Darkness Rises

Chapter 194 After the Doomsday

Chapter 194 After the Doomsday
New York after the crisis.

It has been a week since the catastrophe caused by the mutant demonstrations that day, and the streets of Manhattan have resumed their former bustle and bustle.

Although there was a lot of commotion on that day, and the damage caused by the red dragon was also considerable, even for several days in a row, many New Yorkers suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder and dared not go to the streets or approach Fifth Avenue.

Therefore, the largest city in the United States, and even the most prosperous city in the world, was truly silent for many days. During this time, the entire city was plunged into great anger and mourning.

Of course, due to government restrictions, those radical human organizations that wanted to take to the streets to hold anti-mutant demonstrations were forcefully suppressed.

After all, the New York government doesn't want to see the city that has just recovered its calm, and then because of some accident, fall into that terrible doomsday scene.

So the way for everyone to express and vent is to make impassioned speeches and cry with great grief at the many funerals.

Countless ordinary citizens who lost their loved ones due to the "Red Dragon Doom" are holding funerals on a large scale. This scene of grief in the city is almost comparable to New York after 911/[-].

And similarly, the mutants who died that day because of the dragon flames of the red dragon, or the shooting of the police and the National Guard were also in great grief.

However, they hardly dared to honor the dead openly, and only dared to bid farewell on a small scale in some remote cemeteries.

The emotions in New York City in the past few days have been immersed in the opposition of grief and anger.

It's just that for the vast majority of people, life has to go on, and the lives of New Yorkers continue to return to the busy days of the past.

After all, if they want to live in this huge and prosperous city, there is a lot of pressure to survive, and they must continue to work busy.

Wall Street traders, accountants of major investment banks, and employees of major multinational corporations continued to live the same life as before.

Only Fifth Avenue, the famous "Street of Dreams", was completely destroyed, and all the surrounding luxury stores were destroyed. Now they are being quickly rebuilt under the leadership of the New York government.

At this time, the workers who were doing construction on this street said with emotion while working: "Who of you has ever seen this kind of terrible attack power? Look at the ground that was burned by the dragon flame, it has already crystallized!" One can imagine how high the temperature of the flame is!"


Another worker with a big belly sighed and said: "So this is the power that the legendary giants should have, I didn't expect these mutants to be so powerful.

By the way, you know what? "

The worker said mysteriously: "At that time, the red dragon was killed by the sentinel robot, but a lot of blood was sprayed, and some of it was even sprayed on the heads of some policemen and soldiers.

Everyone is guessing whether these people will become invulnerable like Siegfried after bathing in dragon blood.

At that time, some people even tried to dig out some dragon blood that penetrated into the ground where the dragon died, so as to evolve themselves! "

This kind of unheard-of anecdote immediately made the workers who heard it very interested. The real stories about myths and legends are the gossip that these blue-collar workers at the bottom of society love to hear.


At this time, someone said disdainfully: "These things are just rumors, it would be fine if it was a real dragon, but it was transformed by a damned mutant.

After the death of the dragon, it happened that my cousin was trapped in a nearby building because she was watching the parade. She was lucky to not be burned to death by the dragon flame, so she could see what happened next.

After the giant dragon died, it quickly returned to the normal appearance of a mutant. The so-called dragon blood was nothing more than the dirty blood of a mutant. How could it be like in "Song of the Nibelungen"? Make people invulnerable. "

This person's speech was clearly part of a group that hates mutants, and his speech continued: "We must not think that the power of mutants is noble and powerful.

What is really powerful is God who created us humans, and we humans ourselves.

Mr. Teslak set the best example for us, the sentinel robot he developed easily killed the damn dragon.

With the cooperation of the advanced sentinel robots, no matter what kind of mutants, they can't defeat our human creations.

Therefore, I very much agree with Mr. President’s reception and praise of Mr. Teslak. He has protected us humans from the threat of mutants! "

But just when he wanted to continue to make hate speeches, these people were discovered by the manager, who yelled and drove them away, telling them to continue working quickly.

It's just that the worker's speech also revealed the direction of the development of the matter. The situation of the mutants is indeed more difficult.

In a villa in the Upper East Side of New York, Ivan was expressionless, watching the news channel on the TV with cold eyes.

At this time, it was the scene of Teslak being received by the black president.

In recognition of Tesla's industry, he stood up when New York was in mortal danger, and turned the tide, saving countless people's property and lives.

So the President of the United States actually decided to personally meet Bolivar Teslak and award a medal.

Seeing the bastard on the TV, with a dignified and righteous look, saying some words of self-praise, saving the world and saving the people, Ai Wen's heart was full of distorted and angry.

The honor this guy got was almost obtained by stepping on the corpses of him and the mutants. At this time, seeing the other party's success as a villain, but also becoming a national hero, Aiwen can be as disgusting as he wants nausea.

But under such circumstances, he is not very good, so he directly retaliates like this. This guy is now coercing public opinion and attracting attention. It seems that he has to find another chance.

But this time things came down, not without good things.

Mission Name: The Midnight Emperor

Description of content: Become the underground king of the New York world. (In the New York Police Department, in front of all NYPD, it is declared that after twelve o'clock in New York, it is yours!)
Completed successfully.

The moment when Jin Bing surrendered to him, it meant the success of this mission, when he was really accompanied by Jin Bing and brought his men to announce the matter at the police station.

The task is naturally completed.

Although there are a few young police officers who are full of sense of justice and are so unconvinced, they can only dare to be angry and dare not speak out, holding it deep in their hearts.

There are not many system tasks remaining in Aiwen's place!
(End of this chapter)

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