Darkness Rises

Chapter 192 The confrontation between man and machine

Chapter 192 The confrontation between man and machine

Hell's Kitchen Sky.

After the "plague" was stabbed to death by a hedgehog, the swarm of insects that had been flying in the sky and making unpleasant noises began to fall down like rain.

It seems that as long as the main body that produced them, or the provider of the extraordinary ability, dies, then these little things full of germs will no longer be able to maintain their own lives.

"Clap, clap!"

Looking at the corpses of bugs falling from the sky, the hedgehog said with a disgusted expression: "Damn bastard, even after he dies, he will disgust everyone. I don't know if these ghosts still have plague!"

Hearing his words, other people couldn't help avoiding these disgusting insect corpses as much as possible, but soon, with the rapid death of these insect swarms, the sky in Hell's Kitchen returned to its former appearance.

The street lamps on the street and the shop signs on both sides radiated bright light again, and because of this light pollution, although the stars in the night sky could not be seen, everyone could see the sky again.

"It's much more comfortable now!"

Russell looked at the sky above and couldn't help sighing, but after seeing Marcus standing next to Lorna again, his face darkened again.

"Okay, look away!"

John put his arms around his good brother's shoulders, and didn't know how to persuade him, so he could only say so.

But at this moment, Aiwen, who had been watching the crowd killing insects, suddenly looked at the distant sky and frowned.

At the same time, other people also found something wrong.

"Over there, it seems that something is flying over!"

Weiss, who had been shrinking behind everyone, was one step ahead of the others and discovered something strange.

Following his fingers, everyone could see more than a dozen small black dots flying towards them in the distant sky.

"What's that, a fighter jet?"

Russell looked blankly at the rapidly approaching things and guessed.

But the flying speed of those black dots was really too fast. After only a moment, Lorna's expression changed instantly.

"Asshole, that is, Sentinel robot, it's that damn new Sentry robot!"

After seeing clearly what those flying black dots were, Lorna's memory instantly returned to the day that changed her life.

That day was the happiest day in her life.

Numerous mutants broke through the cage and broke the shackles of the "suppression collar" with inexplicable power. They used their abilities to return all the humiliation imposed on them by the mutant shelter center.

Lorna still remembers that on that day, she used her powerful ability to be in the containment center as if she had entered a land of no one, and no guards could stop her even for a second.

Whether it was the guns guarding the mutants, or the spider-type sentinel robot, they were all controlled by her ability, unable to make any resistance.

The mutants at that moment were only one step away from being free.

But at the last moment, two terrifying new sentinel robots flew from outside the mutant containment center. Lorna clearly remembered that her ability to control the magnetic field had completely lost its effect on them.

Although the two robots looked full of metal texture, they obviously didn't have a single trace of metal on their bodies, completely restraining her abilities.

In the end, she had to escape alone under the cover of Marcus.

She didn't expect to see these terrifying new sentinel robots again just tonight, and the huge number, is it going to kill them all?

The power of this new sentinel robot can be said to be an indelible shadow in Lorna's heart, and perhaps only those who have experienced it will understand.

For example, her partner, and Russell and John who also escaped from the mutant asylum.

and many more!

Thinking of this, Lorna's eyes suddenly widened, and she looked at Russell's group of mutants in disbelief.

After Russell and John escaped from the mutant holding center, they came to Aiwen's men, and as far as he knew later, John had known Aiwen before being locked up in the holding center.

At that time, the power that destroyed the "suppression collars" around the necks of all the mutants in the containment center was the red light.

And Teslak Industry and the Mutant Containment Center sent them to Ivan's side with the intention of killing him.

Sure enough, it was Aiwen who caused the riot in the mutant shelter at that time!

But now is not the time to think about it. Seeing that the sentinel robot is about to fly over their heads, Lorna shouted loudly: "Everyone be careful, this is the latest sentinel robot developed by Teslak Industries. They have very powerful the power of.

And my abilities have no effect on them at all. These damned guys were specially developed to kill mutants. Be careful! "

Hearing Lorna's words, the hedgehog, night girl and others who had never been in contact with them immediately raised their vigilance, while Russell and others who had seen their power were even more beating drums in their hearts.

"Okay, there is nothing to be afraid of, you go and try the strength of these ghosts first, I won't let you have any accidents, go!"

Ivan really wanted to see how powerful the sentinel robot recently developed by Teslak was, and how far it was from the sentinel robot he remembered that would destroy all mutants.

However, Teslak Industries, you are really courting death!

Being targeted like this all the time tonight, for Ivan, he already has the determination to completely destroy the Teslak industry.

The two are already immortal enemies!
And after hearing Aiwen's words, these mutants finally raised their confidence, and looked at the fast flying, even in the night sky, they could already see the opponent's amethyst-colored body.

At this time, there were as many as fifteen of the latest sentinel robots, faithfully performing their tasks.

Dots of red light lit up in their electronic eyes, which was a reminder that the mutant detectors had found the target. In their detection system, they had completely locked on the group of mutants in front of them.

"Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!"

In this way, the sentinel robots quickly skipped Aiwen standing at the forefront, and after distributing their prey reasonably, their killing began.


Flames shot out from their wrists one after another, and the flames that merged together into a terrifying sea of ​​flames fiercely burned these mutants who were even children.

The purple space door opened in an instant, and all the oncoming flames were shot towards the sea outside New York.

Clarice was the first to use her abilities to block the sentinel robot's attack on them.

At the same time, the counterattack of the mutants also arrived.

(End of this chapter)

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