Darkness Rises

Chapter 163 Murder

Chapter 163 Murder

"Mr. Hammer, after the investigation by the people we sent, we did see some abnormalities in the recent actions of the Jin Bin forces, but they are just some clues, and we can't see what he wants to do!"

Hearing the butler Felix's report to him, Aiwen showed an intriguing expression, but for a moment, he snorted disdainfully and said: "In the end, what can he do, now we 'darkest' and Their strength comparison has been completely reversed.

No matter what kind of conspiracy and tricks he uses, I will push it all the way! "

It's no wonder that Ivan is so disdainful. It is really a reliable force in New York's underground world at this time, and only he and Jin are left.

And the other party also saw Ivan clearly, knowing that he would definitely do something to completely unify the underground world of New York, so they have been desperately trying to find a way to make a comeback, which is also understandable.

But in Ivan's view, no matter how Jin struggled, they had no chance of surviving.

In terms of hard power, Jin Bin's power is just a gang formed by a group of ordinary people, even though Jin Bin has the strength and fighting skills to stand at the peak of human beings.

But Aiwen's subordinates are full of extraordinary power, not to mention his own extremely powerful ability, just those night walkers, arc lights, bullseye, and the red devil, torrent and others who can shoot at critical moments, have already put The strength comparison has been stretched to the extreme.

And in terms of the number of gangsters alone, Aiwen has annexed several large gangs one after another, and has taken in a lot of manpower, which can be called a strong army.

At the same time, relying on the giant Hammer Industries, there is no shortage of arms at all.

Not to mention the aspect of soft power, as the heir of Hammer Industries, coupled with the fact that he has secretly controlled the Osborne Group, Aiwen can be said to control a lot of resources.

This has also led to the fact that in the near future, Ivan's forces have crazily eroded all official resources in New York.

Whether it's the mayor, the chief of police, various city councilors, the district attorney, or even the FBI, they were all drawn into his hands by Ivan.

It can be said that Jin Bing's fear is not without reason, he is gradually becoming a loner.

When it reached a critical point, it was when Aiwen took the initiative to attack him, so he was working hard to find a change.

Just when Ivan was discussing with Felix whether to launch the final battle in New York's underground world in the near future to completely unify all the underground forces, the villa room they were in was suddenly pushed away.

The two immediately looked over with gloomy faces, especially Ai Wen's eyes were full of anger, and they were about to punish the person with cruel hands almost immediately.

But when he saw Polaris with an angry and wronged face rushing in, Ivan immediately froze for a moment.

I have to say, he is also a damn good-looking party.

Why can Aiwen tolerate this little loli's disobedience and offend his majesty many times? Look at the other party's fair and beautiful little face at the moment, flushed with grievance and anger.

Especially because of the wanton tears and the little face that was stained with tears, Ai Wen couldn't get angry even if he wanted to.

"Felix, you go out first!"

The old butler went out, but Aiwen looked at Polaris with a gloomy face: "What are you doing again, why are you crying so hard, and you still look like you are here to settle accounts with me!"

"Because you lied to me, you clearly said that you would rescue 'Meat Ball' from the police station and prevent him from having an accident, but now!"

After a little reaction, Ai Wen realized that Polaris was talking about the mutant who saved them the day before yesterday, but he had already handed over the matter to the hedgehog.

"What, something went wrong?"

Ai Wen's expression was a little cold. If the things he arranged were not done well, he should be responsible.

Polaris didn't say much either, he went up and turned on the TV, switched to the news channel, and a very chaotic news scene immediately appeared on the screen.

Countless people were watching curiously, many were weeping bitterly, but a larger part were roaring angrily.

But the embellishment of these news pictures is not as shocking as the brutal death of the victim in the center.

It was a tall, somewhat obese male, and his appearance was a bit strange at this time, with layers of folded skin folds drooping on the surface of his body.

It's like a fat man who weighs over a thousand pounds has undergone a liposuction operation in a short period of time, but there is nowhere to put the excess skin.

What is even more frightening is that this fat man with a strange appearance was stabbed through his hands, feet and head with five huge coffin nails.

It was brutally and bloodily fixed on the wooden gate of an abandoned church, which obviously belonged to being brutally killed by others.

The horrific way of death, and the crimson blood flowing all over the ground, all stimulated the onlookers at the scene and the audience in front of the TV.

This church is very familiar to Aiwen. This is the place where he first met the hedgehog, night girl and arc light, and it is also here that he caught the punisher.

This is a gathering place for mutants in New York, and Night Walker has told him many times that she is helping fellow citizens in this abandoned church.

"Then, that is, the meatball?"

Ivan looked at the TV screen with an extremely ugly expression, and asked Polaris, who was already biting his lip and crying until he twitched slightly.

"Yes, that's him. Didn't you say you..."

Aiwen directly reached out to stop Polaris from questioning, and took out his phone to call the hedgehog!
"Hey, boss!"

It could be heard that the other party's tone was trembling, but he was also suppressing a wave of anger.

"What the hell is going on, didn't I tell you to rescue this guy from the police station?"

Aiwen didn't say much, but he knew that the hedgehog would definitely understand what he was talking about. After all, such a vicious case happened right under their noses, and they were fellow mutants of these people.

How could the hedgehog not know.

"Boss, I already know about the meatball. I have already made a plan, and I have already communicated with Police Chief Bratton. I will release the meatball tomorrow.

But how did I know that when I woke up today, Meatball's body was hung outside the church. This is clearly a provocation to us mutants.

Boss, this is not against you, not against 'Darkest', but against all mutants, we must take revenge, we must not..."


Aiwen stopped the hedgehog who was already going crazy due to anger, and shouted in a deep voice: "Calm down, and find out who did this as soon as possible!"

After hanging up the phone, Ivan found his butler again, frowned and said, "Let Bratton come over, I want him to explain this to me personally!"

"Yes, Mr. Hammer!"

Felix left, Polaris was still full of anger, but the atmosphere of the news scene on the TV screen became more and more heated.

(End of this chapter)

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