Darkness Rises

Chapter 62 The Power of the Phoenix

Chapter 62 The Power of the Phoenix
"Yes, are you sick?"

Russell, who was a little overwhelmed by the sudden attack by the other party's words, also reacted at this time. These guys came suddenly, and they wanted to take him and John away?
Are they crazy? He still wants to be the boss!
Russell's attitude was a little agitated, and he kept cursing loudly: "Where did you guys come from, why do you want to take me away, I am the boss' younger brother, and I have been all my life.

And I just killed the boss of the Japanese, and I still want to be the boss! "


Originally, when he heard Russell yelling, John on the side kept nodding indignantly, but when he heard him suddenly say this, he knew that something was going to go wrong.

Even Ai Wen, if it wasn't for trying to maintain his demeanor, he would have the urge to cover his face, this little fat man's brain must be filled with water!

Sure enough, when Russell agreed with Ivan so much and didn't want to go with them, Jean Gray couldn't help but frowned. After all, they still had to respect the child's own opinion.

Although they heard the general situation from Professor Charles before they came, they thought that it would be the best arrangement for them to wait for someone to bring the two mutant children back to school.

But if the other party is determined, it is impossible for them to kidnap someone.

But when he heard Russell's reason for not going with them, Cyclops couldn't help showing a sneer, and Jean Gray strengthened her confidence that she must take the two children back.

Obviously, these children have been indoctrinated with very bad ideas. They dare to use their abilities to kill people in the street at a young age, and their ideals still want to be the boss of a gangster.

If they are allowed to grow up and become more powerful mutants, they will inevitably become the source of chaos in human society without the correct three views.

At that time, their unscrupulous behavior will not only arouse the hatred and fear of mutants in humans, but may even set themselves on fire.

The federal government still has secret forces to deal with mutants who endanger social security, whether it is SHIELD, or the "mutant shelter center!" which has been rebuilt again!

Thinking of this, Jean Gray was filled with a sense of justice, and said to Ivan righteously: "To be honest, Mr. Hammer..."

Qin chose a more gentle attitude, and directly called the young Ivan Mr. Hammer, which obviously meant treating him as a person who could communicate on an equal footing.

"Please let us take these two children and let them join the 'Xavier School for Gifted Youth', a school founded by Professor Charles to teach the growth of young mutants.

There, children will have a better environment for growth. There are their peers in the school, and there are professors who teach them how to use their abilities and how to deal with ordinary humans.

This is the environment and way for them to grow better! "

Ai Wen was very helpless. If it weren't for the identity of this group of people as X-Men, he would have turned his back on him long ago, and his patience is indeed almost exhausted now.

At this time, his face was expressionless, and he said in a cold tone: "I just asked you, are you sick?"

Hearing that Aiwen was being arrogant and unreasonable again, Cyclops' temper also came up. He took a step forward and looked straight at Aiwen with the eyes wearing special glasses: "What do you mean!"

"What do I mean, what do I mean, you guys dare to ask me back!"

Aiwen questioned Cyclops loudly: "You drove the plane to my yard without saying a word, opened your mouth to take my people away, and dare to question me, who gave you such confidence and courage.

Is it the Professor X you are talking about? Let him come and ask me for someone in person! "


Hearing Ivan's speechless words to their respected Professor Charles, the red light in Cyclops' special glasses was already flashing.

"Scott, calm down!"

Seeing the tense atmosphere, Jean Gray immediately stepped forward to smooth things over, and she looked at Ivan seriously: "Mr. Hammer, I can apologize to you for our reckless behavior this time.

But the outlook on life of these two children has obviously been distorted. They can actually use their abilities to kill people in the street, and they want to become the boss of a gang. Isn't that cool at all?

If possible, Aiwen, I hope you can also take a trip with us and go to our school to take a look, you will definitely like it there! "


Russell and John gasped at the same time, this woman must be crazy, she still wants to take the boss away.

"You guys are enough, it's you who should go!"

Looking at his boss's already livid face, Russell had an idea, and immediately thought of expressing himself, isn't that how it is done in TV dramas, helping the boss stand out, and he will become a confidant.

With a "bang" sound from Russell's fists, ferocious flames ignited, and as he swung his hands forward suddenly, two groups of flames flew fiercely towards Jean Gray.


With a cold snort, Jean Gray's five fingers on her right hand suddenly opened, and a huge force surged out of her body in an instant, it was a blazing flame color.

The power of the phoenix!

Russell's proud fire fist was directly frozen in the air by the power of the phoenix. After a futile struggle, it turned into a wisp of gray smoke and disappeared directly.

Russell was stunned. Feeling the strong pressure, he was a little overwhelmed. He seemed to have only felt such a powerful ability in his own boss.

Indeed, when he felt the power of the phoenix appearing in front of him, Aiwen kept himself in his body, and the reality gem that allowed him to use his ability, that is, the "Ether Particle", actually felt a sense of excitement and restlessness.

This feeling shocked him extremely.

"Who are you people!"

A loud shout suddenly sounded at the door of the warehouse. It turned out that the night walker sensed that something was wrong, and ran back crazily using her extremely fast speed.

The moment she entered the warehouse, she saw Russell throwing a fiery fist at Jean Gray, and the man with the strange eyes was actually confronting her boss.

The nocturnal girl, who was guilty of not getting to the boss in time and causing him to be surrounded by Japanese, rushed towards Qin Gray without saying a word.

For the speed that ordinary people can't react to, it happened to meet Qin who had already unleashed the power of the phoenix. When the Night Walker was one meter closer to the opponent, she had no choice but to stop with surprise on her face.

She couldn't move forward even a centimeter, and an invisible powerful force wrapped her around her, making it impossible for her to break free.

This sense of restraint can only be felt when facing the boss!

An angry shout sounded at the same time, panting, Arc Light who came after her also saw this scene, her hands clasped together suddenly, and a terrifying shock wave hit Jean Gray.

Cyclops also reacted this time, a violent laser beam was suddenly released from his special glasses, which scattered the shock wave of the arc light, and shot at the opponent unabated.


Ai Wen snorted coldly, and lightly opened the five fingers of his right hand, and a more massive, vigorous, and powerful force instantly enveloped the entire warehouse.

All the people were frozen in place, including the lasers flying out in the air, which were also firmly fixed in midair.

It's just that when the power of reality came into contact with the power of the phoenix, strange things happened!
(End of this chapter)

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