Darkness Rises

Chapter 9 Unreality in the Real World

Chapter 9 Unreality in the Real World

Aiwen looked coldly at the punisher who was fleeing below, and he could see all the whereabouts of the other party.

It has to be said that the ability of the Reality Gem is indeed very powerful, and the power to distort reality allows him to do too many incredible things.

For example, at this time, he just applied the power of reality to himself, changed the physical rules around him, and he flew up easily.

The punisher, who had been fleeing fast below, finally found his surveillance, and the bullets from the submachine gun shot at him frantically.

In order to better monitor the punisher, Aiwen's flying height is not high, only tens of meters above the opponent's head.

This height is even much lower than many surrounding high-rise buildings. In order to avoid the prying eyes of ordinary New York residents, he also uses the power of the Reality Gem to refract the light around him.

Let the sight of these residents bypass his body and look down, which is equivalent to achieving physical invisibility.

But the other point of doing this is to let him get too close to the punisher, and the bullets from the submachine gun shoot at him in an instant.

But Aiwen just waved his right hand, and a force of reality emerged from his body. The bullets shot at him seemed to be held by the palm of nothingness, and the trajectory was changed instantly.

They were lifted together in front of Ai Wen, and flew into the deep night sky rubbing against his body.

Evan, unharmed!
This scene made the punisher's eyes freeze for an instant, and he felt a huge sense of crisis. The strange ability of the man in the sky was too powerful, and ordinary firearms could not pose a threat to him at all.

Unable to think of a good solution for the time being, Frank could only continue to run wildly, but his left hand had already taken a shock bomb from the tactical vest, and he was silently preparing.

But Ivan, who is flying in the air, will not perform according to his script. He is tired of this kind of chasing game, it's time to end!

With a light wave of his left hand, the power of reality appeared again.

The Punisher, who was running wildly on the rooftop, was blocked by an obstacle that suddenly protruded from under his feet, causing him to fall violently off guard and hit the edge of the rooftop.

Clutching his painful head, Frank turned his head to look at the culprit who tripped him. At this moment, his expression was extremely stiff.

It was a metal pipe on the surface of the roof. It was originally buried deep in the reinforced concrete, but at this moment it seemed to have life force, and it was pulled out from the bottom of the roof like a soft poisonous snake. Waving in front of you.

Scary and weird!

Frank's stiff expression reveals a hint of madness and disbelief. What kind of ability is this, which makes him deeply feel the unreality in the real world!

Many metal pipes came alive at this moment, trying to wrap around his body like a poisonous snake, and the Punisher, who tried his best to dodge, gradually had no room to dodge.

Seeing that he was about to be caught by those terrifying metal pipes, Frank turned back suddenly and jumped off the roof.


Frank fell hard on the roof of a car, and the loud siren rang through the night sky in Hell's Kitchen.

The bloody Punisher rolled out of the dented and shattered car in pain, dragged his painful body to hide under the shade of the trees on the side of the street, and rushed into the alley with all his strength.


A meow sounded in the night, very close to Frank's side. This wasn't unusual at all, it was just a common wild cat.

But there was a huge sense of crisis and the sound of breaking the wind, and at the very moment, Frank rushed forward.

The tough claws only left three terrifying blood marks on his back, which almost pierced through his back and chest.

Quickly turning his back against the wall, Frank gasped. What did he see?
Where is there any wild cat, it is obviously a huge tiger with a body size of more than two meters!

What kind of terrifying ability is this?

It is constantly distorting reality!

The Punisher with a firm mind actually felt desperate at this moment, how could he escape the other party's hunting.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

At this moment, a violent gunshot came from the front of the alley, and countless sirens suddenly sounded, resounding in the night sky of Hell's Kitchen.

Frank, who had fallen into despair, was suddenly shocked.

"still have a chance!"

He rolled suddenly, dodged the fierce tiger that was attacking him, and rushed to the place where the commotion occurred.


In Hell's Kitchen, in a remote and abandoned church, a group of people are gathering hysterically to discuss the future of their race.

These people are mutants!

The environment of the church is a bit dirty, as if no one has cleaned it for a long time.

On the altar, a thin middle-aged man was shouting loudly: "...We must organize and convey our protest to the right people, so that they can understand us mutants and our specialness. We must show Show them, educate them..."

And in the audience, there are also dozens of mutants of different shapes sitting crookedly on the benches. Some of them echoed the middle-aged man's cries with excitement, while others curled their lips silently. Disdain.

A male mutant with an Asian face also kept roaring along with the stage, screaming loudly, with an angry expression.

The companion beside him, a black woman with a pattern on her face, said disdainfully, "Hedgehog head, are you going to fight humans desperately, so excited!"

The man with the hedgehog head was interrupted by his companion in the excitement, and he turned his head and said angrily: "So what if you work hard, night girl, I've had enough of my life now.

We are fed up with the discriminatory eyes of human beings, and we are fed up with living like mice in dark corners every day. We must fight to get a better life! "

"is it?"

Before the Night Walker could answer, another woman next to them, wearing a weird grid top and with a curly hair on her forehead, poured cold water on her: "Resist? Then you are not afraid of being sent to the mutants created by Teslak Industry!" Asylum?
When the time comes, you will be put on a restraining collar and lose your freedom. Is this the result of your struggle you want? "

"Arc Light, you..."

The words of the woman called Arc Light instantly calmed down all the mutants who heard her words, and even said that the atmosphere directly froze.

Even the passionate hedgehog man, who had been in anger all the time, was too choked to speak.

Every mutant knows the "mutant shelter" created by Teslak Industries, and their special invention "Suppression Collar!"

According to legend, as long as the mutants were locked up in the shelter and put on restraining collars, they never appeared again.

The atmosphere in this small area is cold, but it can't stop the enthusiasm in the entire church. The emotions of most mutants have been incited.

Until someone shouted angrily: "We want them to hear our appeal, hear our cries, let's go to the parade!"

"Parade! Parade! Parade!"

The three of them were rushed by the crowd and walked towards the gate of the church. The angry mutants wanted to take to the streets to parade, so that the government could hear their angry cries.


As the door opened, the scene in front of them immediately cooled everyone down. They saw the red and blue lights of the police lights flickering outside.

A burly policeman frowned at these mutants, and said coldly: "The police are on duty nearby tonight, please go in and sit down, and don't disturb us on duty!"

This was an order from Sergeant Creek. Something big happened in Hell's Kitchen tonight. The police wanted to prevent a lot of extra disturbance, so they sent two police cars to keep an eye on these mutants.

"No, you can't treat us like this, Mr. Police, you are restricting our personal freedom!"

A mutant stepped forward to make a theory, but was pushed away by the burly policeman, and the chaotic situation here has been discovered, and the policemen in the two police cars have all got off and walked here.

They all took out their guns, and some people even started calling for support. From this point, it can be seen how much the human police do not trust the mutants.

"No, they're going to arrest us and send us to a mutant holding center!"

I don't know if he was frightened by Arc Light's words just now, a nervous mutant suddenly collapsed at this moment and screamed loudly.


At this moment, there was a violent explosion in the distance. It was the grenade thrown by the punisher taking the opportunity.

But this explosion blew up the tense mutant group, and everyone panicked instantly.

Suddenly, someone yelled in the crowd: "Get out of the way, follow me out!"

I saw a man who was originally thin, suddenly his body swelled rapidly, as if he had become a meat ball, wrapped in a large amount of fat.

With a loud roar, like a human tank, the meat ball squeezed through the crowd and rushed towards the police frantically.

The gunfire broke out suddenly, and the police quickly launched a counterattack, and the situation deteriorated sharply!

 Everyone, please collect and recommend, thank you.


(End of this chapter)

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