Meiman: I became Tony's younger brother

Chapter 72 Skill Card: Summon 9-headed Snake Captain

Chapter 72 Skill Card: Summon Hydra Captain
Natasha got out of the manor, took the car that picked her up, and drove into the port after going around Brooklyn through Queens.

Containers, corridors, gates, everything is so familiar.

The dark-skinned guy was pushing a wheelchair, and the one-eyed Fury was wearing a windbreaker, with no expression on his dark old face.

It's just that when she saw Natasha getting out of the car in a wheelchair, the corners of her eyes still twitched unavoidably.

Damn Lark!
"Come to my office."

The dark-skinned guy pushed the wheelchair and turned left, and the other black guy stepped forward to help, but Natasha pulled out a pistol from her waist and pointed it at his head.

Finger lightly on the trigger,
The barrel flicked slightly, and Hei left angrily.

I really envy Hill and Hawkeye... Natasha moved her fingers with great perseverance, put the gun in the most convenient position, and followed behind with a wheelchair.

Hill was backed by someone. After the "Stark Manor" case, the relationship between the New York branch and the headquarters became very rigid, and there was a tendency to gradually separate.

Fury had no choice but to clear out the base and stay there temporarily.

Anyway, it has been exposed, it is better to use waste.

When I entered the office, someone was already waiting.

Black suit and white tie, with a permanent smile on his face, and the iconic hairline at the back of his head.

Coulson and Fury woke up at the same time more than half a month ago.

He quickly accepted the fact that he had been in a coma for several months. As an agent, injuries were inevitable.

But when the intelligence agent sent what happened during this period of time, he was completely shocked.

Magical jaguar, steel armor, ninjas that disappeared out of thin air, green monsters, life essence...

The world seemed to switch from day to night, and all kinds of weird things popped up.

The level of outrageousness is no less than that of the past, when the luminous woman physically resisted the nuclear bomb and flew across the universe.

In the end, it took Coulson three full days to sort out all the information.

After entering the office, Natasha still kept the pistol beside her and did not speak.

Fury's eyebrows twitched, and he could only wave his hand to drive the dark-skinned guy away.

Damn Lark!
"Ahem, I've called you here this time because I have an important matter for you to do."

Fury opened the drawer and took out a document from it:
"Combining the mission report provided by Commander Hill and the black matter mentioned in Natasha's text message, it is obvious that this is the work of the same organization,
Their target is the Stark brothers, the green man was just pushed out as a scapegoat, and paralyzed us at the same time;

Take the opportunity to take down the Stark brothers in one go during the game. "

There is no need to guess about this matter, as long as a normal person can see the connection.

Fury opened the file, and the content contained basic information about the family of swordsmanship genius Sloan Eseka, with a picture cut from a newspaper on the side.
At the scene of Sloan's suicide, a coffee cup lay in a pool of blood,

The mouth is inlaid with gold threads, and the whole body is painted with faint clouds.

The two don't know, so what's wrong with this cup?
Hill only told Fury about the glass shattering and the mist drifting out...or so it seemed.

Fury pointed to the cloud pattern on the coffee cup with a solemn expression: "The night Stark was stabbed, in addition to the black matter, there were clouds and mist covering the mountain."

The two suddenly realized that it was not a coincidence.

The basic situation was clearly explained, and Fury ordered: "Over there in Monaco, Commander Hill has sent someone to investigate. The two of you are responsible for going to Europe to investigate the truth about the extermination of the Eseka family."

He pretended to be righteous and evil, and said solemnly: "It is the duty of S.H.I.E.L.D. to maintain world peace."

The one-eyed glanced at the two of them, like the Virgin Mary in the church: "Do you understand!"

Coulson nodded with a smile: "Understood!"

I really don't want to interrupt your performance... Natasha raised her hand and asked a soul-piercing question:

"Director, what if, I mean, what if you meet someone from Lark?"

Good question, don't ask next time!

"...Keep a distance and don't interfere with each other." After thinking for a long time, Fury could only come up with this plan.

What else?Counting until now, he...they only had contact with Lark a few times in total,
The results of it?
More than 100 elite agents died, three capable generals were captured, and it took billions of dollars to redeem them—one.

Thinking of this, he wanted to go crazy: billions of dollars!Do you know how many bases that is?

Do you know how many times I have to cheat the council to earn back?
Do you know how many g's you can recruit...

Fury took a deep breath... Calm down, calm down, you are the king of secret agents, the guardian in the dark, the leader of the world's largest violent organization, you must have a big picture.

Fury waved his hand, and before leaving, he put on a smile again, and said kindly to Natasha: "In case you meet someone from Lark, you are responsible for negotiating with them."

That's it, use me as a cushion... Natasha readily agreed: "No problem."

Coulson kept smiling the whole time, with a feeling of being indifferent to the world, and the real feeling is that being calm and calm is the real feeling.

The two leave the office, Natasha goes to the medical department, it's not a good idea to go on a mission with injuries; Coulson goes to form a new team.

His entire army was wiped out last time, and there was not one left.

Not long after the two left, Fury called Rumlow over again and asked him to go to the North Pole: a Russian oil team was in the North Pole, and it was suspected that they had discovered the bomber that Captain America was driving back then.

Between "confirmed mysterious items" and "suspected Captain America", the former is obviously more important.

It is self-evident who will be sent to the North Pole for the newly promoted little celebrities and hardcore supporters.

Very reasonable arrangement.

Rumlow's expression was brilliant at the time, and Fury's expression was brilliant.

It wasn't until a year later that he realized that being wonderful is not the same as being wonderful.

Rumlow took the order to leave.

Fury put his hands on his chest and let out a long breath: "Huh... finally finished the matter!"

After a while, the trajectory of the fingers gradually blurred, and the zipper was invaded by unknown forces, and it slipped down a little bit:

"Xiao Hei, come in!"


In the evening, Tony returned home with Pepper after the inspection, and started his most flustered stage.

How about this water?Is the temperature right?Would you like some honey?
Is this steak tender enough? Is there too much salt?Would you like some more vegetables?

When it was time to go to bed, I ran to the bedroom in person to check whether the floor was slippery and so on.

As soon as Lak sat down, he was full of dog food before the knife and fork moved, and finally had to leave the scene "angrily", expressing that he wanted to find his own tenderness.

Walking out of the villa, the full moon hangs high in the sky, the moonlight is as beautiful as frost, and the bright white flowers sway with the breeze.

The waves lapped on the beach, and the cries of seagulls could be heard from time to time.

Everything is so beautiful.

"The world still loves me..."


From the forest came the excited cry of the shadow panther, Abao was carrying out a mysterious activity with its harem group.

Lak's "anger" that had just been extinguished was ignited again, and he started the car and kicked the accelerator...out of the manor.
Rack Stark,

To hit ten!

PS: I'm back!Resume update, Chapter 2 will be late.

Thank you all for your votes!
(End of this chapter)

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