Darkness Rises

Chapter 153 Situation Reversal

Chapter 153 Situation Reversal
"Harry Osborn!"

When Harry and Ivan entered the meeting room, the originally chaotic, even lively meeting scene fell silent in an instant.

Everyone's eyes were fixed on the two of them, as if there was some important secret written on the faces of these two young people.

Hearing someone call Harry's name, the two of them also took a look over, and found that it was a middle-aged man with a shrewd face and bald head.

At this time, the other party slowly got up from the front of the long conference table, and looked at Harry with a smile on his face, as if he was a kind elder.

But Harry's eyes turned ugly in an instant, because that seat originally belonged to his father, Norman Osborn, and it was a seat that only the chairman could sit on.

"Henry Feore!"

Looking at his biggest competitor, Harry's heart was filled with anger. What does this mean? Before the board of directors began to vote, the other party had already sat on the chairman's seat.

Is it to demonstrate to him? I think I will definitely get the position of chairman, and I am too lazy to hide it.

Harry wanted to go crazy on the spot, but was gently touched by Ivan. Looking at the expression of his best friend, he obviously thought that there was no need for him to show his immature side.

Taking a deep breath, Harry didn't care too much, but led Ivan to an empty seat on the right.

As for Ivan, he found another chair and sat behind him.

It's not that he has cultivated his mind and character, but that Ivan thinks there is no need to do these things. He is sure that Harry will win this tough battle, and it will be good to humiliate the other party when the time comes.

"Harry, this is a board meeting within our Osborne Group, how could you bring someone who has nothing to do with you, or let people from Hammer Industries come in!"

Seeing Ivan sitting behind Harry with a big face like this guy, Henry couldn't help frowning.

But Harry finally suppressed it for a long time. Seeing the other party talking endlessly, he immediately couldn't help but lose his temper and said, "What's the matter, what's the problem, isn't Ivan my personal assistant?"

Henry frowned, decided to ignore this hysterical little guy, looked away, and said to everyone present:

"Okay, all the members of the board of directors of our Osborne Group have been in place. Today's topic is very simple. Due to the sudden death of Mr. Norman Osborne, the Osborne Group lost his helm.

We must elect an excellent, qualified and wise chairman at today's meeting to lead our group to break through various difficulties and continue on! "

Looking around the venue, Henry saw that no one had any objections, and his eyes were just staring at him, so he said with satisfaction: "Okay, does anyone have any suggestions?"

The meeting place was extremely quiet, and everyone didn't speak, but just looked at Henry quietly. After all, the current situation is extremely clear, and no one would say anything at this time.

Henry's expression was very satisfied, and he said directly: "Then let's proceed to the first issue today, and vote to decide whether to deprive Norman Osborn of the chairmanship!"


Harry punched the table fiercely, stood up angrily and said, "Henry, you are too much, my father is dead, what vote is needed to deprive him of the chairmanship!"

Looking at the young Osborne, Henry smiled. What he was doing at this time gave him a sense of revenge.

After all, he had been oppressed by that old Osborne all his life. From the moment the Osborne Group was established, he had been living under the shadow of the other party.

He thought that there would be no chance to make his mark in this life, but he didn't expect to make him wait until this day.

"Harry, you are still young and you don't understand anything. After all, Norman Osborn did not step down as chairman in a normal way. We must improve the form and process!"

After speaking, the other party didn't even look at Harry, and said directly: "Everyone, let's vote!"

Under such circumstances, other shareholders and representatives raised their hands one after another amid Harry's livid face, and Henry watched this scene with satisfaction.

Of course, there are still two people who may not be able to see it anymore and did not raise their hands to vote, but they are not important, and the remaining shares are enough for Henry to achieve his goals.

But these two people still greeted Henry with cold eyes. It seems that if he takes the position, the fate of these two people will not be very good.

"Okay, let's move on to our formal part today, electing a new chairman of the Osborne Group.

Anyone who wants to participate in the election can say it directly, and I will be a representative. I want to run for the next chairman! "

Henry's smiling eyes looked around at everyone present, no one wanted to meet his eyes, and no one stood up to run for office, except...

"And I!"

Harry stood up without hesitation.

"Okay, then it seems that Harry Osborn and I are running for the election, but I have something to say before I start voting!"

Henry's complexion suddenly became extremely ugly, and he said in a bad tone: "I want you to remember how the Osborne Group got to where it is today, and why our stock price has fallen sharply.

The chairman at the time was Norman Osborn. Under his auspices, the two cooperation programs between the group and the military, the physical enhancement program and the new efficient aircraft program, were terminated.

After that, Professor Connors wanted to turn all New Yorkers into lizards, which caused the stock price of our Osborne Group to collapse.

And now, his son, a child who has just grown up, wants to run for the chairman of the group. Can we just watch this father and son completely destroy our company? "


Harry widened his eyes angrily and wanted to curse, but the other party didn't give him a chance. Henry snorted directly, "Let's vote directly. Those who support me as the chairman, please raise your hands and vote!"

Henry wanted to become the chairman directly with the momentum of thunder. When he saw that most of the audience voted for him to become the chairman, his expression was extremely happy.

But when the final statistics came out, Henry's expression was extremely livid and ugly, and his vote rate was only 40.00%.

Yes, not more than half at all.

He looked at the two people who hadn't raised their hands to vote when deposing Norman Osborn, McCann and Fargas.

These two people each have 5.00% of the shares. If they can vote for themselves, then they have already been elected at this time, and they have already promised themselves...

"Cough cough!"

At this moment, a cough sounded from behind Harry, and all the surprised people turned their eyes there.

Ai Wen stood up, took out a stack of documents from his arms, and said to everyone with a smirk: "This is my share certificate.

I have acquired [-]% of the shares of the Osborne Group, but the time is too short, and I have not had time to submit it to the board of directors.

Today's opportunity is just right, I think I am also qualified enough to participate in this board of directors vote! "


As if five thunderbolts struck the top, Henry was completely stunned, he felt that everything was out of control!
(End of this chapter)

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