Darkness Rises

Chapter 169

Chapter 169

New York, Manhattan, Fifth Avenue.

The "Mutant Lives Matter" parade is passing through this high-end shopping street known as "Street of Dreams".

The bustling street, which was full of people, is now covered by noise and shouts, and tourists from all over the world are watching the parade.

The clerks and managers of luxury stores on both sides of the street stood on the side of the street and watched all this with hatred and resentment, because this parade affected their business.

As for the locals in New York, they are also watching with cold eyes, just because these "people" are not the same race in their hearts.

Some people looked at those mutants indifferently as if they were looking at another animal.

It can only be said that, unlike other countries around the world, the status of mutants in the United States is really low, and the situation is really difficult.

Among the crowd in the parade, a few mutant children from Polaris participated in this very sacred human rights parade for them with a sense of participation.

They feel like they're fighting for a mutant future.

"Hey, where is Clarice, I don't seem to see her!"

Suddenly, Russell, who had been shouting loudly and his cheeks were flushed, froze for a moment, because when he was habitually observing Lorna in front of him, he suddenly found that the "flicker" who had been with her all along, Clarice, was gone. .

Hearing Russell's words, "Thunderbird" John also discovered this situation, and he, who had been a little worried, couldn't help feeling a little anxious.

"Where did Clarice go, let's go, let's go back and look for her, did she let the parade crowd disperse, we..."

"Alright, there's nothing to worry about!"

At this time, Lorna, who is Clarice's best friend, was not worried at all. Her eyes flashed brightly, and she deliberately said in a nonchalant tone: "She may not be able to hold back, go to the bathroom !"

Seeing Lorna's attitude, John was shocked: "Why are you not in a hurry at all, isn't the relationship between you the best, aren't you worried about her?"

Hearing John's question, Lorna smiled indifferently: "Clarice is not a child anymore, can she really lose it, and with her ability, if there is danger, she can leave immediately , or go back to our side, don't worry about her!"

But Lorna Dane's nonchalant attitude not only failed to dispel John's worries, but instead gave him a feeling that something was wrong.

Even Russell, who has always been naive, felt that Lorna's behavior was a bit strange at this time.

"Hey, I'm back, look who I brought!"

At this moment, Clarice suddenly rushed out from the crowd behind them, and said loudly with joy on her face.

And behind her, followed by three boys of the same age.

Seeing them, Lorna immediately showed a look of surprise, and rushed up to hug the Mexican boy who was in the lead.

And Russell at the back was dumbfounded when he saw these people for the first time, and when he saw Lorna hugging the boy excitedly, he was already so stupid that he didn't know how to react.

How is this possible, how did they appear here, shouldn't these guys be locked up in a mutant holding center!

John on the side also frowned when he saw this scene, not to mention the strange meeting scene, the boy hugging Lorna felt very familiar to him, as if he had seen it before.

Suddenly, a flash of lightning flashed in John's mind, causing his face to change drastically. He suddenly remembered, wasn't this the boy he had seen in the mutant shelter, the boy who had a very good relationship with Polaris.

And at that time, these people also bullied Russell.

"Marcos, how could it be you, and Wes and Jeffrey, how did you escape from the containment center!"

The Mexican-born boy hugging Polaris is called Marcos Diaz, nicknamed Solar Eclipse, and has the ability to absorb and emit light energy.

It can dazzle and burn enemies, and it can also emit solar energy. His ability is perfectly matched with Polaris' ability to control the magnetic field. When the two meet, they can produce beautiful northern lights.

And that thin white boy, named Weiss, nicknamed Illusion, his ability is just like his name, which is to create illusions that can be faked.

The last black boy, named Jeffrey, can make himself invisible, but what's even more powerful is that he can also make others invisible.

But the most important thing is, how did these three people, who should still be locked up in the mutant holding center at this time, suddenly appear at the parade in Manhattan, New York.

At this moment, Lorna separated from Marcos who was hugging tightly, and there were even tears in the corners of her excited eyes.

She looked back at Russell who had been asking, put her index finger on her lips, and said softly: "Shh, keep your voice down, don't let other people hear it, and I will let you know later."

But when he saw his girlfriend whom he hadn't seen for a long time, he actually spoke kindly to Russell, the chubby guy he had been bullying, and Marcos was dissatisfied.

He opened his mouth to mock the little fat man, but Lorna, who noticed it, held his mouth to stop him.

Ignoring her boyfriend's dissatisfaction, she turned to Clarice and asked, "How is the situation now?"

Clarice glanced worriedly at Russell, who was full of anxiety, and John, who had a dignified expression, and whispered to Lorna:

"Those people contacted me just now and asked me to bring Marcus and the others over according to the plan, so I found a corner and opened the space door.

But I found that there were only the three of them on the opposite side of the space door, and there were some other mutants that were agreed before, but they didn't come.

Marcus told me just now that those people seemed to have come to New York earlier through other channels! "

Hearing Clarice's words, Marcus nodded, corroborating the other party's words.

"Yes, as far as I know, those people left earlier than us, and compared to us, those bastards in the mutant shelter seem to trust them more and think that those guys are stronger.

Hmph, stop looking down on people, I just want to let those people see who is more powerful, we can definitely call that one Ai..."

"To shut up!"

Hearing what Marcos was about to say, a chill shot directly from Lorna's back to her brain, and she immediately roared loudly, knocking back her boyfriend's reckless words.

This change made Marcos and the other two boys who were eager to try and use their abilities to compete were stunned.

But what they didn't know was that John and Russell, who heard their conversation on the side, changed their expressions in an instant, and looked at each other incredulously!
(End of this chapter)

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