Meiman: I became Tony's younger brother

Chapter 15 Getting Rich (for further reading)

Chapter 15 Getting Rich (for further reading)
Beside the fireball.

The black SUV was overturned on the side of the road, the body was dented, the glass was broken, and the upper body of the black-skinned guy on the co-pilot was twisted at 90 degrees, facing the driver's seat, and the back was full of debris.

Lanhua pointed to the woods with an expression of disbelief.

"Unfortunately, he ran away!"

Rucker sighed, Fury is worthy of being the king of secret agents, he was the one who helped him in a critical moment, and actually let him escape unharmed.

Abao moved his nose slightly before the bloodstain, rubbed his sharp claws on the ground, and let out a low growl to indicate that he could catch up, with anger hidden in his eyes.

"Forget it." Lak shook his head, knelt down and hugged its head, looked at the shallow scars on its back, and said softly:
"Thank you for your hard work tonight. Let's heal your injuries and play with him slowly in the future."

"And, have you forgotten your girlfriend!" Lak pouted towards the villa, looking at it playfully:
"There are still two!!!"

Abao broke free from his arm, looked first at the direction of the jungle, then at the villa, and blinked.

Who should choose between the defeated general and the beauty?

With a long roar, Ah Bao twisted his sexy buttocks and walked away.

"Roar (I'm coming!!!)"

"Ha ha ha ha--"

Sure enough, no male creature can resist this temptation.

Lak got up and walked towards the villa, clicking on the panel halfway.

"Summoned animal - Shadow Panther, quantity 4"

"Note: Energy can be consumed to heal and restore the summoned animals."

"Balance: 113 energy value"

Fu Rui deserves to be a big fat sheep. With just such a swipe, he will get 113 energy points, plus the three shadow panthers he just exchanged,
Fight to get rich.

It feels good to have "money"!
Lakmez turned to the list of skills exchange, and of course he wanted to buy it with a huge sum of money!

But... He covered his mouth skillfully, and the first few times he only had 10 energy value feedback to the physical body, and he screamed out, 20 is not cool, I,
Rack Stark,
Never die.

"Whether to exchange: primary energy detector, selling price: 20 energy value"


"Exchange successful! Skills have been refreshed"

The balance slipped, and a warmth grew from the chest, and melted into the whole body.

coming!Lak stopped, his body tensed, and his hands were as hard as an enemy.

Tick ​​tock!

Tick ​​tock!

In 1 minute, my body felt warm and felt a little comfortable.

After 2 minutes, my thighs were a little itchy, and I really wanted to scratch them. Wait, I started walking towards my upper body.

After waiting for 3 minutes for the body change to end, there was still no thought of "screaming". Lak's eyes widened and he tried to open his fingers, and the other hand was raised to "kill the mouth" at any time.

"Do you need help? I see you have been in this position for 2 minutes." The leaves shook, and Happy stepped out from behind the tree, his black suit jacket was stained with blood.

He opened his hand and gestured in front of him, signaling: I am big, do you want to try it.

"Umm bite (no need)."

"Have you checked over there!"

"I've seen it all. I found a series of footprints on the beach. The scarred face should have escaped from the sea."

"so smart?!"

Rucker blurted out, completely taken aback.

You must know that this manor is located on the tip of the island, and it is also a few kilometers away from the nearest coast.

After some battles, his stamina must have declined, even if Crossbones was a top agent, it would still be enough for him to drink a pot.

In his previous life, he heard that there was a performance called Fish Out of Water, but it was a pity that he never got to see it.

"Let's go, let's see what Pepper has gained. We'll move early after we've counted."

Not counting the entrance, there were about 120 agents who entered the manor, and [-]% of them were concentrated near the beach. After Lark ordered, most of them were machine gunned to pieces on the spot.
In addition to the two bombed Quinjet fighter jets, the whole manor was smashed to pieces, the smell of blood mixed with the smell of barbecue,

Just as they were thinking, a loud roar came from a distance, and the two looked at each other and quickened their pace.


Hawkeye confronted Ah Bao with a broken bow in his hand, a cut in his forehead kept oozing blood, dripping down and pasting his eyelids.

He was circling back and forth, never leaving his feet one foot. Behind him was a woman with an empty quiver in her hand, half-kneeling on the beach, her legs were faintly bleeding, and her dark red hair was messily draped over her shoulders.

Extremely embarrassed.

Blood dripped down, a layer of red covered the eyes, the scene was no longer clear, and the beating figure gradually merged with the night.

The breath of death permeates.

Abao walked back and forth on the ground with his body bent, his sharp eyes fixed on Hawkeye. It remembered the man, and it was his sharp blue arrow that exposed the fog, which caused it to be set on fire and almost seriously injured.

The experience of living in the jungle tells it that anyone who hurts himself should die.

The other three shadow panthers were splashing around in the water, splashing countless water splashes, adding a sense of weirdness to the tense atmosphere of the scene.

Finally, when the blood was about to flow into the eyeball, Hawkeye couldn't hold it back, and quickly drew back his sleeve with his right hand and swiped it in front of his eyes.

Ah Leopard's eyes lit up, the top predator gene was online, his feet stepped into a deep hole on the beach, and his right paw was raised high, shining with a cold light.


Hawkeye seemed to sense something, he subconsciously bent his legs, ready to jump away.But Ah Bao's speed was too fast, just as he was about to make a move, a strong wind hit his face, causing a tingling pain in his scalp.


"No—" Natasha stretched out her hand and shouted in despair.

"Don't kill!!!"


Hawkeye flew upside down, knocked Natasha flying a few meters, tumbled a few times and sank into the water.


"Luck, do you think that after he wakes up, there will be a scene where he recognizes the thief as his brother? I always watch TV like this."

"Puff... who? You? Hapi, look at his arms and eight-pack abs, tsk tsk... I think it's mysterious."

"I don't know how to appreciate it, Pepper, do you think he and I are quite brothers?"

"Hi...uh, my eyesight is not good recently, it should, maybe, probably..."

"Come on, the two of you take a closer look to see if I've lost weight. Look at the sleeves, bust, waist, and hips..."


"Go away... who the hell is looking at your ass."

Lak kicked and "kicked" Happy, picked up the watermelon and continued to eat, while Pepper hugged Abao and covered his mouth with a chuckle.

The three were either paralyzed or seated, each leaning against a shadow panther. Hawkeye and Natasha were lying side by side on the ground, so that the stretched luxury car seemed too small at this moment.

There were flashing neon lights outside the window, and several cars with "Stark" printed on them, guarding the front and back, headed towards New Jersey.

Pepper picked up a piece of watermelon and fed it to Abao, and said calmly:
"Luck, we killed so many people from this bureau tonight, is there really no problem? That one-eyed blackhead looks fierce at first glance."

With the foreshadowing of the previous few times, she didn't panic at all when the Bloodshed Manor was staged tonight. Seeing the corpse vomit was not counted, it was too bloody.

Happy's ears moved slightly, he silently put down the mirror he had taken out from nowhere, and tilted his head curiously.

Lak was too busy nibbling on the watermelon, and Hawkeye and Natasha were lying right in front of him.

Lak ate the last piece of fruit, wiped the corner of his mouth and leaned comfortably on the big cat, and said leisurely:

"I guess someone is already waiting for us at the gate of the factory."

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(End of this chapter)

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