Chapter 123 Frost Jade Rabbit
Xue Wuli came out of the shower, the hot water dissipated his panic, and saw the tall crew member on the sofa.

He suddenly became excited.

"Beauty, why are you here!" Xue Wuli threw the towel on his head, picked up the crew member and threw it on the bed, and hurriedly took out the towel.

"Honey, slow down! Slow down!" The tall sailor took out the sponge on his chest.

Ning Feng would not have imagined that in the suite next door to him, a male rabbit's feet were flapping, the female rabbit's eyes were blurred; two rabbits were walking side by side.

Ning Feng took a good soak in a hot bath, a two-person bathtub should not be wasted, but Ning Feng fell asleep like this while soaking in it.Wait until the silly dog ​​licks his face frantically.It was only then that the silly dog ​​ran out of the pet box in another dimension. At this time, the silly dog ​​was licking Ning Feng's face affectionately, making Ning Feng's face wet.

Ning Feng quickly stopped the silly dog: "Okay, okay, stop licking, stop licking!" Pushing the silly dog ​​away, Ning Feng quickly ran out of the bathtub, otherwise the silly dog ​​would definitely want to jump in and wash. take a bath!

Looking at the energetic silly dog, Ning Feng was also very happy, and trampled Lu Shangwu to death at the critical moment, otherwise Ning Feng really didn't know what to do.

"It seems that you have been promoted successfully?" Ning Feng put on his clothes and put his arms around Shagou's head, using his consciousness to perceive Shagou, and found that Shagou has not changed much, and is still in the previous state.At first Ning Feng thought that he was being stupid in the bathtub, but after working hard for a long time, he found that it was not his problem, but that the silly dog ​​was a little special.

Ning Feng patted Silly Dog's head: "What the hell are you? You were able to step on the heavenly steps to death with one foot. At that time, judging from Lu's aura, I'm afraid you were already a master!"

Facing Ning Feng's questioning, Shagou didn't respond, just looked at Ning Feng foolishly, and stuck his tongue out.

Ning Feng was speechless, "Okay, I don't know if you really don't understand, or if you don't understand! You must be hungry!" Ning Feng took out a lot of jerky from his backpack, which he had saved for dinner at that time. The silly dog's rations are all made of the flesh and blood of some earth-level alien animals. Humans may find this meat a little hard to swallow, but the silly dog ​​is not picky about food.

Seeing that Ning Feng took out the jerky piled up like a hill, Shagou buried its big head in the mountain of meat and ate it. After a while, the jerky was eaten up by Shagou.

After eating, the silly dog ​​continued to look at Ning Feng, as if to say: "Xiao Fengzi, there's not enough meat, give me some more!"

Ning Feng had no choice but to take out piles of dried meat from his backpack again. Fortunately, he had a lot of reserves.Otherwise, Ning Feng would be poored by a silly dog.

Faced with a pile of meat mountains of the same size, Sha Gou quickly wiped them all out. Fortunately, Sha Gou was finally full this time.

After eating enough, it is natural to rest. The silly dog ​​like a hill, Ning Feng was afraid that he would crush the bed, but he was still clinging to him, so Ning Feng also had to sit on the ground ↑ with the silly dog. Fortunately, the fluffy hair Still relatively soft.It's comfortable to lie on
Wu Xianyi and Huo Zi also heard the commotion in Ning Feng's room, and when they walked out the door, Huo Zi finally saw the silly dog ​​in action. Before Ning Feng let the silly dog ​​out to let the wind out, the silly dog ​​was always lying down.

Seeing the lively silly dog, Huo Zi was much happier.

"Brother Feng, is this the dog that has been sleeping all the time?" After waking up, the silly dog ​​has black and white hair full of charm and is much bigger than before.

Ning Feng nodded. Looking carefully now, although Shagou's breath has not changed, the hair on his body has undergone great changes. Is this the evolution of Shagou?

Suddenly, Ning Feng's pet box of another dimension radiated a lot of frost power.

"It's a female rabbit!"

"The female rabbit is about to advance!" Ning Feng quickly released the female rabbit from the different-dimensional box. As a creature of this world, the female rabbit cannot complete the advanced stage in the pet different-dimensional box.

Following the mother rabbit were six cubs, who were looking at their mother with admiration and admiration.After the female rabbit was released, the power of frost on her body began to spread in the room, and the cold began to descend.

"Ah! Why did it suddenly become cold!"

"Did the temperature start too low!"

"That's not right! I clearly drove at 26 degrees!"

"Quick, come out!"

"Ah! No, it's frozen, it's frozen!"

There was a sound of panic from the next room, and Ning Feng realized that there was actually an acquaintance living next door, and they were still doing some useful things.

It's so cold, Wu Xianyi and Huo Zi rubbed their hands vigorously and stomped their feet. "Brother Feng, it's so cold!" Huo Zi's hands and ears were already purple from the cold, Wu Xianyi's resistance was a little stronger, but she was still too cold.

Only then did Ning Feng realize the problem, "No! The female rabbit cannot be advanced in the spaceship." Ning Feng then grabbed the female rabbit and flew out of the spaceship.Although he is not a heavenly rank at this time, but the Royal Fighter's inborn imperial flight makes his speed not bad at all.

The mother rabbit was held by Ning Feng, and the six little rabbits seemed to know Ning Feng's plan. Ning Feng threw them to Sha Gou and the two little girls. Anyway, Sha Gou was there, so he was very relieved.

After a few breaths, Ning Feng came outside the spaceship, just as the spaceship forced its way out and wiped out an area the size of several football fields on the wilderness.

"who is it!"

"Why is it so cold!" After finally pulling it out, Xue Wuli and the two of them opened the door and were about to go out, but they saw the afterimage of Ning Feng.

"Who is that person, so fast, he flew over!" The rabbit clings to Xue Wuli's body.

"Go! Let's go and have a look!" Xue Wuli chased towards Ning Feng.

Finally, the female rabbit began to evolve, and the power of frost continued to emerge from her body!With the mother rabbit as the center, the ground near her was frozen.

Immediately a huge rabbit shadow appeared in the sky, but above the rabbit shadow, there seemed to be an invisible barrier that blocked the rabbit shadow's roar. The rabbit shadow struggled and trembled vigorously, but the invisible barrier remained motionless.

Ning Feng clenched his fists tightly. He looked at the shadow of the rabbit in the sky. Frost had covered his body from the waist down. At this moment, he could only worry about the female rabbit, but he had no other choice. Tightness just increases the chances of the female rabbit being promoted.

The road of evolution has never been easy, even the legendary beast god needs chance.

Seemingly feeling Ning Feng's worry, Tuying did not give up.

In this level, if the rabbit shadow breaks through the barrier, the female rabbit will be a heaven-ranked ice moon rabbit from now on.

"What is this?" Xue Wuli followed Ning Feng to the outside of the spaceship. At this time, the big movement of the mother rabbit naturally attracted the people in the spaceship, including the small captain of the city's main guard in the mall, Xie Yi, Xue Chengshuang, and the yordle blacksmith who was sneaking around. .

 PS upload tonight, edit tomorrow morning

(End of this chapter)

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