Darkness Rises

Chapter 136 Professor X's Investigation

Chapter 136 Professor X's Investigation
"What, are you really a mutant?"

On this day, at Harry Osborn's villa on Long Island, the White Queen told him the news.

"Yes!" Emma nodded, and said with a painful face: "Actually, what Spider-Man said that day was correct, I am indeed a mutant, but I don't have the ability to control people's hearts like he said.

I don't know why he used lies to slander me, what secrets he has, but he was right about one thing, I am indeed a mutant! "

Harry's expression was very complicated. Now they were busy arranging the wedding scene in the villa, but Emma suddenly told him the news.

Now he really wants to go outside and ask Aiwen who is also helping him. After all, he knows that the other party is also a mutant, so he doesn't know Emma's identity.

In fact, the confession in this scene was also decided by Emma and Ivan after discussing it.

After all, after the news that Harry Osborne, the heir of the Osborne family, was about to get married, Ivan had already faintly noticed something was wrong.

It seems that someone is deliberately revealing the identity of the White Queen as a mutant, and if things continue to develop like this, it will inevitably attract inquiries from those bigwigs.

So it is also necessary to let Harry know something in advance.

Taking a deep breath, Harry looked at Emma calmly and asked, "Then what exactly is your ability?"

Emma didn't hesitate, and immediately used the ability to turn her body into a diamond. Right in front of Harry, Emma turned into a shining diamond person in an instant.


At this moment, Harry's eyes finally revealed a dazzling color: "It's so beautiful, is it a diamond, my fiancée, is it really as precious as a diamond!"

Emma deliberately showed a sad expression, and said cautiously in front of Harry: "I just hope you don't dislike my mutant identity."

"how come!"

Seeing his lover like this, Harry immediately hugged him into his arms, and said distressedly: "Did you misunderstand something, I don't discriminate against mutants at all, you may not know, I'd better My friend, Alvin Hammer, is also a mutant.

And your ability is so outstanding, if one day the Osborne Group can't hold on and I can't live without money, then I will sell you a diamond hair, and we can all live well! "


Hearing Harry teasing her, Emma couldn't help giving him a light punch.

But then, what worried Ai Wen and the White Queen finally happened.

With the news that the heir of the Osborne Group was going to get married, it began to spread in the upper class of New York, and everyone was not surprised at first.

These days, marriages due to politics or interests are very common, as long as they are not illegal.

But the real surprise started when they learned who Harry was marrying.

The owner of the Hellfire Club, who is this, what is the situation, can the other party help the Osborne Group get out of the trough.

But this is just gossip and jokes circulating in New York's upper class, but for another group of people, the situation is more serious.

The White Queen is a registered mutant. Apart from turning her body into diamonds, she also has a powerful mind control ability.

The Black Widow has reported the information she collected to S.H.I.E.L.D. Nick Fury attaches great importance to this situation. He cannot watch the mutants use their abilities to make friends with the owners of super large companies, or even embezzle its property.

If things like this are allowed to happen, the world will be in chaos.

However, due to the relationship between this guy, Alvin Hammer, after thinking about it for a while, Nick Fury changed to a more tactful method.

So not long after, when Cyclops Scott pushed Professor X to Long Island, and the old man looked at Ivan with a smile, he had nothing to say.

"This is already the biggest concession made by Director Nick Fury. If this matter did not involve your friends, under normal circumstances, Emma would have been treated toughly.

But now, as long as Harry Osborn can pass my verification and prove that he is not controlled by Emma's ability, and the two are in love with each other, then we will not prevent them from getting married.

After all, even a marriage between a human and a mutant is also worthy of blessing! "

Hearing Professor X's words, Ai Wen's expression also changed from the original ugly one to slowly relaxing.

But the professor still poured cold water on him: "But Ivan, this situation can never happen again. Even if Director Fury agrees this time, there will never be a next time!"

Aiwen nodded to express his understanding, and he would not use this kind of trick a second time.

Not long after, Harry was called out by Ivan. The young man was a little dazed. He didn't know why two strange people appeared in his villa.

And the old man in the wheelchair in front of him seemed familiar to him, but he couldn't remember where he had seen it before.

Yes, as one of the most famous mutants, Professor X has been on TV many times, but Harry didn't notice it.

But Emma, ​​who followed closely behind, warmly greeted her immediately, and said happily, "Professor Charles, we meet again!"

The professor's expression at this moment is full of deep meaning: "Yeah, it's really been a long time, we mutants should have more contact with each other!"

To be honest, the last time the two met was not so friendly.

But at this time Harry suddenly shouted: "Oh, you are Professor X, I remembered, are you also here to attend my wedding?"

Ivan and Emma looked at each other, but the professor said happily, "Yes!"

Then he looked deeply into Harry's eyes, as if he could see through people's hearts through this method.

"Do you really want to marry Emma?"

Professor X's investigation suddenly started inadvertently.

"Yes, I really want to marry Emma, ​​I love her!"

Harry's reply was a bit dull, but the content made Ivan and Emma feel a little relieved at the time. It seems that not relying solely on ability to control Harry is the most correct thing to do.

"When did you and Emma meet..."

"Are you happy with each other..."

"When you met Mr. Norman Osborn, what kind of scene was it..."

In the tense mood of Ivan and Emma, ​​Professor X's questioning of Harry gradually came to an end.

The questioning has been completed, but Harry's performance is still a bit ignorant, and it's time for the conversation between Professor X and the other two.

He looked at Ivan and Emma with a half-smile, and said directly: "It seems that Harry is not under control now, and his love for Emma is also sincere.

But as for whether it has been invaded by the power of the mind before..."

Aiwen and Emma's mouths were a bit bitter. How could they hide it from Professor X, the most powerful possessor of spiritual power.

Just as Ivan was thinking wildly about how to prevaricate, the professor spoke first.

"Ewen, I hope you can find another way for the mutants according to the idea you told me at the time!"

"It's not an example!"


Ivan looked in shock at Professor X who had been pushed away by Scott. It seemed that the old man was not so pedantic.

Or, this clever and keen leader of the mutants already sensed some danger approaching!

(End of this chapter)

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