Darkness Rises

Chapter 185 Time to work

Chapter 185 Time to work
Polaris was stared at by Ivan, his eyelids twitched wildly, his face changed instantly, and he immediately wanted to explain aloud.



But before she opened her mouth to speak, Russell, who was almost covered in fire, made a move, and rushed towards Ivan.

And looking at the excited expression on his face, there were even tears flowing from his eyes, but they were quickly evaporated by the hot flame.

What a loving father and filial son, uh, this is simply flattering, and to be honest, this is Russell's most authentic reaction at the moment.

It's just that seeing Russell's ignorant appearance, the night walker who followed Ivan into the nightclub couldn't help shouting in shock: "Russell!"

Ivan looked at the burning man who was rushing towards him, rolled his eyes involuntarily, and then snapped his fingers, Russell's hot flames were extinguished in an instant.

Of course, including him jumping towards his body, he was also frozen in mid-air.

"Boss, head of the Night Walking Girl, it's great that you are still alive, I, woo~~~"

The little fat man was frozen in mid-air with his hands wide open, but he himself didn't seem to notice it at all. He just looked at Ai Wen and the night girl with his face full of excitement and crying.

The night girl who was moved by his appearance looked at Aiwen with some embarrassment: "Boss..."

With a wave of Ivan's hand, Russell regained his freedom, but he was also warned: "Speak up, what happened here, do you want to burn my shop down?"

At this time, the little fat man seemed to wake up from a dream, and suddenly turned around and pointed at Polaris and the others, shouting angrily: "It's them, it's them, the hedgehog, Arc Light, and those of us were all killed by them!" Dead, boss, you have to avenge them, they died so badly..."

"You bullshit!"

Lorna couldn't take it anymore when she heard Russell throwing shit on her like this, and immediately said loudly: "Everything inside has nothing to do with us. When we came, this place was already like this, we..."

"Is there any bullshit there?"

At this time, John also quickly walked up from behind. His body was covered with scorched marks, and it looked like he was burned by some kind of focused heat energy, not by Russell's flame.

Ivan frowned. He knew John's ability. This guy's tough skin was far superior to that of ordinary people. Not only was it hard to hurt, but he even had a good healing ability.

Now being burned like this, it seems that the injuries he suffered before are indeed quite serious.

As the red light descended again, the burn marks on John's body quickly disappeared. Looking at the surprised and moved appearance of the other party, Ivan felt more and more that he came back this time, like a doctor who saved lives and healed the wounded.

"Boss, what happened in the nightclub is absolutely inseparable from these people. When we were at the parade, we saw them meeting with a person from the mutant shelter.

And according to what they said, it seems that they want to deal with you and us, so I guess they brought people here, and then killed our people! "

"You fart!"

The shit pot has been buckled like this, but before the anxious Polaris could refute, Marcos, who was beaten with a bruised nose and swollen face, rushed forward.

"All of this has nothing to do with us at all, we also just came here not long ago, and at that time this place was already full of dead people.

And you can't slander Lorna, you are Alvin Hammer, right? Originally, she said she would bring us to be your subordinates.

But now I don't think you deserve it at all, Lorna, let's go! "

This guy looked unhappy, and after venting, he took Lorna's hand and was about to leave, but the girl knew that they couldn't just leave like this.

If you don't explain this matter clearly, how can that terrible man let him go.

But at this time, John stood in front of them first, and said angrily: "Are you going to let me go, do you still want to be beaten!"


Marcus touched his bruised and swollen face, which was in constant pain, and suddenly let go of Lorna's hand, and then raised his hands up, a dazzling white light appeared in his palm again.


Following Ivan's angry shout, a strong force came, and Marcus was slammed back and flew out, falling into the corpses all over the place.

Just when he stood up angrily and was about to release his ability again, a completely dark spherical space suddenly enveloped him in it.

This sphere, which is no more than two square meters in size, is completely pure and pitch black, no light can penetrate into it, and there is also no light beam that can penetrate into it.

And this dark spherical space will also move with the movement of the person wrapped in it. Simply put, Marcos Diaz, a "solar eclipse" that absorbs and emits light energy, is trapped in a living space. In the dark space.

Ignoring the wild boy who didn't know what to say and came out of nowhere, Ivan looked at Polaris and said with a serious expression: "I need your explanation!"

Lorna glanced at the pitch-black sphere with some concern. When she was sure that Ivan was merciful and that Marcos would be fine, she took a deep breath and said, "Marcos was right just now, I really wanted to Take them under your command.

That's because after being in contact with you for so long, I've determined that you are the future of our mutants, so Clarice and I made a plan and decided to get rid of the control of the mutant containment center and truly become yours! "

"Then you are saying that you have been in contact with the people in the detention center before, isn't it?" Yexing Goddess said with a gloomy expression.


Lorna did not choose to lie, so her answer aroused the glaring looks of John and Russell.

"But I didn't give them any key information, and what I told them was only some information that they could investigate.

Especially at the parade site before, I killed all the surveillance personnel sent by the containment center, and rushed over at the first time, wanting to give you a tip-off.

It's just that my plan still went wrong. I didn't expect that the people in the detention center would divide the mutants into two groups, and the other group didn't come with Marcus and the others.

That's why the current result is caused, but you must believe me, everything I said is true, we don't want to have anything to do with the mutant shelter center anymore! "

Ivan looked at Lorna with a cold expression, which also made the young people on the opposite side feel uneasy. They knew that they were definitely not the opponent of the powerful person in front of them.

"Ha ha!"

Shaking his head, Ai Wen finally said: "Forget it, trust you!"

Hearing Ivan's words, Lorna and Clarice immediately showed surprise expressions, and then they looked at Marcus who was still trapped in the dark sphere.

But the corpses everywhere that caught their eyes made their expressions even more embarrassing. After all, there were still such serious casualties.

"They've had enough rest, and it's time to get up and work!"

As Aiwen's voice fell, a large-scale red light descended on every dead person in the nightclub!
(End of this chapter)

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