Darkness Rises

Chapter 50 Metal Force Fields

Chapter 50 Metal Force Fields
At this time, Mystique was floating in the air in front of Ivan with a cold expression, her limbs spread out in large characters, as if being pulled by an invisible force, her face was full of pain.

As the painful wailing came out, Mystique's changed Aiwen's appearance began to show a strange transformation.

In just a few seconds, her appearance changed from Ivan to the original blue skin, which was a somewhat ugly alienated appearance.

In another moment, Mystique turned into Fleisher again, and before the pain and wailing continued, she changed into Betty again.

To put it simply, Mystique's shape-changing ability was interfered by Aiwen's power of reality, which made her start to trace her previous transformation.

"I'm curious, who gave you the confidence to think that you can disturb me, test me, and offend me at will without punishment!"

Following Ivan's cold words, Mystique screamed louder in pain, and she felt that her body was about to be torn apart.

No, it's not a feeling. At this moment, her body has been pulled and torn by an invisible force, and a small amount of blood dripped on the lawn under Ivan's feet.

"Young man, stop your behavior, we can talk to resolve our differences!"

When Magneto saw this scene, his face changed drastically, and his tone was tense, trying to dispel Ivan's obvious anger, but he really didn't know who he had offended.

Aiwen turned his head and smiled at Magneto. Just when the other party thought he had calmed down, Aiwen's eyes became weird and cruel in an instant.


Magneto was keenly aware that something was wrong, and shouted loudly to make Ivan stop, but it was too late.



The screams of pain stopped abruptly, Mystique's limbs and head were separated from her body in an instant, and a large amount of blood scattered in the air.

"Do not!!!"

At first, the incredible sense of absurdity made Magneto feel at a loss, but then great pain and anger swept his heart.

Mystique, dead!

The metal riot came suddenly, and the three scrapped SUVs that fell to the ground in front of them were dismembered and deformed in an instant, and countless metal fragments flew up quickly.

At the same time, the bodyguards trapped in the car screamed in pain one after another, their bodies were pierced by countless metal fragments.

Ivan watched helplessly as Dex, who had been by his side all the time, was pierced through the heart by a sharp car door fragment.

A lot of blood poured out from his chest and mouth, but he didn't groan in pain, he just stared at his boss worriedly with his red eyes.

Aiwen could see the annoyance in his eyes, he was regretting that he could not provide more help to the boss, and could no longer protect him.

Aiwen's breath at the moment is extremely cold, and strangers are not allowed to enter.

It's Magneto's revenge!

But the anger in the old man's heart has not dissipated. Who is Mystique Ruiwen? She is a relative who has struggled and struggled with Magneto and Professor X since she was young, and has experienced countless hardships for the future of mutants.

As a result, she was killed in front of Magneto's eyes. Regardless of whether the old man could accept it, he couldn't explain it to his best friend Charles.

Professor X has always regarded Mystique as his younger sister!
Countless metal fragments came towards Ai Wenza like meteors, like countless sharp arrows, trying to tie the young man into a hedgehog.

Ai Wen gently raised his right hand.


With a snap of the fingers, these metal fragments all turned into colorful balloons under the sudden flash of red light.

Under Magneto's shocked gaze, they floated towards the sky one after another, and drifted further and further away. He really didn't expect that the guy who came to trouble him was so powerful.

If I had known him earlier, I would have contacted the other party in a different way, and I would not have deliberately pretended to be forceful.

Originally, he wanted to give Ai Wen a disarm, to come down with a strong posture, and to give this young man who had never met a strong sense of oppression.

Only in this way can he better cooperate with the plan he will carry out in the near future, but the reality is so unsatisfactory.

A touch of remorse floated across Magneto's heart.

He didn't expect Aiwen's ability to be so powerful. This ability to change reality is probably not weaker than his daughter.

But it's too late to regret now, the person has already offended, and Ruiwen is dead, and the two sides are already in an endless situation.

At this moment, the angry Magneto flew straight into the air, with his hands open to the sky, and a powerful force surged out.

Ivan was surprised to feel that the ground was trembling, as if something inside the core of the earth was about to burst out.


The earth was churning, and in an instant, countless metal elements and mineral deposits rolled out of the ground, and a large amount of shiny metallic substances filled the entire school playground.

The movement here has attracted the attention of New Yorkers.

But Magneto has made a real move, he is using his powerful ability to create a position, and in this strong magnetic field environment, he will kill the young man.

"Bang, bang!"

The glass of the teaching building was shattered at this moment, and a toad covered in white spider silk, like a cocoon, was thrown out.

And what followed behind him was a saber-toothed tiger that fell out with a roar.

The battle in the teaching building has been decided for the time being. Spider-Man, who is powerful, agile, and assisted by a spider web ejector, has the upper hand.

The two mutants fell to the ground fiercely. Spider-Man jumped out of the teaching building, looked at the two and joked, "One of you looks like a toad and the other looks like a saber-toothed tiger. You are playing with me, Spider-Man, in the world of animals." ...Oh~~~"

As soon as he raised his head, Spider-Man saw the extremely shocking scene on the playground in front of him. His keen spider sense made him feel the huge danger in the metal magnetic field in an instant.

"Not good, Ivan!"

At this time, Spider-Man saw Ivan standing motionless on the edge of the metal magnetic field, as if terrified, had been enveloped by the rapidly expanding magnetic field.

Although Aiwen took away the girl he once liked, Peter Parker, who believed that the two had a close relationship and Aiwen had helped him a lot, still couldn't see his good friend in danger.


At this moment, the saber-toothed tiger turned over and got up from the ground, and roared at Spider-Man, but what greeted him was rapid shooting, like countless white spider threads like laser rays.

In an instant, the saber-toothed tiger was wrapped into a human-shaped silkworm chrysalis cocoon, and he felt dizzy, and he was slammed by Spider-Man towards the Magneto King suspended in the metal magnetic field.

And Spider-Man also followed behind him, rushing towards Ivan quickly, trying to save his friend from a dangerous situation.

"Low bug!"

Magneto waved his hand lightly, and the cocoon of spider silk wrapped around the saber-toothed tiger was smashed into the air by a huge metal plate, violently falling out of the metal magnetic field.

At the same time, metal fragments all over the sky frantically rushed towards Spider-Man who rushed into the magnetic field.

And Peter Parker saw that he was about to touch Ivan, but he felt the metal fragments pouring in all around him in an instant.

At the critical moment, between protecting himself and helping his friends, Spider-Man chose the latter.

A white spider silk wrapped around Aiwen's waist, and a strong force came, and he was quickly swept into the air and thrown out of the metal magnetic field.

However, Spider-Man was engulfed in the overwhelming attack of metal fragments with almost no gaps.

It seems to have become a seamless metal strip!

(End of this chapter)

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