Meiman: I became Tony's younger brother

Chapter 27 New York is mine (there will be a small climax in the next few days, ah, good tide!)

Chapter 27 New York is mine (there will be a small climax in the next few days, ah, good tide!)

Lark kept his eyes on Winston, and saw that his breathing returned to normal after a short breath, and his evaluation of him went up to a higher level.

Rucker moved forward, and Winston got up consciously to make way for the only sofa, and stood aside with his hands tied.

Unlike the false and submissive just now, the short-haired girl will definitely not kill him before receiving the order, but this is not necessarily the case.

With his face uncovered and the strong smell of blood in the air, this man is obviously not a good person.Before you know the other person's character, it's better to be safe.

Lark sat down against the sofa, and the heavy armor made deep dents on the sofa.

Seeing the tense muscles of the lobby manager, Lak laughed and said:

"Gentlemen, don't be so nervous, I'm not a lunatic, and I will kill if I don't agree with each other."

It was useless, Haytham smiled politely, and remained vigilant, ready to run away at any time.

Winston tentatively asked:

"I don't know what is the important thing for Mr. Armor to come to Guibao Land late at night. If there is anything I can help with, feel free to ask and never refuse."

"Yo!" Lak raised his eyebrows: "I don't see that you are good at Chinese, and you actually understand the meaning of the word "Lianlin". "

"Haha, I watched some oriental movies when I was young, so I know a little bit about it."

"Mr. Winston took time out of his busy schedule to learn new knowledge, which is much better than those who only complain about the injustice of the world. I really admire it."

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I just worked so hard to pursue a girl from the Eastern Kingdom when I was studying." Winston waved his hands repeatedly and said modestly.

Winston is worthy of being a person who has climbed up from the bottom step by step. Observing words and demeanor and flattering are of the top level. A few words can set off the atmosphere.

It's rare to meet a person who can speak Chinese, and Lak chatted with him along the topic.

Knowing about it, he offered an olive branch.

"Haha, Winston, I really like you more and more, are you interested in having sex with me?"

"Uh...Mr. Armor is willing to recruit, that's my honor." He glanced at the short-haired girl who stood up, and sighed: "It's a pity that I am in danger right now, and I don't know if I will live to see the sun tomorrow, alas!! "

"Sorry!" After speaking, he bowed slightly.

If Lark didn't know something about it, he would have been deceived by him.

These words seem to be declined, but after careful consideration, you will find that he didn't say anything, but deliberately or unintentionally provoked disputes between the two sides.

"He dared to promise that what greeted him would be a counterattack from the entire killer world, and the high table will not allow anyone to betray the organization."

The short-haired woman stared at Winston with bad eyes, and at the same time wondered where she was showing her flaws, and he found out that she was playing a trick to delay time.

Winston shrugged and smiled back.

"And you, slaughtered a judgment team, the high table will not let you go, no matter how far you flee to the ends of the earth, we will find you..."


A severed ear flies in the air,
The world is quiet.

"I said, listen." Lack said coldly while holding the pistol.

The short-haired girl clutched her wound and nodded in panic, half of her face was stained red by the warm blood.
it hurts

She didn't dare to make a sound.

"The New York Continental Hotel will be owned by me from today. If you have any comments on the high table, please feel free to come to me. I will wait."

The short-haired girl raised her head, with deep hatred hidden in her eyes, she gritted her teeth and asked, "What is your name?"

"Rack Stark."

The visor popped up, revealing Rucker's recognizable face.




The three of them exclaimed at the same time, they guessed that the person who has the ability to make this armor must have a lot of background, at least he must be a billionaire.

But I never expected that it was actually a member of the Stark family.

One of the top families in the Federation.

A large group with hundreds of billions of wealth.

The expressions of the three suddenly brightened.

Haytham was so excited that his body was shaking,

Winston tried his best to maintain his image, but he couldn't hide the smile on his lips.
The hatred in the eyes of the short-haired woman subsided like a tide, and a sense of powerlessness surged in her heart.

This life,

There is no longer any chance for revenge.

"I'll pass it on to you."

She lowered her head sadly and turned to leave, the blood condensed into a line behind her.

High table!
Winston stared at her back, dazed.

Luke didn't have so many feelings, and accepting the New York Continental Hotel was just a temporary idea. If there was no exit on the bridge, maybe he would already be lying in bed by now.

However, it is not so simple to subdue Winston. Regardless of his respectful appearance, if Lark does not show enough hard power, he will definitely get out of control in a short time.

"Jarvis, bring the Stark One here."

"Roger that!"

Lak's mind sank into the storage space, and after some calculations, he opened his eyes.

He clapped his hands to attract attention, and threw Vulcan and other debris on the ground. The pouring grenade scared the two of them into a big change of expression, and "shua" rushed far away.

Boss, we both have mortal bodies and can't help but play.

These were all casually installed by Lak at the base to make up the numbers.

"Boss, are you... magic?"

Lark didn't answer, and after the last grenade was thrown away, he put the battle armor into the space in front of the two of them.


The two were stunned, their mouths were wide enough to put down eggs,
I can't wait to rush up to see if he has hidden something behind the sofa.

I just like the way you have never seen the world.Lak felt a little smug in his heart.

After calming the two of them, Lark began to issue tasks:
"Winston, I'll give you two days to clean up the hotel and prepare all the materials for me to come over."

"In addition, the killer business is temporarily suspended, and only earns a few dollars a year."

This... The corners of Winston's mouth twitched, he quickly stood up straight, and replied seriously:

"Yes, boss."

At this time, there was a whistling sound of wind above their heads, the two looked up, and a strangely shaped aircraft was suspended in the night sky.

The huge STARK lettering on the fuselage shows its identity.

Winston suddenly had a clearer understanding of the surname "Stark".

"It's getting late now, go to bed early, and see you in two days."

"Good night boss!"

"Goodbye boss!"

"Well." Lak finished greeting and whistled. A Bao received the signal and ran out of the building, and then the plane took off and disappeared into the sky.


Winston let out a long breath, and the mountain in his heart was finally removed.

"Let's go, we should go back too."

"Okay, old...uh, manager."

"Manager, why did the boss bring a leopard with him when he went out?"

"...Maybe it's a rich man's hobby. By the way, how is John? I haven't seen him all this time."

Winston was puzzled. It is reasonable to say that the short-haired girl left, and the judgment team withdrew. He left the battlefield, so why didn't he come to the rooftop.

"I don't know, maybe I went back." Haytham shrugged.

Opening the door, the two entered the building.



The next chapter will be released at six o'clock
PS: Thank you big brother

"Enlil" February Pass
"20211124223235514" February Pass
"Dreams are not dreams but cute" 6 recommended tickets

"My Daming Boy" 5 recommended tickets

"Sea of ​​Flowers" 5 Recommended Tickets

"Green leaves in the bamboo leaves" 4 recommended tickets

 Thank you guys for your support.

  You are the best! ! !


(End of this chapter)

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