Darkness Rises

Chapter 151 The Chaos of the Osborne Group

Chapter 151 The Chaos of the Osborne Group
New York, Manhattan, Midtown.

The Osborne Building located here, like a sharp sword reaching into the sky, symbolizes the incomparably broad mind of its founder, full of fighting spirit and perseverance, and stands in the most prosperous urban area in the world.

But this morning was completely different from the past. Countless reporters and flashlights gathered at the entrance of the building, waiting for the appearance of key figures in their hot news.

The source and main point of the news is that the founder of this building, Mr. Norman Osborne, was murdered in his villa a few days ago.

And the suspect who has a very high suspicion is the superhero Spiderman who is very famous in New York and even in the United States at this time.

Of course, at this moment, no one called the other party that way anymore. After all, under such a serious and vile accusation, the other party still didn't come out to clarify.

Not even responding to any summons from the police!

It has to be said that the direction of public opinion has gradually changed. Even though the other party has a large number of fans who are constantly apologizing for him, all the pressure has been placed on the other party.

If Spider-Man doesn't appear again, then he will definitely be nailed to the pillar of shame.

Of course, these dramatic events and clues are just the foreshadowing of today's scene. The funeral of Norman Osborne, the chairman and founder of the Osborne Group, was held yesterday, and the coffin has already been buried by relatives and friends. Under the watchful eye, the burial was smooth.

Then it means the beginning of another big drama.

The Osborne Group, a super company with a market value of 2000 billion US dollars, has lost its founder and head, but such a large group cannot sink for a long time, and he will surely usher in a new person in power.

Who will control this huge ship has become the focus of countless media attention.

But it is so easy to be the helmsman. If you want to be in the position, you must step on the corpses of countless competitors to step on the high platform.

Today, after the death of Norman Osborn, the Osborne Group held its first board meeting with the purpose of electing a new chairman to control this super company.

How could such ups and downs of news hotspots be let go by these vulture-like reporters who saw carrion.

At this moment, the current situation of the Osborne Group is also affecting the nerves of countless people. Some are partners of the group, and they are naturally concerned about the new partners they may have to deal with in the future.

Others are high-level officials in this country. After all, the Osborne Group is not a small company. Whether it succeeds or declines in the future will also have a considerable impact on the country's economy.

Of course, the largest group is the onlookers who don't know the truth. They eat melons, drink wine, watch the gentlemen in the upper class, and perform gossip and gossip for them.

"New York Morning News, we now have first-hand information about the Osborne Group and we've got experts to analyze it for us.

There are two main contenders for the dispute at the Osborne Group board meeting.

The first is McCann Feore, the CEO of the Osborne Group and an early partner of Mr. Norman Osborne, who holds more than [-]% of the shares of the Osborne Group.

This is a very powerful executive president. The Osborne Group has made it to this point. Apart from Norman Osborn's outstanding talent, he has paid the most and contributed the most.

And in the case of Norman Osborn's sudden death, he is also the best candidate to stabilize the status quo and allow the Osborn Group to go on smoothly! "

After introducing McCann Feore, the current CEO of the Osborne Group, the host showed a very exaggerated and interested expression on his face.

"The second one, I think everyone may have heard of it, is Mr Norman Osborn's only son, Harry Osborn.

This young child, who has not yet graduated from high school, has relied on a strong team of lawyers to confirm Mr. Osborne's will and obtain the shares belonging to his father in the past two days.

The Osborne Group owns a full 30.00% of Seven's shares. If calculated according to the market value at this time, this young child already has a worth of more than 700 billion US dollars.

Belonging to the absolute super rich, of course, everyone should not be too amazed, he has no way to sell these shares...

And gossip with everyone, this child who has just grown up has been married a few days ago, and I don't know which daughter this lucky girl is.

Not long after she got married, her husband already owned such a huge property! "

"Cough cough!"

I don't know if the host's introduction was a bit too gossip, which caused the director's dissatisfaction. The host's face was slightly embarrassed in front of the camera, and he continued:

"So, according to the analysis given to us by experts, these two are the real competitors in today's board meeting to decide the future helm of the Osborne Group, a super company, and even the future development direction.

Henry Feore's advantages are obvious. As the CEO who has been in charge of the Osborne Group's specific business operations for a long time, he is the most suitable successor at this critical moment of turmoil for the company.

Appropriate age, mature thinking, and undoubted ability, what's more, the collective trust of Osborne Group employees.

Let this man at the most elite age of his life become the best candidate for the future chairman.

And according to our grapevine, these advantages were also recognized by other directors at the board meeting.

Privately, Henry Feore should have had enough promises to get more than 50.00% of the equity voting support.

It can be said that the opponent has a great chance of winning! "

"As for Harry Osborn!"

The host looked very regretful, and said pretending to be sad: "Although his father just passed away, we all feel sorry for this unfortunate young man.

But the other party is too young, and has no contact with any company affairs.

If such a large super company is easily controlled by such an ignorant child, presumably the already extremely difficult Osborne Group will become the target of many capital predators who want to bite madly.

And although the other party holds 30.00% of Qi's equity, according to our understanding, the support he can get may be only 30.00% of Qi.

In short, young Mr Osborne will not have the support of any of the remaining shareholders.

Of course, the Osborne Group still has the indelible mark of Osborne, but the young Mr. Osborne may still have a long way to go if he wants to reproduce his father's glory.

He must work hard to prove himself in the days to come, so that one day in the future, he will regain control of the super company named after him.

Look, everyone, Harry Osborn's motorcade has arrived at the entrance of the building, and a good show is about to be staged! "

(End of this chapter)

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