Darkness Rises

Chapter 210 The Phoenix in Space

Chapter 210 The Phoenix in Space
In the fighter plane where the X-Men were located, everyone saw the red light that almost filled the entire International Space Station.

According to Jean Gray, this is Evan Hammer's ability, but due to the failure of the communicator, they don't know what the other party wants to do.

But visible to the naked eye, the storm erupted by solar flares is about to sweep to the position where the International Space Station is located.

"Why haven't they come back? I'll just say that Ivan Hammer will delay things..."

But before the restless Cyclops finished speaking, there was only a "puchi".

Red smoke filled the air, and Ivan, the Red Devil, and three other astronauts appeared in the fighter plane together.

"Great, you have returned safely, so that we can return to Earth immediately. It is too dangerous here, and the storm caused by the solar flare is less than 1 minute away... No, your number is wrong!"

The beast, who was originally excited and couldn't help but say a few more words, was about to fly the fighter plane back to the earth when he suddenly caught sight of the five people who appeared.

No, one astronaut is missing!

"Douglas, our commander Douglas Hurley is still in the space station, he didn't come down!"

Anna's words made everyone in the fighter plane change their faces. Indeed, only three of the four astronauts were among them.

"What about the other person?"

Laser looked anxiously and asked these astronauts. The Russian and Japanese astronauts have been stunned until now, and they haven't figured out what happened.

Why did she suddenly run to Anna's side, why did she suddenly leave the space station, and why did she suddenly appear in a place surrounded by weird people.

But Anna, who was the first to see Ivan and the Red Devil, had already figured out the situation a little bit, knowing that these people were here to save them.

So she immediately said: "There, Commander Douglas is in the functional cargo hold that has been separated from the space station!"

Hearing Anna's words, everyone turned around and found that the space capsule she was referring to was the section separated from the space station, and at this time, the functional cargo compartment had already floated hundreds of meters away.

Of course, the distance of hundreds of meters is nothing in space based on the space of the universe, but this distance affects the coverage of Aiwen's ability.

This explains that Aiwen's ability clearly covered all the space stations at that time, but he couldn't find the last astronaut.

Ai Wen spread his hands: "It's not my fault, your junk communicator has lost contact. If it weren't for my ability, those two people wouldn't be able to come back!"

The X-Men, including Cyclops, who has always complained, didn't say anything, because they knew what Ivan said was correct.

"Okay, the storm caused by the solar flare is about to come, we must return immediately, or let alone save that one person, we are afraid that all of us will die!"

Hearing Ivan's words, everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, looked at the upcoming solar storm outside, and the three astronauts who had been rescued, and thought that there was nothing wrong with what Ivan said.

Even the three astronauts looked at the overwhelming solar storm and didn't speak.

After all, they also want to live, it's just human nature.

But at this time, after returning to the fighter plane, the voice of Professor X suddenly came from the communicator where everyone had regained contact: "We must rescue all the astronauts back to Earth, not one less.

All the people on earth are waiting for our good news, they are looking forward to the safe arrival of all the astronauts.

And, we need them all alive too! "

Everyone understands who Professor X's "we" is, but it actually refers to the group of mutants.

After all, why did the X-Men accept such a dangerous mission this time? Isn't it because they want to rely on their life-saving grace and outstanding performance to reverse the American public's misunderstanding of mutants?

However, this seems to take the lives of these people too seriously!

Jean Gray hesitated to speak, wanting to tell the professor the danger of doing this now.

But the professor seemed to know what she was going to say, and stopped him in advance: "Don't waste time, the remaining few seconds are enough for Asazo to bring the astronaut back!"

The moment everyone heard Professor X's words, they were speechless. After all, it was too dangerous outside, and who could order the Red Devil to do this.

At this moment, Jean Grey, who originally wanted to stop the professor, suddenly said: "Azazzo, take me there, there are still ten seconds left, as long as it goes well, we have enough time to send the last astronaut bring back.

If it doesn't go well...

I can also hold you back for a few seconds so you can come back safely! "

Seeing Jean Gray speaking stubbornly with his lips pursed, Cyclops, who is his boyfriend, became anxious: "Jin..."

"No time to waste!"

With Qin's angry and eager roar, Aiwen winked at the Red Devil, and the two people on the opposite side disappeared into the fighter plane in an instant.

And everyone present, including the three astronauts, was so shocked that they lost their words.

But only Aiwen knew why he silently asked the Red Devil to take Jean Grey, the "Phoenix Girl", because he had already clearly felt the terrifying power in the huge solar storm.

At this moment, he is being watched with great anticipation for the next development.

"Nine seconds left..."

The beast looking at the countdown is anxiously counting the time when the solar storm will hit the space station.

"Eight seconds...seven seconds...how could it be, my God, how could the solar storm suddenly inexplicably speed up!"

For some reason, the solar storm that was attacking violently, as if feeling some call at the last moment, unexpectedly accelerated out of thin air and swept towards the International Space Station.

Even everyone in the fighter plane could see with the naked eye that the dark red solar storm was like a dark phoenix crowing.

With his head held high, as if he was hunting for prey, he swooped towards the International Space Station.


Dark red smoke filled the air, and the Red Devil appeared in front of everyone with an astronaut in an instant.

However, there is obviously one person missing.

"Where is the piano!"

Cyclops was in a hurry, rushed up and roared frantically at the Red Devil.

The Red Devil ignored the noisy guy, but looked out the window in shock at the space station that was being swept by the solar storm.

Only then did he say in shock: "Just as Qin and I entered the space cabin, she instantly felt something was wrong.

The solar storm that was supposed to wait a few seconds had already begun to seep into the cabin, and Qin immediately blocked everything with her ability.

Me and this astronaut can come back alive.

And she, I can no longer take her away, Qin, she is still inside! "

(End of this chapter)

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