Three Kingdoms: I choose the anti-thief camp at the beginning

Chapter 34 The princes came to help - General Changsheng, Zhao Zilong

Chapter 34 The princes came to help - General Changsheng, Zhao Zilong

"Forget it, if that's the case, then I'll let you know that today, I'm the current emperor! Earlier, Han Sui joined forces with the three counties to create a rebellion and tried to kill me with a trap, but he was already beheaded on the spot. How about it? What hope do you have now?"

As he spoke, there was still some disdain in Liu Mu's voice.

"This... This is impossible? Absolutely impossible, how could you lose?"


The eldest lady obviously felt a little insane.

After all, no matter how you think about it, you still can’t figure out why your husband lost?
To know,
In this rebellion, the troops of the three counties were assembled, a total of 15 troops.

And with so many soldiers and horses, even if they couldn't kill His Majesty, at most they would be fighting head-on. How could they lose so quickly?And still die?
The eldest lady's face was a little shocked, obviously she couldn't believe it.


Not in the mood, continue to talk nonsense with her.

With a wave of his hand, the army behind him rushed forward continuously.

The eight lieutenants of Xiyuan began to slaughter, and with that, the steel swords continued to fall.There were screams everywhere in the entire mansion, and all the Han family members were brutally slaughtered.

At this moment, they are all hopeless.

After all, Han Sui might have been the last hope in their hearts before.

But now.

After hearing that his only supporter was killed.

Everyone was in complete despair and could only beg for mercy in front of the butcher's knife, praying to survive.


Facing their pleading voices, Liu Mu showed no intention of softening his heart.

After all, as the saying goes, cut grass and roots!

Otherwise, there will be endless disasters in the future.

Therefore, it is absolutely impossible to keep alive, and this is also a warning to everyone in Xiliang. After all, if there is no warning, there will be even bigger troubles in the future.

And half an hour later,

The entire prefect's mansion was slaughtered up and down.

Looking at the corpses on the ground and the blood that gathered into the sea, Liu Mu's eyes showed no mercy at all. Instead, he had a cold look from beginning to end, and he said:

"Dispose of the bodies of these people. In addition, confiscate all the property of the Han family."

"Yes! Your Majesty!"

The soldiers were, and they started to act one after another.

And this day,
It was destined to be a day when the entire Xiliang would be filled with endless killings.


After Liu Mu led his army, he suppressed the Han family and a lot of powerful families in Jincheng County.

But Lu Bu also led the army and came to the territory of the Yu family.

As for the members of the Yu family, after seeing the arrival of the large-scale army, they originally wanted to resist, but after Lu Bu killed dozens of people directly, the remaining people naturally did not dare to take any action up,

Lu Bu entered the Yu family's mansion smoothly.


All the direct bloodlines of the Yu family were slaughtered.As for the maids, servants, etc., they were taken into custody first and then waited for His Majesty's personal intervention.

Of course, as for the Yu family's property, all of it would be confiscated.These people had been scrounging for many years and could be said to have saved a lot of money. In the end, they all benefited from Liu Mu.

But this money is also very important to Liu Mu.

After all, since the Yellow Turban Rebellion.

The treasury of the Han Empire has been empty for a long time. Taxes and taxes from various places cannot be collected, but money has always been needed. Therefore, under such circumstances, the empire has long been unable to make ends meet.

Now the money collected from these families.

It's just right, it can last for a while.

if not,

If there is no such money,

Even if Liu Mu wants to govern the Han Empire, it is not that easy. After all, if you want to govern a country well, money is naturally indispensable.

Natural and man-made disasters, building embankments to control floods, etc., as well as raising troops, money is needed everywhere.


This money, if spent in the entire Han Empire, is not enough!


Of course, at the same moment, the army led by Li Yuanba and Guo Si did not rest.

running around,

Under the strong deterrent force of the Eighth Lieutenant of Xiyuan, all the powerful families in Xiliang chose to surrender one after another, and they still donated all the savings of all the families over the years. In addition, they even donated the private soldiers, etc. , all dismissed.

After all, they had learned from the past and didn’t dare to resist at all!
if we assume,
Who dares to resist at this time, it is basically a dead end!

Surrender may still be able to exchange for a way out, so how to choose is naturally very simple for these aristocratic families.

For three full days,

All powerful families in Xiliang were wiped out.

After suppressing all those families,
The generals also returned with their troops.

And it was a big cart and a small cart, pulling countless gold and silver treasures, which were copied from their various families, in addition to those maids and servants.

After all, how to deal with these people also needs to be decided by His Majesty himself.


Wuwei County, inside the prefect's mansion.

Since the destruction of the Han family,
Liu Mu took Ma Teng back to this county and used it as a temporary base.

And it was still directly expropriated, the prefect's mansion, and Ma Teng naturally did not dare to have any objections to this, and after returning to Wuwei County, the Ma prefect still took the initiative to send all the private soldiers in the house to Disband all.

in addition,

Present all your military talismans and the prefect's seal.

This was used to show his loyalty. Of course, it was precisely because of this that Ma Teng found a way out for himself. After all, if he still planned to take charge of the army.

Then, Liu Mu will never let him go.

And now,
If you take the initiative to hand over your military power, you can still give them a way to survive.

In addition to Ma Teng's matter, there was another thing that surprised Liu Mu, that is, the famous Xiliang general Ma Chao took the initiative to take refuge under his command.

As a result,
The military generals under his command have added another famous general!
Of course, the surprises are far more than that!

After being stationed in Wuwei County for several days,
at last,

The dispatched Lu Bu, Li Yuanba, Guo Si and others also led their troops back, and brought back an even bigger "surprise". A court meeting was held in that mansion.

As for the generals, they naturally went one after another.


In the hall of the prefect's mansion,
Liu Mu sat on the high seat, looked at the generals below, and asked, "How is it? Is there any gain from encircling and suppressing the powerful families in Xiliang?"

The voice just fell,

Lu Bu, who was responsible for inspecting the Yu family, was the first to go out, knelt on the ground and said:
"Your Majesty, our army went to the Yu family this time to raid, and killed a total of 380 direct descendants of the Yu family, and seized more than 8000 million in silver from their homes. In addition, there were [-] war horses and [-] pieces of armor. Deputy Yu."

"Hmph, it really is a group of rebellious officials and thieves!"

hear this,

Liu Mu, who was sitting on the high seat, immediately snorted coldly.

You know, a total of more than [-] million silver coins, which is equivalent to more than two years of taxes for the entire Han Empire!A mere Yu family actually found out so much money through looting.

This shows that

Over the years, how much people's fat and people's anointing have they scooped up.

Of course, if it's just money, that's all.

After all, businessmen pursue profits!This has happened since ancient times. Regardless of which dynasty, merchants attach great importance to money, but in addition to more than [-] million yuan, this family actually has two thousand war horses and five thousand pieces of armor.

This is forbidden!
This much armor is enough to form a small army.

From here we can see the rebellious spirit of the Yu family!

Liu Mu couldn't help being angry.

And Lu Bu had just finished his report.

Li Yuanba also continued to speak: "Your Majesty, this time, the last general led the Xiyuan soldiers to search for the Li family, killed more than [-] members of the Li family, and seized a piece of money from his house." More than ten million, in addition, there are eight thousand standard bows and one hundred thousand arrows! In addition, there are five thousand sets of armaments for infantry."

"Okay, okay, there are even bows and arrows and infantry, hehe, what else? General Guo, General Zhang, how have you gained?"

After listening to Li Yuanba's report,
Liu Mu was so angry that he laughed instead.

after all,

The rebellious intentions of these Xiliang aristocratic families have clearly been revealed.

Not only ready cavalry,

Even infantry and archers are ready.


With just one order, you can immediately organize an army to rebel!

Fortunately, Ma Teng reminded him in time, otherwise, it is impossible to say that when his army returns to Luoyang, these families will cause chaos again.

"Your Majesty, the situation of the Zhao family that the last general is responsible for is similar to that of General Lu Bu, except that the money is slightly less, only more than [-] million."

"Your Majesty, this is also the case with the general!"


Guo Si and Zhang Ji said in unison.

And after listening to the report of the four generals,

On Liu Mu's face, there was a bit of anger.

Afterwards, Fang Cai said: "Okay, okay, very good! If this is the case, then I don't need to be polite. Come, send orders, and send all the family members of the Yu family, Zhao family, Li family, Zhang family and so on. Collaterals, direct descendants, etc., will be killed together, leaving no one behind! As for their family assets, all of them will be returned to the national treasury."

"We will obey your Majesty's orders!"

"We will obey your Majesty's orders!"

"We will obey your Majesty's orders!"


After hearing His Majesty's order, the generals present naturally had no one to refute, and everyone agreed.

after all,

These big families are obviously looking for death,
If it was just greed for money, it would be fine, but he still dared to hide the armaments.

As for their family assets, they just went into the Han treasury.

Since the Yellow Turban Troubles,

The treasury of the Great Han Empire is completely empty. It just so happens that the money confiscated from these families can be used as military supplies. After all, if you want to maintain an empire, there are many places where money is needed.

And after all these aristocratic families in Xiliang were pacified.

This Xiliang is finally in Liu Mu's hands!However, due to the previous battles and the large action of arresting the various families, for a while, the whole of Xiliang felt panicked.

However, Liu Mu also immediately ordered people to post the Anmin announcement, and he also sent the announcement directly to the eight counties of Xiliang as quickly as possible. As for the content on the announcement, it was also quite simple. That is to announce the scandals of these aristocratic families and Han Sui to all the people in Xiliang.

In addition, the crimes, execution methods, etc. are all marked.

And after seeing these official documents,
The people of Xiliang were naturally very excited. After all, they had suffered at the hands of powerful men from major aristocratic families over the years.

The Yu family, the Li family, the Zhao family, the Zhang family and other families have colluded with the officials in Xiliang to continuously squeeze the people. There have been complaints for a long time, but unfortunately, because no one has done anything to The people of Xiliang made the decision, so naturally they did not dare to say anything.

Can only endure silently.

And now,
This majesty actually upheld justice for them.

Therefore, all Xiliang people are of course happy to see the results, anyway, for ordinary people.

In this troubled world,

As long as you can live a peaceful life, that's all.

The rest is not important,
As for who will rule Xiliang, they naturally don't care, what's more, Liu Mu is the emperor of the Han Empire, so it is only natural that he should rule Xiliang.


Although there was a war, there was no turmoil inside Xiliang. On the contrary, it was even calmer than before the war!

After all, all those wealthy and powerful families have been wiped out.

In addition, the original division of the eight counties has also disappeared.Therefore, this is obviously good news for the people of Xiliang.And at the same time,
His Majesty led his army to quell Xiliang's success, but word of it quickly reached the ears of the princes of the Han Dynasty.

When they heard the news,

All the princes were extremely shocked.

To know,
For many years, Xiliang has been the root of the disease of the Han Empire.

Basically, there will be several rebellions every year. Although the army is repeatedly sent to suppress it, the effect is often not good. Even if it is temporarily suppressed, it will not take long for the rebellion to recur.

But this Your Majesty,
It turned out that Xiliang could be pacified directly.

Even, cut off all the internal forces.

It can be seen from this that the strength of the former tiger lord, so the princes who were still a little ready to move, at this time, can't help but settle down!

after all,

No one wants to be that early bird.

And when the news is known,
(End of this chapter)

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