Darkness Rises

Chapter 138

Chapter 138
Spiderman's words caused an uproar in the audience. They didn't understand why a Spiderman fell from the sky in such a good wedding, and what he said was indeed unexpected.

"What the hell are you talking about, what is a big lizard that turns the whole New York into an ugly person, and what does this have to do with Dr. Connors, now it's my son's wedding, please leave, or I will call the police! "

Norman Osborn's attitude was very tough, because he was also extremely annoyed, not just because there was a voice in his heart telling him that the wedding must be completed smoothly.

And this damn Spider-Man also involved Dr. Connors, who is the top research and development personnel of the Osborne Group. If the words of the other party are allowed to spread, then the already sluggish stock price of the Osborne Group will be reduced. To make matters worse.

So it's no wonder that Norman Osborn's attitude is extremely bad.

"Hmph, now that the whole of New York is in danger because of your Osborne Group, you can still hold your wedding here.

Whether you want to call the police or turn on your phone to watch the news, you must leave with me today to deal with this crisis. "

Spiderman's attitude is also very tough, because his purpose is to stop this wedding, he looked around and said to all the guests:

"You can read the news, the big green lizard that has been raging in New York recently is rushing to the Osborne Group building, I can tell you responsibly, that big lizard is Dr. Connors.

He is now going to use the launcher to launch the mutant potion, turning all the people in New York into ugly lizards like him! "

The guests at the scene were extremely surprised and didn't know how to react. Only Fleisher, a super fan of Spider-Man, opened the real-time news in New York immediately according to the idol's request.

"Oh my god, read the news quickly, it's true, that big green lizard is rushing to the Osborne Group building!"

Fleischer's words immediately caused a chemical reaction on the scene, and countless people began to take out their mobile phones to check.

Seeing this scene, Peter Parker finally showed a smile on his face under the mask.

How did he know in advance that the big green lizard was Dr. Connors and would come to stop Harry's wedding.

That's because he had already discovered the clue in the fight with the big lizard earlier. After all, Dr. Connors was his father's former colleague.

Peter Parker discovered his secret experimental base through clues, and saw his terrible plan to alienate all New Yorkers into lizard monsters.

And this is also the reason why he came to the wedding a little late, but it also became an excuse for him to stop the wedding.

When he messed up the wedding, he had to deal with the chaos caused by Dr. Conners immediately.

The commotion at the scene had already occurred. Seeing that some of the guests had already got up and wanted to leave, and Norman Osborn, who realized that the situation was indeed wrong, wanted to check the situation, a loud shout sounded in the church:

"No one is allowed to leave, the wedding must be completed, this is the respect for the couple!"

Some panicked people turned their eyes to the source of the sound, and found that it was Ivan who got up suddenly and looked a little ugly.

"The wedding ceremony has come to the end, you guys must complete this wedding ceremony!"

"No, the lives of New Yorkers are more important..."

Before Peter Parker finished speaking, he felt an inexplicable force on his body, not only unable to move his body, but also unable to speak.

There was a look of helplessness in his eyes, and he came again.

"Priest, finish this marriage now, now, now, Harry, I can't last long!"

Harry, who always seemed to be hit by a critical attack, finally came back to his senses at this moment, and cast a grateful look at Ivan. He knew that it was Ivan who was using his own ability to help him.

The pastor didn't dare to say more, but continued the blessing that was interrupted just now:
"Lord, we pray for all married couples who continue to give to each other, to continue to forgive each other, and to experience more and more of your joy each day.

Especially Harry Osborne and Emma Frost, starting their newly married life together, may they get your help, always have the support of friends, and live a healthy life.

May all your blessings go to Harry Osborn and Emma Frost, bless them forever, amen! "

With the last vows of the pastor, the wedding finally ended in a couple of passionate kisses.

From now on, Harry and Emma are legal couples!

Aiwen laid out an extremely long-term plan, and finally took a crucial step today.

It was at this moment that Spider-Man felt that his body could move, and he was shaking with anger. He was obviously about to succeed, but in the end he could only watch Harry fall into the abyss.

But he didn't have time to spend here at all, because there was another crisis that he needed to solve, and he had to rush over there immediately.

"Mr. Osborne, take care of yourself. It's not far from Dr. Connors turning all the people in New York into lizards. By then, the Osborne Group will become an unprecedented sinner!"

After speaking, the angry Spider-Man left through the broken roof glass window.

At this time, the guests who had barely endured watching the wedding couldn't take it anymore. After they all exchanged glances with the people around them, they rushed out of the church quickly.

Whether you want to watch the excitement, or you want to find a safer place to take refuge, it all sets off the sadness at the end of this wedding.

Harry looked at his father who had left quickly and the scattered guests, couldn't help taking a deep breath, and said to Emma who was wearing a white wedding dress in his arms: "Honey, I have important things to do now , go home and wait for me?"

Emma's face was full of trust after happiness. She looked at Harry seriously and said, "I will support everything you want to do, and be your strongest backing. Go!"

Harry nodded excitedly and contentedly, rejoicing that he married such a perfect wife.

Then he said gratefully to Ivan: "Man, thanks, if it weren't for you today, this wedding would be completely over.

And now, I have to make that damn bastard pay the price! "

Ivan pretended to be a little weak after using the ability transition, waved his hand, and said to Harry: "Don't give me face, beat that bastard hard for me!"

Harry nodded, and the powerful force in his body burst out instantly, bringing a gust of wind and rushing out of the church.

In the church, Aiwen and the White Queen looked at each other and smiled. Their plan was finally successful!

(End of this chapter)

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