Darkness Rises

Chapter 1 Little Elf

Chapter 1 Little Elf

In the long empty night, in the dark battleship floating in the depths of the universe, the dark elves ushered in the only newborn in the millennium.

But that white skin and delicate and lovely face are like the opposite of darkness, representing the light of hope.

On the island of the spaceship, Algrim, the last cursed warrior, looked at his king with a complicated expression.

"This child is the hope given to the dark elves by God, we shouldn't treat him like this!"

"No, darkness is where our family belongs!"

The angelic elf was carefully held in the palms of both hands by the king of the dark elves, Malekith.

"My family was born in the darkness, and it will surely perish in the darkness.

Darkness is the final chapter we will bring to this world.

Outliers should not exist! "

In the pitch-black battleship, silence was restored again, and the ordinary dark elves who surrounded the ship island with excited and complex lights in their eyes gradually fell silent.

Walter Alheim.

The World Tree, one of the nine kingdoms, the former home of the dark elves, is a withered yellow planet that has long been devoid of life. The dim yellow light makes the whole world shrouded in a dilapidated atmosphere.

Since the dark elves were defeated by "King Bor" in the war, that is, the father of "Father of the Gods" Odin at this time, and the grandfather of "Thor" Saul Odinson.

They have not returned to their homeland for thousands of years, but have been sleeping quietly in the depths of the universe, waiting for the call of a family of gods "Ether".

Thousands of years ago, in order to prevent the dark elves from using the "ether particles" to destroy the world and drag the nine worlds that converged in a straight line into the boundless darkness, King Bor resolutely launched a war between the two worlds.

After a fierce battle, the dark elves were defeated miserably in the war and fell into the brink of genocide. Even the clan artifact "Ether Particle" was taken away by King Bor, and its whereabouts are unknown.

For thousands of years, the frustrated dark elves did not set foot on the journey home again, they just waited silently, waiting for the reappearance of the gods to help them get revenge.

They firmly believe that when the day comes when the nine worlds merge into one line, the "ether" will reappear.

This universe will also be brought back into darkness by them.

But on this day, a vision suddenly appeared in the thick cloudy sky of Walter alheim.

In the thick clouds covering the earth for thousands of years, a huge vortex suddenly appeared, as if there was a huge beast about to jump out of it.

Suddenly the turbid waves emptied, and the clouds were finally broken through. A huge black spaceship of unknown metal protruded from the thick clouds!

The dark elves have returned to their homeland again!
The hatch of the spaceship opened, and the dark elf king Malekith came out first, followed by the last cursed warrior, Algrem, and a dozen dark elves with weapons.

The only thing that was a little inconsistent was that the Elf King was holding a small, snow-white baby in his arms!


Under the dim light, Malekith couldn't help closing his eyes and took a deep breath. Although the breath was a bit dilapidated and lacked the nourishment of life, it was the taste of his hometown.

But the next moment, Malekith's eyes suddenly revealed an expression of incomparable anger.

"What did Asgard do to us!"


Algrem looked at the king of his clan worriedly. At this time, he didn't know how to persuade him, because his heart was also filled with incomparable anger.

But compared to that, his eyes looked at the swaddling baby in Malekith's hands, and his eyes showed more worry and sadness.

"King, do you have to do this!"

Malekith also looked at the swaddling baby in his hands, the smooth, delicate elf was sleeping.

But the other party's trembling eyelids revealed something strange.

The elf king, who was supposed to look cold, actually showed a smile.

"He is a talented little guy!"

But immediately, his expression darkened again, and he said coldly: "My clan's mission cannot be changed, let fate guide him!"

In a dark canyon with a deep environment and steep terrain, Malekith gently placed the white swaddle on the ground.

"May the darkness be with you!"

Footsteps sounded, and the remaining dark elves gradually moved away from here, heading towards their destiny!

The little elf, who had been pretending to be asleep, opened his eyes suddenly at this moment. There was a faint light in the dark eyes, like a deep and dark starry sky.

But at this moment, extremely strong emotions gushed out of it, fear, panic, shock, helplessness, countless complex emotions filled it in an instant.

This is not the emotion that a newly born little life should have.


In the mind of the little body, only these two words are beating crazily. The little body, which is still unable to speak and move, is trembling non-stop at this moment.

The threat of death is crazily eroding the opponent's consciousness. No one who encounters such a desperate situation at the beginning of time travel can't think of any possibility of turning over.


Finally unable to bear it, the small body erupted into shocking cries, and the despair finally caused this mature consciousness to collapse.

The cry echoed in the cliff, but no one could hear it, and no soul would come to save him.

It seems that this is a time-travel trip where one dies before one completes one's mission!
At the same time, on the back of the cliff, in the dark environment, there were two pitch-black ashlars stacked one above the other.

Quietly, standing there quietly, as if no one has disturbed for thousands of years.

Until the echoing cries of babies hit their bodies repeatedly, a red light suddenly lit up in the gap between the two square stones!

The baby's crying stopped abruptly at this moment, and there was a look of shock in the extremely sad dark eyes.

Just because a voice suddenly sounded in his mind.

At that time, the red light between the two square stones suddenly flourished, as if under the call of some mysterious force, a group of strange red fluid substances scrambled out of the gap.

The little elf had stopped crying at this moment, silently inquiring about the cheat that appeared in his body in amazement.

And a mass of red substance floated over him like a dark cloud, and before he could react, this strange mass of fluid-like substance rushed into his body.

Such rapidity and bursting are only in response to the call of fate.

The little elf fell into a coma, and the space was slightly distorted at this moment, and the snow-white baby suddenly disappeared between the cliffs!

Malekith, who had already entered the spaceship and was leaving Walter Alheim, suddenly turned his head at this moment, looking at the vast and withered land in the distance.

"King, what happened!"

Hearing Algrem's inquiry, Malekith just took a deep breath and shook his head strangely: "I always feel like I suddenly lost something important!"

It's a pity that the fluctuation of the fetish was blocked by a special force, so that the dark elf king couldn't sense it!

Midgard, Atrium, Earth!
America, New York, Manhattan, Upper East Side!
The young Justin Hammer had just completed his first contract after entering the family business, and signed a large order for weapons supply with the Ministry of Defense.

In high spirits, he got out of the extended Lincoln in a silver-gray suit, and walked to his villa with cheerful dance steps.


When he turned around happily, he suddenly stood stiffly on the spot, just because there was an inexplicable cry of a baby in the grass in the villa area with extremely beautiful green environment.

After hesitating for a moment, Justin Hammer stepped forward to push aside the grass, and a snow-white swaddle appeared in front of his eyes.

Among them, the white and delicate black-haired baby firmly caught his eyes and touched his heart in an instant.

This shouldn't have happened to Hammer, who was cold by nature.

Gently picking up the swaddle, Justin Hammer said emotionally: "My child, maybe this is God's guidance, how about letting me be your father!"

When he walked to the villa with his baby in his arms, the voice of Justin talking to himself was left in the environment.

"How about a name for you, let me see if it's a boy or a girl, oh my little prince, how about 'Alvin'?"

"Alvin Hammer!"

Just when Justin Hammer entered the villa with his baby in his arms, he didn't notice that a red light suddenly lit up.


A street lamp on the street suddenly exploded from the inside, and fine glass shards fell to the ground.

"Hmph, it seems that I have to complain to those wastes who only know how to collect money!"

The figure holding the swaddling baby finally entered the luxurious villa!

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(End of this chapter)

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