Darkness Rises

Chapter 215 I'll Be With You!

Chapter 215 I'll Be With You!

Jean Gray was born in a very happy and happy family, but when the whole family was driving out, they encountered a car accident, resulting in the death of both parents, leaving only her as a little girl.

After that, Qin, who was discovered to have a special talent and was actually a mutant, was taken by Charles Xavier to live together in his manor.

Later, under the construction of Charles, the manor gradually became a school for mutants, and became a paradise for children with poor backgrounds.

But although her life and growth environment were not bad afterwards, there was always a little secret that she didn't want to share with others, which was deeply suppressed by Jean Gray.

That is, the car accident that her parents encountered was not a simple traffic accident, nor was it written in the car accident report that her mother collided with an oncoming car because of fatigue driving.

In fact, in the car at that time, Qin, who was able to run away just because of the bad music in the car, distracted her mother and caused a serious car accident.

This secret has been pressed in her heart, and even she doesn't want to recall it at all, because it means pain and sadness.

That is, since then, Jean Gray has become an orphan, and the memory of her parents in her mind is always frozen in her youth.

She actually misses them very much, wants to enjoy fatherly love, motherly love, and see them getting old.

But all this is forever unavailable.

Until, the barrier in her heart was shattered under the impact of the black phoenix!

A small memory point in her mind changed slightly.

It was after she was in a car accident, when she was about to wake up in the hospital bed, she heard the conversation between Professor Charles and the nurse who came to visit her.

At that time, Charles was very worried about her, afraid that she would not be able to help being sad when she heard the news of the death of her parents.

It was also because of this hazy kindness that she was able to develop a sense of trust in the man in the wheelchair when she first met.

But at this time, her memory of this scene has changed.

Because at that time, there seemed to be another voice sounding nearby: "Qin, is she still alive?"

That was, the voice that belonged to her father.

Her father did not actually die in that car accident, he is still alive!

At the same time, in the distant Westchester County, in the Xavier Academy for Gifted Youth, when Jean Gray's Phoenix Force ran wild, Professor Charles suddenly noticed something strange.

"Quick, push me to the brain wave booster, something happened to Qin!"

After hearing the professor's words, the others did not dare to neglect, and quickly pushed the professor into the secret space in the basement.

In the end, only Hank "The Beast", and Scott "Cyclops" were allowed in to accompany him.

"Are these all mutants?"

As Charles put on the brain wave booster, red phantom figures appeared in midair, and Scott was right, these are all mutants.

At least from this scene, the number of mutants in the world is actually very large.

But these are all minor details. Following the professor's directional tracking, these red figures were quickly flashed, until a human body that seemed to be shining brightly from top to bottom appeared in the vision of several people.


Hearing the professor's murmur, Hank and Scott realized that this ignited figure was Qin!

"How could this be, what happened to Jean?"

Ignoring Scott's panicked question, Charles' spiritual power invaded Jean Gray's brain in another city in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, scenes of childhood memories, like some blurred silent films, flashed back one after another in mid-air.

Until the scene of the car accident reappeared, Charles realized that the barrier he had created for the girl's heart had been broken.

"Jean, it's me, Charles, don't be afraid, stay calm and listen to my voice..."

Charles was trying his best to appease Jean Grey's restless heart, but the next moment, he was severely beaten back.

"Get out of my brain!"


Charles, who was in the wheelchair, let out a muffled grunt, his face darkened obviously, and the memory scene of Qin he saw in front of him was also twisting and churning.

"what happened?"

Hank looked at his old friend with concern, not understanding how this man with powerful spiritual power could show such an expression.

"Qin is resisting me, strengthen the output of the brain wave amplifier!"

Hank didn't say much, and immediately increased the output amplitude of the brainwave amplifier.

At this moment, the tumbling and distorted picture calmed down, because Charles was able to maintain the connection between the two strongly again.

"He's still alive, my father, he's still alive, why are you lying to me, why are you modifying my memory!"

Listening to Qin's angry roar, Hank and Scott beside Charles looked at him in surprise, wondering if they should believe what Qin said.

They couldn't, and they didn't want to believe that Professor X, who has always been respected and admired by others, would actually revise the memories of his students for a long time.

"Qin, I'm doing this for your own good, listen to me..."

"You actually lied to me, get out of my brain!"

Before Charles could continue persuading Qin, under the angry roar of the other party, unprecedented powerful spiritual power surged, knocking back Charles' consciousness in an instant.

In the space of the underground secret room, all the previous scenes disappeared, leaving only Charles with a nosebleed gasping for breath.

"Quick, let's go find Qin immediately, otherwise she will definitely do something that I regret!"

Not to mention that the X-Men were dispatched again and flew to New York in a fighter plane.

At this moment in the practice field, Aiwen has let everyone else leave here, leaving only him and Jean Gray floating in mid-air.

With Qin's angry roar, she opened her closed eyes and looked around. After seeing that there was only Aiwen left, she finally landed slowly.

But at this time, she no longer had the dignified and stable body she used to have. Instead, she exuded an extremely cold aura, no strangers should enter!
But at the same time, a tear dripped from the corner of her eye.

"Qin, what happened?" Ivan asked about the other party's situation with concern.

But Qin's expression at this time was very ugly, even mixed with incomparable anger: "Liars, they are all liars, I have to leave here!"

"Where are you going?"

Glancing at Ai Wen coldly, Qin said expressionlessly, "I'm going to find my father!"

But just when she was about to turn around and leave, Aiwen suddenly smiled and said, "I'll accompany you!"

(End of this chapter)

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