Chapter 63

Liu Mu and the others have already arranged for these people, basically there will be no accidents, and they are not afraid of any accidents. They still understand this result very well.

Of course there are problems with these things now. If I had made these words so clear from the beginning, it would not be as embarrassing as it is now. They should know better than themselves what kind of situation this is, so there is no need to tell them here Such nonsense.

They have now reached the most important time of the night, to have a good rest, instead of talking nonsense here, the situation is different now from before.

We also know that the current situation is very dangerous, but Liu Bang's people have not come yet. Although his ordinary people have some influence, they will not kill them all. They should be very clear about this situation.

That's what they said, but such a result is not as easy as they thought. In the future, there will be some situations where they can make it clear that they will not be as embarrassed as they are now. Of course, this situation is not within the scope of their consideration.

Liu Mu asked them to take turns on duty at night.

Although the frequency of such things will increase, as long as the enemy comes to attack, they can react quickly and will not cause them heavy losses, but it is the same as the first thing .

If they had said so much here at the beginning, they wouldn’t be as embarrassed as they are now. These things have already caused losses that cannot be lost later. They don’t need to say this anymore. After all, all these things have a very big impact now. They don't need to worry about other people's feelings anymore.

All this has been arranged long ago. If anyone dares to come to trouble them, there will only be a dead end. This matter has been clearly explained to them, so there is no need to question it here. Such a result is still in their hearts. very clear.

Maybe I have made these words clear from the beginning, and I won’t be as embarrassed as I am now. I also understand these circumstances very well. What else can they say? The impact on myself is too great. And so on.

But there is another very important issue, and that is seeing what they think.

When they arrived at night, the group of people was still very quiet. No one thought about what was going on now, and felt that these things were very simple, but they always quietly felt that there was some danger. I don't know why they This kind of thinking is getting stronger and stronger, and I don't know how to fight the epidemic, but now they don't have to talk so much nonsense like this.

As long as someone dares to attack them, it can only be said that they are impatient to live. This matter cannot be continued like before. There are some situations where they can understand these things, and there is no need to deny them like this.

Now the entire palace is relatively safe.

However, it was not as simple as they thought in the barracks, and they had been galloping on the battlefield for so long, and they had never encountered a firm man like them.

They don't know what to say now. Although there are many dangers in this place, they still have to find ways to change it.

There are many problems in this environment, so they don't need to continue talking to them like this, just like the situation just now is the same.

Lu Bu and the others have arranged for people to rest, but now they already know what's going on.

But now they don't know what to say. Even if they know that this place is dangerous, how can they do it? Of course, this situation has other requirements.

But what happened next had a great impact on him. If they had been in this environment from the beginning and he had told them, they wouldn't be as embarrassed and passive as they are now.

"But how should I explain it to him now?"

Now they are all waiting here. In fact, each other is very clear about this situation. If we still talk to them here, it will be of no use.

Now this environment is very familiar, and they will not be easily attacked by others this time.

I already knew this result from the beginning, so there was no way to talk to him about it, even if there was such a situation, they couldn't do it.

The current problems have become more and more serious. Only after they have resolved these matters can they solve the development in such a stable way as they are today.

That's because they already know what's going on, and there's no way to talk to them like this. These things are still very well understood.

But the environment at the beginning was completely different from the current environment. Even if they knew about this matter, they couldn't talk to them so much here.

"Maybe you have already understood these things from the beginning, we don't need to say this anymore, even if the previous situations are the same, do you understand?"

Of course they can't understand these things, but after staying here for such a long time, how should they solve them?
"We know what's going on now, but this development is very critical to us now. If Liu Bang leads an army to attack us, we will have no way to guard against it."

Liu Bang's people are very despicable. I have already experienced it just now, so there is no need to continue to say these words to him. As long as someone comes to cause trouble, they must be solved.

It is precisely because of such an environment that they have no way to solve it, so it has caused such a big impact on him.

These lovers are simply too despicable. Even if they know these things and can't mess around here, what's the point of doing so?

"I didn't think about some things like before, and it's precisely because we all understand that we can't continue to stay like this."

He had thought so much, but this group of people didn't take their own words to heart. The most important thing for them was to defend, not to attack here. Now that their strength is a little weak, it's not the time to fight.

"I don't think we need to fight now, but I don't think so. I think these situations are different, and we can defeat them."

It's simply too naive, does he really not know what he is doing here, or does he not know how much he weighs?

They all understand this kind of thing, let alone talk to them here, don't worry about it anymore.

(End of this chapter)

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