Darkness Rises

Chapter 148 The Wronged Spider-Man

Chapter 148 The Wronged Spider-Man

The next day, the New Yorkers were still immersed in the countless disturbances of last night. They talked about Dr. Connors' plan to turn all New Yorkers into green lizards, and crazily cursed this damn guy.

At the same time, they also targeted the Osborne Group. After all, Dr. Connors belonged to its employees, and they also used the launch device on the top floor of the Osborne Building.

In such a public opinion environment, the stock price of Osborne Building seemed to be on a rocket, but it was just a falling rocket. It fell wildly, and everyone was selling their shares.

They will not sink with this big ship. Even if the Osborn Group tries their best, it will be difficult to reverse the condemnation of public opinion.

In addition, what also concerned the citizens of New York was the whereabouts of Spider-Man and the Green Goblin. Since they disappeared from everyone's sight last night, they have not appeared again.

It's just that on Spider-Man's various fan sites, his fans are constantly editing the material on the TV screen last night, as if celebrating the New Year, and constantly building momentum for their idol.

It can be said that Spider-Man is simply a new rising star in the United States, regardless of whether it is a movie star, a singer, or a sports star, he has to stand aside.

Spider-Man's reputation has exploded among New York citizens.

Until a rumor brought it all to an abrupt end.

"Spider-Man raided the villas on the Upper East Side of Manhattan overnight, killing the founder and chairman of the Osborne Group, Norman Osborn!"

This piece of news simply crushed all news reports, and focused everyone's attention on this explosive news.

According to Fox News' first-hand information, this case was reported by Norman Osborn's son, Harry Osborn, and the clue provider was their aged and seriously injured housekeeper!

According to his confession with the New York police and the FBI who came to investigate, Spider-Man suddenly appeared in the villa last night.

He originally heard Mr. Norman Osborn's shout and wanted to see what happened, but at that time he saw the master who had a conflict with Spider-Man in the room.

Before he entered the room to help Mr. Osborne, he was horrified to see Spider-Man twisting the master's neck, and he died at that time.

And he outside the room was also discovered by Spiderman at the same time, and that guy wanted to kill him to silence him, but maybe something went wrong, and in the end he was only seriously injured, not dead.

When Harry Osborn, who left the villa after marriage, came home and saw such a scene, he called the police in shock and anger, and made this appalling incident known to the world.

When such details spread out, some citizens suddenly realized that it was no wonder that Spider-Man disappeared after the battle with the Green Goblin. It turned out that this guy went to Osborne's villa to kill people.

And the timing is exactly right, right around the time he disappears behind the camera.

In fact, there are still many unclear details about this sensational murder case. Why did Spider-Man suddenly go to Osborn's villa to kill Norman Osborn.

And since this was done, with the opponent's ability, how could the old butler, who had no power to resist, survive.

Especially for Harry Osborn's inquiry, there are many doubts. Where did this guy go after the wedding, why did he disappear for so long, and when did he return to the villa.

But these are not important anymore. With the rapid development of the case, the New York police chief and the FBI have all received the attention of some big bosses.

They asked the investigators to close the case quickly to avoid such news occupying the front page headlines for a long time. After all, this is also slapping the face of the New York government.

How chaotic is the law and order in New York City!
As for the New York police, there is absolutely no pressure on such a request. They don't really like Spider-Man, the so-called street vigilante, after all, the other party has set them off for a long time and is very useless.

Even under someone's pressure, Bratton, the chief of the New York Police Department, even came out to speak out, according to their investigation results of the battle on the roof of the Osborne Group building that night.

Sergeant George Stacey did not necessarily die at the hands of the green lizard incarnated by Dr. Connors. Maybe the death of the other party has an inextricable relationship with Spider-Man.

Almost in just one day, the original savior of New York, the superhero Spider-Man who defeated Professor Lizard and the Green Goblin, immediately underwent a 180-degree change in identity.

From a well-known superhero to a hateful murderer and deceiver, he is using the kindness of New York citizens to set off his reputation.

Especially the angry Harry Osborn, almost after dealing with the inquiries of the New York police and the FBI, he immediately came out to hold a press conference, accusing Spider-Man extremely angrily.

Wanting to make the other party responsible for the deaths of his father and Sheriff George.

The public opinion in New York was turned in an instant, the voices of those Spider-Man fans were deliberately suppressed, and everyone was calling on Spider-Man to come out and clarify the facts.

But no matter how everyone shouted, the mysterious Spider-Man didn't stand up, but continued to play and disappear, keeping the silence he shouldn't have kept.

So far, the angry Harry Osborn even offered a reward of $100 to anyone who could provide clues to Spider-Man, and if he could catch Spider-Man, he would directly offer $[-] million!

Seeing all the turmoil, Peter Parker felt oppressed. It's not that he didn't want to come out to prove his innocence, but looking at the stack of photos in his hand, he extinguished all thoughts in his resentment.

Now, he could feel that an evil and dark net was approaching him, but he couldn't think of a way to escape.

Mr. Norman Osborn died shortly after he revealed the truth to the other party, and at the same time he was received by these pictures.

He finally knew what the mysterious person who had been following him but made him unable to find his trace wanted to do. The other party wanted to destroy him, completely destroy him.

Even now that he has the handle in the other party's hands, how on earth can he get out of this predicament.

In anger, Peter Parker couldn't help but slammed the photo in his hand to the ground and scattered it all around.

It can be seen from the above that they were a few candid photos of him. He was wearing the clothes of Spider-Man, but he was not wearing a headgear. PhD.

That was the photo taken by the mysterious man on the roof of the Osborne building last night.

To put it simply, his identity has been completely exposed in the eyes of the other party, and he was also approached by the other party.

Even that bastard had committed a murder on him, what should he do!

(End of this chapter)

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