Darkness Rises

Chapter 129 Angry Harry

Chapter 129 Angry Harry

Of course Ivan would not tell Gwen that not only would he not help George Stacey become the deputy chief of the New York Police Department, he would even find an opportunity to send him to hell.

For George Stacey, who must have been targeted by the great "tyrant" and was always ready to kill him, this is also a compliment to this upright tough guy policeman.

Gwen Stacy, who didn't know anything, accompanied Ivan to the school cafeteria with a sweet face. Here, the members of their "Academic Decathlon" and the actors of the drama club had gathered here.

Ivan and Gwen found that in the lively restaurant, their classmates had already started a heated discussion.

"Hey, you know what, just last Saturday, Spider-Man thwarted those bastards' evil plans to destroy New York again.

And this time he was one against two! "

Speaking of this, Fleischer's eyes are shining, it is a kind of extremely envious eyes.

"The evil lizardman, the green goblin with flying machines and all kinds of powerful weapons, these two horrible villains will team up to take on Spider-man.

Look! "

As he said that, Fleischer couldn't wait to take out his mobile phone and play the video above. Everyone can see that it is Fifth Avenue in Manhattan, a street that everyone is very familiar with.

Judging from the picture shown in the video at the moment, it can be seen that a foreign tourist is happily filming a travel video.

At this moment, there was a loud noise, and the sewer manhole cover in the middle of the street ahead suddenly flew into the sky, and a huge green body flew out from the ground.

Amidst the horrified and chaotic noise of people around, everyone could see that it was a scary green lizard, and following him was a graceful figure in a red and blue spider suit, Spider-Man.

These two guys who became spirits fought directly on the bustling streets of Manhattan.

Except for the confusion in the surrounding crowd at the beginning, when the battle between the two continued, these onlookers didn't know how to run, but picked up their mobile phones and started filming.

Just when everyone felt that Spider-Man was beginning to gain the upper hand and the green lizard wanted to leave frequently, an aircraft quickly flew over from the sky.

"Jie Jie Jie!"

The Green Goblin, who made an inexplicable, intentional laugh, aimed the machine gun at Spider-Man immediately, and the crazy machine gun bullets shot at him.

In this battle under the watchful eyes of the public, the three inhumans ended up going back to their respective homes and looking for their mothers.

However, a lot of surrounding buildings and shops were damaged to varying degrees, and even the TIFFANY jewelry store was directly blown up by a miniature missile fired by the Green Goblin.

"Look, Spider-Man is really powerful, he actually managed to stop those two bastards one-on-one!"


Peter Parker, who had been eating with his head down all the time and listening to his super fans bragging, couldn't help agreeing with a smile at the corner of his mouth.

At this time, the blond girl Betty said unhappily: "What Spiderman, what superheroes, these damned guys actually blew up the TIFFANY jewelry store, they are all damned, New York is better without them!"

Hearing someone insulting Spider-Man, Fleischer, a big fan, quit. He was upset and even slightly angry and said: "No, the green lizard and the green goblin are the destroyers of New York law and order, and the spider Xia is a superhero who stops them from doing evil.

If it weren't for Spider-Man, these two bastards would definitely have completed their evil plan, like, like..."

Speaking of this, Fleischer was a little short of words, and someone on the side said unhappily: "Like what?"

Turning his head to look, he found that it was Harry Osborn who had also just entered the restaurant and heard their conversation.

Also the Green Goblin himself!

Hearing Harry's questioning tone, Fleischer blushed, and after a long while, a flash of inspiration finally came to his mind, and he shouted loudly: "For example, turn all New Yorkers into lizards!"


Hearing his words, the students laughed wildly, including Harry, who also had black lines all over his head, but only Ivan looked surprised. Does Fleisher still have the ability to predict.

At this moment, Harry looked at the students who were laughing, and said unhappily, "What about the so-called green goblin? What's wrong with him? As far as I know, he doesn't seem to have done anything bad!"

"Why didn't you do it!"

Fleisher was surrounded by everyone and brought him down. He was also a little bit annoyed, and even dared to talk back to Harry. He blushed and said, "Look at his terrifying armor. I think this guy's real appearance is not like that of a lizard. Everyone is a perverted bastard."

Harry was completely speechless, he didn't know that Fleischer was actually a good-looking party.

"It's not good to judge a person by their appearance!"

Seeing that Harry's face turned purple from anger, Ivan couldn't help but help him fight the injustice with a smile.

But Fleischer, a super fan of Spider-Man, was excited, and his face was full of displeasure: "These two guys will actually fight against Spider-Man, then they must be bad guys.

They must have done something unforgivably bad somewhere, we just don't know, otherwise why would Spider-Man deal with them.

Especially the inexplicable Green Goblin, who has been looking for trouble for Spider-Man.

I think it must be Spider-Man who thwarted his evil plan. This kind of guy who hides his head and shows his tail must be an ugly guy with a bad temper.

This kind of person definitely doesn't have a girlfriend, and even if he does, it must be forced by him..."


Ivan immediately turned his head to look at Harry. Sure enough, the uncontrollable darkness and anxiety in the other party's heart erupted in an instant.

Before that, Harry and Fleischer could only be counted as arguments between classmates.

Harry just wanted to justify what he had done, after all he had done nothing but kill Spider-Man, the bastard who bullied Emma.

But following Fleischer's insulting words to the Green Goblin, Harry's inner irritability suddenly broke out.

Even this was out of his control, it was a side effect of the Green Goblin strengthening potion, even though Harry had tried his best to cover it up, when this emotion suddenly broke out, he still couldn't control it.


Following Harry's angry growl, he pushed forward with both arms, and Fleischer, who was under attack, was violently pushed and flew five or six meters away, knocking over two rows of dining tables, and all kinds of food scraps fell to the ground. on his head and body.

This is the result of Harry regaining his sanity in the blink of an eye and forcibly controlling his own power, otherwise Fleischer would be crippled if he didn't die.

And Peter Parker, who saw this scene on the side, also stood up in amazement in an instant.

Is this still the same Harry Osborn he knew!
(End of this chapter)

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