Chapter 84 Chapter 83

Darkness, endless darkness, without a little light, Allen stared wide-eyed at the world falling into endless darkness.

He shouted vigorously, shouting Wanda's name, shouting the names of people he knew.

But there was no response at all, because no sound came out of his cry.

Allen saw that it was actually in a vacuum universe.

impossible, impossible
Fear, I don't know why, Allen felt a force called fear emanating from his body, and he actually felt fear.

In this silent, dark unknown space, I felt endless fear.

I don't know how long it has passed, maybe a second, maybe decades.

Suddenly the light...he saw the light, and the world gradually became brighter and brighter, but... Allen's fear did not dissipate with the arrival of the light.

Instead, his eyes widened and his body trembled uncontrollably!
Earth shattered the planet that existed for billions of years. It shattered, shattered into countless pieces.

if so?So Wanda, Natasha, everyone I know, are they all dead? ? ? ! ! ! !
Do not! !It's impossible, right!impossible.

I can't make the earth like this!There are superheroes on earth, there are supreme mages, and I!

How did I get here?I just showed up here out of nowhere?Yes, I think about it, I think about it.

I remember. We were on the plane to the Marianas, and Pietro, we were going to rescue him.

dream? ? ?Yes, it's definitely a dream, but why is this dream so real. It's so real. I don't subconsciously think it's a dream.

Dingka host demon power.
What is the sound?Are you calling me?louder i can't hear
Oh, using demon power?I know, I know what to do.

In a daze, Allen felt his consciousness slowly regaining consciousness. He slowly opened his eyes and found that his demon state was already activated, and the power of the demon was flowing in his body.A huge blue shadow appeared behind him.

After a while, probably at the 30-second limit of the demon state, Allen's blood-red eyes returned to normal.

Suddenly, Alan, who had realized something, stood up suddenly and shouted: "Wanda! Natasha!"

Looking around quickly, he saw Wanda lying on the seat beside him, and he walked quickly to Wanda.

"Wanda! Wake up!!"

Alan shook Wanda's arm with an ugly face, but he couldn't wake up.

Allen saw Natasha lying in front of the windshield of the Quinjet fighter again, also motionless.

He hurried over and continued to try to wake Natasha up, but the result was the same as Wanda's, and he couldn't wake up no matter what.

Allen suddenly remembered that in his dream, he heard the voice of the system, and he was guided by the system,

He activated the demon state, and then woke up.

"System! What happened! Tell me!" Allen anxiously asked the system in his mind.

At this time, Allen's mind was like a mess, and he didn't know what was happening now.

He only remembered that the three of them were on their way to rescue Kuaiyin, and it took more than thirteen hours to complete the 6000-kilometer journey.

In the first 10 hours, the few people who were more energetic were still joking, thinking that they would reach their destination in a few hours.

Considering the battle that may happen in a few hours, in order to let yourself play [-]% of your fighting power.

Allen felt he needed a break.Then sit in the fighter seat and meditate.

Who would have imagined it, since it became like this afterwards.

After Allen asked, the system's completely emotionless voice sounded.

"Ding Ka, the system sensed that an extremely powerful and strange spiritual energy emanated from the seabed below, and it was this spiritual energy that caused the host to fall into a coma."

Eerie psychic energy under the sea?How could this happen, aren't we flying in the sky?

At this moment, Alan's heart was full of doubts.

"Where are we now?" Thinking of this, Allen raised his head and asked the intelligent system of the Quin-jet fighter.

"Sir, we are now [-] nautical miles away from our destination, in the Mariana Trench." The electronic voice on the Quin-jet fighter returned.

My special?Nautical mile?We are in the sea now?Also, the Kun-style fighter can not only go to the sky, but also go to the sea.

But why did it end up in the sea while flying in the sky?Did it fall from the sky while driving?

Allen shook his head to put these questions aside, the most important thing now is to wake up Wanda and Natasha.

Alan closed his eyes and communicated with the system in his mind: "System, how can I wake up Wanda and Natasha now!".

"Ding Ka, the demon power of the host can counteract the spiritual energy affecting them."

The power of demons, why didn't I think of it?Allen patted his head.

Didn't I just wake up from a coma after activating the devil state?
After getting the answer, he walked quickly to Wanda, and carefully hugged Wanda to his chest.

A blue light flashed, and after activating the Devil's Claw, Allen reached out and grabbed Wanda's arm, and the power of the devil surged towards Wanda.

When he saw Wanda's eyelashes move, Allen couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

Until a few seconds later, Wanda looked at Alan with dazed eyes.

"Hi, little beauty." Allen tried his best to put a smile on his face.

"Alan." Hearing Alan calling herself, Wanda whispered Alan's name with blurred eyes. Suddenly, her eyes were full of fear.

Suddenly hugged Allen tightly.

"Alan, I...thought you."

"I know I know what you've been through, it's okay, it's okay, it's all over." Alan patted Wanda's back slowly to comfort her.

It wasn't until Wanda calmed down that Alan let go of Wanda: "Natasha, let's go see Natasha."

Wanda obviously knew what was going on now, and followed Alan to Natasha.

The devil's claw in Allen's right hand was gently placed on Natasha's body, and the powerful devil's power suddenly rushed towards Natasha's body.

"Ugh" Ten seconds later, Natasha woke up with a murmur, and her eyes were full of fear, as if she had experienced something terrible.

When she was fully awake and opened her eyes to look at Alan in front of her, her eyes opened wider and wider.

"What do you want to do to me!?" Natasha rubbed suddenly, stood up, and raised her brows.

Allen looked at her, speechless for a while, what are you doing to you?I'm still afraid of what you'll do to me.

Allen folded his hands on his chest, curled his lips and said, "If I really want to do something, I won't do it secretly."

At this time, Natasha obviously remembered something, she was stunned and stood still.

"Me and Wanda, and you. We are in a coma. And looking at you, it is obvious that we all saw something terrible in the coma."

Seeing her stunned, Allen said, telling her she wasn't alone.

Natasha slowly raised her head and looked at Allen: "What the hell?"

(End of this chapter)

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