Darkness Rises

Chapter 218 The Black Phoenix from the Chest

Chapter 218 The Black Phoenix from the Chest

Following his father's angry shout, Qin Dai stood in place.

Her father, yes, blamed her!

Memories from the past flooded in like a tide, and the power of the phoenix detected the scene that appeared in John's mind at that time, which overlapped with Qin's memory at that time.

At that time, Qin, who was sitting in the car, was tired of her mother not changing the music in the car, so her ability went berserk, and then there was a car accident that turned the world upside down!
That memory has never been so clear as it was then, telling her clearly that her mother was killed by her.

And her father, who has been living in hatred, hated his daughter for killing his wife, and was even more afraid that this monster-like child would kill him one day.

So, he dumped the child to Charles Xavier like a plague god.

Since then, they have never seen each other again for more than 20 years. John Gray has completely died in Qin's world without any regrets.

He has never tried to see his daughter even once.

Not only was she deceived by Professor X who regarded her as a relative, even as her father, she was even abandoned by her biological father.

The anger in his heart emerged uncontrollably, even about to burst out of his chest.

This is not an adjective. When you say rushing out of your chest, you really mean rushing out of your chest.

A dark red phoenix force burst out from the chest of the furious Jean Gray, and that terrifying force immediately knocked John down to the ground.

Unknowing of life or death, he fell into a coma beside him.

But this terrifying phoenix force didn't stop there. As Qin Gray felt that her chest was about to be exploded by anger, with a roar, the more turbulent and terrifying phoenix force raged wildly.


Seeing this situation, Aiwen was instantly shocked. He already felt the horror of this power, and it was different from the feeling he had been given by the Phoenix Force in the past.

This dark red power is full of cruelty, anger and destruction!

A strong sense of danger hit Aiwen's heart, and without any hesitation, he immediately mobilized the power of the Reality Gem, not only to protect himself, but also to limit Jean Gray's upcoming rampage.

However, it was too late, the red misty light had begun to diffuse at the fastest speed, but just when Aiwen's body was protected, a terrifying dark red phoenix power rushed rushing.

Ai Wen looked up, and at the first sight he saw Qin Gree wrapped in the dark red phoenix power, and his temperament had undergone earth-shaking changes.

Cruel and cold, those eyes that had begun to turn black were staring at Ivan coldly and strangely.


An unrivaled force came, and Aiwen, whose body was tumbling with red light, was instantly sent flying, crashing through the wall of the house, and flew directly to the streets of the town outside.

Of course, as long as he leaves the range covered by the power of the phoenix, the power of reality will immediately show its power, allowing Aiwen to quickly return to normal from the crazy tumbling, and land safely on the ground.

At this time, the huge movement caused the residents of the small town to come out one by one, looking at what happened to John Grey, an old man who lived alone, with a look of surprise on his face.

But the next moment, their eyes were instantly filled with red light all over the sky.

The boundless power of reality gushes out from Aiwen's body, as if it is a response to being suppressed by the power of the phoenix just now. That incredible power that can change reality at will will maintain his dignity.

"Long! Long! Long!"

The air was shaking, the ground was shaking, and the whole town was shaking.

Ai Wen's eyes narrowed slightly, isn't it over yet, that nasty black phoenix wants to continue to be tough with him, so come on.

But just when the red power of reality was about to sweep towards the room in front of him, Ai Wen's expression suddenly froze.

No, the problem does not come from the front room, it comes from heaven.

Looking up suddenly, Ivan saw the familiar, sci-fi fighter plane slowly descending from the sky.


With a cold snort, in this case, Aiwen didn't want to be a sentinel to this group of annoying guys, and the power of red reality that swept across the sky suddenly disappeared in front of everyone.

Today, the residents of the small town really watched a big show, not to mention the strange movement coming from John Grey's house, and not to mention the appearance and disappearance of the red light all over the sky created by the young man, which caused their anxiety.

Just the advanced fighter that is falling from the sky is enough to feast their eyes on.

"Mom, that plane, isn't that the plane that the X-Men went to space to rescue astronauts, they came to our town, I want to go... woo woo~~~"

The little boy was instantly covered by the father on the other side, and the parents looked at each other worriedly, then immediately dragged the child back to their own house, and closed the doors and windows tightly.

It has to be said that the residents of this small town are still a bit desperate. Seeing that something was wrong, they immediately took all their family members home.

And the local 911 call was also instantly exploded!

The fighter plane in the sky landed slowly on the road in the town, and landed steadily in front of Ai Wen's eyes.

Almost as soon as the plane had just stopped, the cabin door opened immediately, allowing Ivan to fully feel the urgency of the group of people inside.

A group of people walked out of the fighter plane anxiously. The first one was Professor X who was pushed by "Cyclops" Scott in a wheelchair, followed by "Storm" Ororo and "Beast" Hank.

The first time they got off the plane, they saw Ivan standing in front of them.

Of course, when they were still in the sky, they had already seen the red light all over the sky, and they had already discovered Aiwen's existence.

At this time, "Cyclops" Scott let go of his hands pushing the wheelchair, stepped forward emotionally, came to Ivan, and asked, "What about Qin, where did you get her?"

Ai Wen narrowed his eyes slightly, and almost exploded the head of the guy in front of him. If he didn't want to turn his face in front of Professor X, the two hundred and five who had been messing with him in front of him would have died a long time ago. .


Professor X also noticed the problem, and quickly stopped the other party's inappropriate roar, turned the wheelchair and walked forward, looking at Ai Wen with a worried expression: "Ai Wen, where is Qin?"

Ai Wen rolled his eyes, raised his head towards the house in front of him, and said unhappily in his heart: "Isn't it there, I can't see it by myself!"

Of course, the surging Phoenix Force has long been noticed by these X-Men, and asking Ivan is just to get a definite news.

Looking at the terrible energy reaction in the room in front of him, Professor X asked worriedly: "Ivan, can you tell me what happened?"

(End of this chapter)

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