Darkness Rises

Chapter 206 The Power of the Phoenix Appears

Chapter 206 The Power of the Phoenix Appears

At this time, the host of the news program was still nervously broadcasting the news he had just received.

"Not long ago, we just received a message from NASA that due to this unprecedented, sudden eruption of a super solar flare without any warning, the operation of the International Space Station has been seriously affected.

So far, the connection between the earth and the International Space Station has been interrupted, and we can no longer understand real-time information in space.

At this time, there are a total of four astronauts performing missions on the International Space Station, of which two belong to our American astronauts, one belongs to Russia, and the other belongs to Japan.

The lives of these four astronauts are already on the brink of danger, but according to the news from NASA, we cannot save their lives at this moment! "

At this time, the host seemed to have obtained more detailed information from the earphones, and began to popularize science to the audience in front of the TV: "Now, I must let everyone understand the danger of solar flares.

It is one of the most violent eruptions occurring in the trapped region of the sun's atmosphere, releasing a large amount of energy in a short period of time, causing instantaneous heating of the local area.

And emit various electromagnetic radiation outwards, accompanied by a sudden increase in particle radiation.

After the enhanced ultraviolet radiation is directly absorbed by the earth's atmosphere, the atmosphere will be heated, and the temperature and density of the atmosphere will increase, thereby changing the orbit of space vehicles such as artificial satellites.

The enhancement of ultraviolet radiation also makes the density of atomic oxygen suddenly increase, thereby accelerating the denudation effect of atomic oxygen on the surface of the spacecraft. "

In short, the orbit of the International Space Station has changed at this time, and its surface is being eroded rapidly.

And under the outbreak of this unprecedented super solar flare, there is no way for the manned spacecraft of various countries to launch.

This also means that we cannot take our astronauts home.

At this moment, all we can do is pray for the astronauts! "

This news not only caused an uproar in the United States, it can even be said that it has caused an uproar in the global public opinion in the fastest time.

After all, the International Space Station is not the business of one country, it can be said to be the crystallization of human science and technology. How can such a serious disaster not receive the most attention at this time.

In front of the TV, Ivan and Jean Gray were also watching this incredible breaking news, and the two of them could no longer discuss the education of the mutant teenagers.

It's just that the emotions of the two are still a little different. Ivan is simply stunned, because he doesn't remember a similar terrible crisis on the International Space Station in another world.

But for some reason, there was always a faint sense of familiarity lingering in his mind, making him feel as if he had overlooked something.

But Jean Gray's thoughts are much more simple, and she is worried about the safety of those astronauts with her brows tightly frowned.


At this moment, a mobile phone vibrated, and Jean Grey was awakened from worry. Looking at the caller ID, she immediately answered the phone: "Professor!"

Who else could be called by her besides Professor X.

Ivan, who didn't know why Professor X called suddenly, was full of curiosity, and kept staring at Jean Gray involuntarily.

Immediately afterwards, he saw that as Qin Gray listened to the professor's words on the phone, the worried expression immediately changed into incredible surprise.

"Professor, are you serious, are we really going to do this?"

Jean Grey's rhetorical question did not seem to dispel Professor Charles' thoughts. After a while of silence, Jean suddenly handed the phone to Ivan.

"The professor has something to tell you."

Ai Wen frowned and answered the phone. For some reason, he always felt that this time was not a good thing.

"Professor Charles, what's the matter?"

Hearing Ivan pick up the phone, Professor Charles said in a slightly hasty voice: "Ivan, you saw the disaster on the International Space Station in the TV news just now!"

"Yeah, I saw it, but what does it have to do with us, is it possible that you still want to drive a plane into space to rescue the astronauts, haha...ha..."

Laughing, laughing, Ivan's expression suddenly became astonished, and then the laughter stopped abruptly.

It seems that he remembered something. What happened at this time seems to be somewhat similar to the plot of Dark Phoenix. Could it be that this bald professor really wants to go to space to save people.

But what does it matter to him!
Hearing Ivan's strange reaction on the phone, Professor Charles couldn't help but frowned, not understanding why the other party was smiling and then embarrassed.

But no matter what, he had to say that the sixth sense of the little guy opposite was really strong.

"Yeah, I did decide to let the X-Men go to space to rescue the desperate astronauts."

Hearing that Professor Charles proved his conjecture, Ivan didn't know what to say, but he endured it and said, "Professor, are you dementia? How can you save people in outer space? You are not afraid to take all your people in!"

You know, in the original plot, the reason why the X-Men were able to successfully rescue all the astronauts was because of the cooperation of the Blue Devil and Quicksilver, and in the end they also caught up with the "Phoenix Girl" Jean Grey.

That intense solar flare actually came from a special cosmic energy, that is, the "Phoenix Force" that destroyed countless planets and came from thousands of miles away.

At the critical moment, all this power poured into Jean Gray's body, turning her into a terrifying "Dark Phoenix".

It's just that the later plot is connected to a group of aliens, so there is nothing to talk about.

Thinking of these things at this time, Aiwen suddenly stared at Jean Gray in front of him with wide eyes. Maybe the opportunity for this woman to transform has come.

"Hey, hey, Ivan, are you still listening..."

Due to being ignored for a long time, Professor Charles called Ivan anxiously on the phone, and Jean Gray also looked at him inexplicably, and said, "What are you doing, the professor is talking to you!"


Ai Wen came back to his senses, and said to the phone with some upset in his heart: "So, you want your X-Men to go to space to save people, why do you contact me, I don't want to run out of the earth to save something astronaut!"

"No, Ivan, you may not understand the importance of this opportunity. You have to know that this time Mr. President called me personally, hoping that we X-Men and us mutants can dispatch to rescue the astronauts. .

Do you know how important this is to our race? "

(End of this chapter)

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