Chapter 31
"Putting away that ridiculous trick, Klein, you can only use your divisive tricks on those idiots, even if Jin doesn't want to get rid of me, why did you tell me, are you so kind?" Bullseye raised his head and stared at Looking at Allen sneered.

"No, no, no, I'm not kind at all, you guessed it right."

"However, compared to killing a killer who assassinated me, I hate it more when someone uses me."

Allen curled his lips, with a look on his face that I am very angry now.

Looking at the bullseye with a broken hand in front of him, although the other party tried his best to hide it, Allen still noticed a trace of hesitation in his eyes.

As long as he doubts, even if there is only a trace, that's enough, thinking of Alan with a secret smile in his heart.

Although Allen was a Marvel fan before crossing, he knew more about superheroes such as Captain America, Iron Man and other famous super villains.

As for Bullseye, I didn't know much about him.

However, Allen happened to know one thing, that is, Bullseye and Jin are not monolithic. In a certain plot of Daredevil, Jin and Bullseye fought, and Jin fell on the concrete wall and broke. Spine, it was obvious that the two of them had some kind of conflict for a long time.

Allen wanted to use this to convince Bullseye that Jin did not intend to use his own hands to get rid of him. As long as he believed in this "fact", he would have the opportunity to ask for the information he wanted.

"What do you want to know?" Suddenly, Bullseye lowered his head and said slowly.

Seeing that Bullseye had already let go, Allen raised the corner of his mouth and smiled: "I just need to know one question, where is Jin Bin?"

"You have to know that the killer won't reveal any information about the employer, and it will ruin my reputation." Bullseye remained the same, with his head down.

"Yes!" Allen took two steps, bent down to get in front of Bullseye, and whispered: "Then let me shoot your head off, although Jin Bing achieved his goal, which makes me very unhappy. "

Immediately after speaking, he raised his head, Zhanlan Rose pointed at Bullseye's head, and instantly pulled the trigger!

"I say……"


Allen's right hand holding the gun was deflected to the right in an instant, and the bullet passed by Bullseye's head.

That's right, Allen wasn't joking, he really pulled the trigger, although he didn't really want to kill Bullseye, but let him know his determination.

If he clearly wouldn't kill him, but he wanted to threaten him with a gun, and if he didn't do a good job, he would rather lose the clue than shoot him to death, then Bullseye, who is a super killer, would naturally feel it.

Allen guessed right. At that moment, Bullseye really felt that if he didn't say those two words just now, his head would definitely explode.

"Bastard!" Bullseye scolded in his heart, then raised his head, looked at the huge caliber that almost collapsed his head just now, and snorted and said:
"I admit that you are very strong, but I must remind you that you cannot beat him."

"Jin Bing is much more terrifying than you imagined. If you go, you will be looking for death."

Allen still smiled and replied: "You don't need to worry about this."

"Hmph, you can ask, I know, I will tell you." Bullseye pouted.

"Where is Jin Bin?" Allen asked directly without any fuss.

Bullseye said: "He is very mysterious. I don't know when and where he will appear, but I know there is one place where he will definitely go. That is his only flaw."

The only flaw? Allen guessed: "A portrait gallery?"

Bullseye raised his head in surprise: "You know?"

Allen didn't speak to Bullseye's surprised reaction. In fact, he can't remember the various plots in the comic book movie very clearly.

Especially about Jin Bing, but what Allen was very impressed with Jin Bing was that he liked a woman named Vanessa.

Jin He will give everything for this woman. He still remembers a picture. When Jin He was pursuing Vanessa, he was ruined by a Russian gangster. Recently, he used the car door to pinch his head out of his brain.

The bloody scene is still fresh in his memory.

And this woman named Vanessa is the female owner of a portrait gallery.

Allen had thought of this a long time ago, but he didn't know what was going on in the real world?After all, movies are just movies, and now it's the real world.

"I need the detailed address of this portrait gallery." Allen said

"It seems that you don't know everything." Bullseye curled his lips with a mocking expression.

Then he was silent for a while, and then he said, "57 320th Street, Hell's Kitchen."

Allen stared at Bullseye, his sensitive senses focused on the other person, and suddenly smiled: "It seems that you are not lying."

"Since I intend to tell you, I won't lie to you." Bullseye's voice was suddenly a little cold.

"Be careful!" A voice suddenly came from the empty street.

Sudden!A hidden weapon flew out of Bullseye's mouth, and the remaining intact left hand clenched into a fist. The spikes on it flashed a bright light, and swung towards Alan's head in an instant. With a movement of Alan's neck, the hidden weapon passed by the side of his head, Seeing that the spike on Bullseye's left hand was about to pierce into his head.

Allen just wanted to make a move, but found that Bullseye's fist stopped 10 centimeters away from him, motionless, with a grim expression.

Bullseye wide-eyed!

How is this going?I was shocked in my heart, but suddenly felt that I was floating up, and I was already hitting the wall next to me at an extremely fast speed.

Boom! ! !Bullseye stared wide-eyed, feeling the sound of bones breaking all over his body!

"Are you alright, Alan! Let me take a look." Wanda ran to Alan's side anxiously, while groping around nervously.

It turned out that it was Wanda who had just arrived just now. As for why she appeared here, Ellen could guess a little.

He didn't speak, and closed his eyes.

"Alan!" Wanda's voice trembled a little, but when she looked up, she saw Alan's expression of enjoyment.

"Don't worry Wei Na! I'm here to fight for justice, he can't hurt me"

Hearing that Alan is fine, Wanda please take a breath
Looking at his face that deserved a beating, Wanda slammed Alan on the shoulder with a bang.

"Hmph! Tell you to scare me."

"Ouch! It hurts..." Seeing Wanda's puffy look, Alan smiled.

"But, it looks like you're hiding something." Allen raised his eyebrows at Wanda and said with a smile.

"Uh...I..." Wanda didn't know what to say.

Allen said with a smile: "Okay, what's the matter, let's go back and talk about it."

Allen walked to Bullseye lying on the ground, touched him, and muttered: "

"Hey! It looks like I can't survive."

"It's really ruthless, even more ruthless than me, but I like it...hehe." Alan knew very well what Wanda's character was, and she was definitely not someone who would kill at every turn.

(End of this chapter)

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