Darkness Rises

Chapter 212 Mutant Moment

Chapter 212 Mutant Moment

"My audience friends around the world, I would like to inform you of good news. Our astronauts have been successfully rescued and they will return to Earth safely!"

The host's impassioned and extremely excited words from the TV made the people outside the NASA building who had been praying under the leadership of the pastor cheer loudly.

And this scene happened all over the world, regardless of whether there are astronauts in the space station or not, this rescue of the century can be said to have inspired everyone's hearts.

Including the host of the TV station who was hosting the news program, his expression became much more relaxed when he heard the faint cheers coming from outside the building.

Immediately, his heart became tangled again.

Who told him to be an authentic mutant discriminator? In previous news programs, he has publicly slandered this ethnic group.

But this time the great rescue of the century was indeed the opponent's X-Men who took the initiative to rescue the astronauts who were trapped on the International Space Station.

Of course, from his tricky point of view, it's not that he can't find black spots. After all, what kind of X-Men are these mutants? Are they trying to subvert the human regime and persecute ordinary people?

However, the atmosphere at this moment is really not the time to do this, after all, the achievements of these mutants cannot be obliterated.

He couldn't just shoot at them before they landed on the ground, otherwise he would be caught in the criticism of public opinion.

Anyway, if that's the case, let's praise them appropriately, after all, the host watched this rescue incident very soul-stirringly.

"As far as we know, the X-Men sent a total of four people to participate in the rescue. They are 'Beast' Hank, 'Cyclops' Scott, 'Storm' Ororo, and 'Phoenix' Jean. Grey.

Among them, Hank is also the head of the "Mutant Affairs Department" of our White House. It seems that they were able to dispatch in time this time, thanks to our Mr. President who directed them.

Of course, no matter what, our astronauts can return safely this time, thanks to the efforts of these people..."

In the "Xavier Academy for Gifted Youth", Professor Charles watched the positive news report of the host on the TV. His heart couldn't help being excited, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

This time he worked hard to facilitate the rescue mission, isn't this the result he wanted.

Presumably through this effort, the entire American society's hostility and resistance to mutants should be able to have a major change.

But at the same time, his brows were wrinkled again, just because he remembered a few details in this execution.

First of all, the mutants that the news host said were only four X-Men, it wasn't that the other party deliberately ignored Ivan and the Red Devil.

Instead, Aiwen had already greeted him before departure, and he didn't want to show up in front of people across the United States, or even the world, so the names of the two were omitted in the draft he submitted to the news organization this time.

Of course, the information he submitted to the White House and even S.H.I.E.L.D. is very comprehensive, and the contributions of Ivan and the Red Devil will not be ignored.

But this is just a small episode. The real trouble is that Jean Gray, because of his persistence and regardless of personal safety, ventured to save the last astronaut, but plunged himself into a desperate situation of death.

Fortunately, the final result was good. Although Charles didn't know what happened at that time to make the mortal Qin survive, the ending was happy after all.

But he could also imagine how much his partner Hank and his students would complain about him.

At this moment, the picture of the TV news program has changed.

"Hi everyone, this is NASA's aviation base, now that the X-Men fighters have landed safely, we are about to welcome our heroes home.

Look, they're out! "

In the news screen, four excited astronauts wearing spacesuits appeared in front of the public one after another.

Of course, since they have been performing missions on the International Space Station for a long time, their bodies have been in a weightless environment, so each of them is now being supported by NASA staff.

"What we are seeing now are the astronauts who were successfully rescued this time, two of whom belong to our American astronauts, they are Douglas Hurley and Anna McClain.

The other two are Russian cosmonaut Anton Shkaplerov and Japanese cosmonaut Devil. "

The appearance of the four astronauts made the audience in front of the TV really let go of their worries, and many of them even couldn't help crying.

And then, behind the four astronauts, four more figures appeared one after another. Well, let's say they are human, after all, their appearance is a bit weird.

Not to mention the huge difference between the spacesuits they were wearing and the astronauts, the burly figure with blue hair and skin walking in the front alone made everyone exclaim.

"This is Mr. Hank, the Minister of the Mutant Affairs Department of our White House, and his duty is to be in charge of communicating the connection between the federal government and mutants.

And let me tell you a secret, our minister has a very high IQ, and this fighter plane that can fly into space was developed and transformed by him. "

Well, this introduction seems to be praising Hank, but in fact it is laying a minefield for the other party.

"The next three people are 'Cyclops' Scott, 'Storm' Ororo and 'Phoenix' Jean Gray.

Oh, Dr. Jean Gray should be familiar to many audience friends. After all, she has been active in the public for a long time, and has been blocking the passage of Congressman Kelly's "Mutant Registration Act", but failed not long ago.

Of course, according to the information disclosed by our astronauts, this rescue mission is thanks to the ability of Dr. Jean Gray..."


Before the host finished speaking, he was interrupted by the sudden warm applause at the scene. This time, the mutants really showed their faces in front of the human beings all over the world.

It's just that they were caught in the heated atmosphere and didn't notice that the other three mutants, besides smiling, also showed a slightly worried expression, looking at Jean Gray beside them.

At the same time, under the power of the Red Devil, Ivan teleported to Professor X.

Looking at the glory he was entitled to enjoy on TV, Ai Wen didn't feel a bit lost.

After all, this is his own request, and he has also obtained the consent of the four astronauts, and will not reveal the existence of him and the Red Devil to ordinary people.

And watching the glorious scene on TV, Ivan had to admit that Professor X's plan had succeeded.

It's just that it's almost an unbearable price to pay.

"When Qin comes back, you'd better give her a full physical examination!"

(End of this chapter)

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