Anyway, he is not afraid of the so-called Wang Dong, he will just kill him when he comes.

"You!" Xue Wuli naturally didn't dare to talk to Ning Feng, all he did now was to annoy Ning Feng, please Xue Chengshuang must hide in the distance.

Naturally, Ning Feng would not follow Xue Wuli's routine. He is very angry now. He is not just a disciple of the little Wang family, but of course there is also a fool. This fool, Ning Feng has already decided that he will not survive tonight.

After a while, the shopping guide fetched the white flute, and the flute fell into Ning Feng's hands, feeling a bit cool, but it didn't have any attributes like before.

There is no response when the insight technique is thrown.Jubaozhai's evaluation of this flute is just an ordinary flute.

After paying the money, Ning Feng gave the flute to Wu Xianyi.

After getting the flute, Wu Xianyi happily said to Ning Feng: "Thank you brother!"

Ning Feng smiled and touched Wu Xianyi's head: "You're welcome, it's rare to give you a gift!"

Huo Zi wanted to take out the Fire Cloud Flag to intimidate Xue Wuli just now, but Ning Feng stopped her.

Ning Feng wanted to watch Xue Wuli perform abnormally for him today.

This is a free game.

The Wang Dong that Xue Wuli mentioned arrived soon.

As soon as Director Wang came up, he pointed to the shopping guide's nose and said, "What do you mean, Mr. Xue is your best friend, and you refused to give him what he asked for?" Come on.

Naturally, Ning Fen couldn't tolerate someone being so arrogant in front of him, "Wait a minute, you hit someone when you come up, you don't seem to respect me as a guest! Is this how Jubaozhai treats guests?"

Director Wang's plump hand was tightly grasped by Ning Feng, and even Ning Feng slightly exerted force, and there was a creaking sound from Director Wang's hand.

"Director Wang, didn't you say that the first customer always comes first?" The male shopping guide seemed to be frightened. Although Director Wang didn't hit him in the face, the shopping guide still covered his face reflexively.

"Who are you, let me go!" Director Wang tried hard to break free but found that Ning Feng's hands were like two huge iron clamps holding him.

"Let go, let me go!" Director Wang shouted with all his might, "You guys don't come to help!"

Director Wang was followed by four guards, who came directly towards Ning Feng when they saw Director Wang's shout.

"Let go of our Young Master Wang!"

Ning Feng took a look, and the four guards were all of human rank, which was not enough for Ning Feng.

"Open up, otherwise we will be impolite!" The four guards came up and wanted to rescue Director Wang, but Ning Feng kicked the four of them flying.

The four fell to the ground.

"Boy, do you know who you've offended? I'm from the Wang family. Do you know which family the city lord is from? It's my Wang family. If I don't like it, the guards of the city lord's mansion are on call!"

Director Wang seems to have not figured out the situation, maybe Xue Wuli didn't explain today's situation clearly to him.

However, Ning Feng will definitely not come to explain this matter.

Faced with such a person, Ning Feng usually doesn't bother to do anything, but today's show is over, so let's end it!

The plot is too old-fashioned, and Ning Feng no longer intends to watch it anymore.

The Heavenly Claw Blade appeared in Ning Feng's hand.

As an outsider in this world, Ning Feng can only lament that human beings are indeed forgetful. The long peace has made these people forget the epics and glory of their parents, and become bastards who eat and drink on the glory of their parents .This is also why there are always so many dudes or idiots in the history of Zhuxia.

Home world, home world, it really needs troubled times to shuffle the cards on the table.

(End of this chapter)

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