Darkness Rises

Chapter 208 Flying to the Universe

Chapter 208 Flying to the Universe
"Viewers and friends, according to NASA's forecast, there are less than 10 minutes left until the solar flare completely erupts.

Although the person in charge has been saying that he will do everything possible to rescue our astronauts.

But according to the latest data sent back from the International Space Station, due to the impact of solar flares, a large amount of heat caused a short circuit in the power system.

Our astronauts have lost almost all functions including control, communication, and navigation. They have even destroyed the oxygen protection system.

Astronauts already have to put on spacesuits and use the oxygen in the spacesuits to continue to survive.

But the oxygen in the spacesuits can't last too long, and their living environment is extremely harsh.

The entire International Space Station may fall apart in an instant, exposing the astronauts directly to space.

So if we want to rescue them, we must do it as soon as possible.

But judging from the current situation, according to the analysis of the aerospace experts we invited, it is impossible for NASA, even including the space agencies of all countries on the earth, to launch a manned rocket into space in such a short period of time. bingo.

Moreover, due to the impact of solar flares, these manned spacecraft, even the return capsule of the International Space Station itself, have all been unusable.

We can only pray for God's blessing! "

With the sad words of the host, the director actually turned the news screen to the outside of the NASA building.

There, I don't know when a pastor came, and he was leading a large number of believers to pray to God.

And seeing this scene, not only the news anchor silently began to bow his head to pray, but even many viewers in front of the TV also began to pray sincerely.

I have to say that the Americans are still very thoughtful.

But praying can't change the fact. It's just a beautiful spiritual sustenance. In everyone's heart, they are already prepared for the crash of the International Space Station and the loss of all four astronauts.

But at this moment, the host, who had been bowing his head and praying silently, suddenly raised his head in astonishment, as if he couldn't believe it, and confirmed the message in the earphone again.

And his realization instantly attracted the attention of audiences across the country. Did their prayers work? God answered them. Are the astronauts saved?

At this time, the host said with a strange expression: "We just received the news that the mutant X-Men created by Professor Charles Xavier, commissioned by Mr. President, took over this urgent task.

They will drive the fighter jets to space, and go to the International Space Station to save our astronauts! "

After saying these words, the expression on the host's face was as if he had seen a ghost, and his head was full of thoughts about how this is possible.

You know, he is the host who has discrimination against mutants. During this period of time, he has cursed and taunted the mutant group in the live broadcast room.

But now, what should I do.

Although he intends to say a few harsh words, the current live broadcast is being watched by audiences all over the world. How could he do such a criticized behavior at such an urgent moment.

Therefore, he can only quickly conclude: "I hope these X-Men can bring our astronauts back safely."

The audience who heard the news also raised their heads from their prayers. Although their eyes were complicated, they were full of hope that a miracle would happen.

It can be said that Professor X's goal has been partially achieved. Just because the X-Men set out to save the astronauts in outer space regardless of their own safety, they have already gained a wave of goodwill for them.

At this time, the X-Men fighter plane full of sci-fi feeling is already full of mutants who went to outer space to save people.

Beast, Cyclops, Storm, Phoenix, and Red Devil and Ivan.

These six people are all the personnel who carried out this mission.

"Okay, let's set off. Since this mission is to break through the atmosphere and go into space, I slightly changed the engine. There may be a lot of pushing back in a while, everyone should pay attention!"

As the beast's voice fell, the fighter's developer and pilot immediately started the plane.

It can be seen from the outside that this sci-fi plane rushed straight towards the sky almost after taking off.

This is not a small feeling of pushing the back, no matter what, there is a load of more than 2 to 3 G.

However, due to Aiwen's special physique, he didn't pay attention to this load at all, but the others were in some pain, so they could only grit their teeth and endure it.

After a journey that felt long but was actually not long, this sci-fi fighter finally came into space and slowly approached the International Space Station.

"My God, how did the International Space Station become like this, I remember that solar flares have not erupted before, how did it become like this this time!"

Cyclops looked through the window at the International Space Station, which was almost disintegrated, and said incredulously.

At this time, around the space where the International Space Station is located, countless debris are floating outwards, which are all the debris peeled off from the space station.

In this way, everyone can guess that the current situation of the International Space Station is very bad. Not only is its surface peeling off badly, but also various components and electronic circuits inside have been exposed to space.

Even the joints of many space capsules have become loose, and the frightening thing is that one space capsule has already flown out.

It can be said that the entire International Space Station is already on the verge of destruction, and it will inevitably disintegrate when subsequent solar flares continue to erupt.

"Okay, time is urgent now, and the astronauts can't wait any longer. According to computer calculations, the next wave of the largest solar flare will arrive in 3 minutes.

We have to rescue the astronauts within these 3 minutes, and turn around and return to the earth! "

Hearing the words of "The Beast" Hank, everyone nodded with serious expressions, indicating that they understood the seriousness of the situation.

It's just that Ai Wen's expression is somewhat disdainful. In this fighter plane, some people are actually useless at all.

The Beast is still a pilot, what's the use of Cyclops, can he shoot through the space station with a single glance, and is the current Storm strong enough to control the solar wind?

In fact, the most critical task is still the Red Devil.


Sure enough, the beast said to the Red Devil solemnly: "We need your abilities, the helmets and protective clothing I gave you, and you can even act in space for a short time.

Now you use your ability to pick up our astronauts, is there any problem? "

The Red Devil shook his head, stood up and was ready to act.

But at this time Ivan stood up and said directly: "Take me, I don't know what's going on in the space station, I can help you!"

(End of this chapter)

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