Chapter 29 Bullseye
You don’t need a gun at this time, so why not keep it for the New Year?
Bang bang bang! !

Without thinking about it, Allen took out the blue rose and poured all the bullets behind him.


The monster howled, and the huge 12.7 caliber bullet of Azure Rose blasted several big holes in its body.

"Boom" the huge figure fell to the ground.

"Tsk tsk, it looks like a demon I haven't seen before," Alan was amazed when he saw the attacker clearly.

After that, Allen continued to fight in the secret realm, and the enemies he encountered became stronger and stronger, but Allen was never shot again.

"Hmph, all enemies are paper tigers." Yan Modao cut off the head of the last horned demon in front of him, and Allen lay on the ground with a sense of accomplishment on his face.

Until this time, Allen finally felt that his strength and body were perfectly matched, and the purpose of training was finally achieved.

At this time, the time to enter the secret realm is almost 13 hours, which means that if you want to enter the secret realm to practice next time, you can only get the secret stone again.

"The energy of the stone of the secret realm is about to run out, and it is about to exit the secret realm."

At this time, the voice of the system rang in Allen's mind, and when he opened his eyes, he found that he had returned to the real world.

Jumping out of bed, Allen came to the living room, opened the refrigerator, picked up a bottle of Fat House Happy Water, and poured it into his mouth.

Turning around and looking through the outside window, I realized that it was still dark outside. I looked up at the watch on the wall and realized that it was 2 o'clock in the middle of the night.

"System, why have I been in the secret realm for 13 hours, and it's still dark." Alan asked the system curiously.

"The ratio between the time in the secret realm and the real time is different."

"Huh?" Damn, this salted fish actually answered him, which made Allen a little bit used to it. You know, no matter what questions he asked before, the salted fish system would return directly, asking the host to explore by himself.

Just wanted to ask why I didn't notice it when I came out last time?But suddenly remembered that last time it seemed that he fell asleep directly after he came out. fault.

Back in the room, Allen slept until dawn, until there was a knock on the door.

"Get up, Ellen!"

"It feels good to have someone yelling to wake you up, doesn't it?" Hearing Wanda's shout at the door, the corners of Alan's mouth twitched slightly.

He got up and put on his pants, but he replied, "I want to sleep for a while, Wei Na."

"No, Alan, I've already done it...".


Wanda outside the door just wanted to protest Alan's behavior of staying in bed, but the door suddenly opened.

Wanda looked up and saw Alan, who was shirtless, and suddenly said with a blank face, "I have...made breakfast, come and have breakfast."

I saw Allen leaning his left hand by the door, posing in a handsome pose, and sending out hormones vigorously toward the opposite side.

"Wow!" Allen looked amazed, "Dear Miss Wei Na wakes up so early to make breakfast for me, I am so happy."

Seeing Alan's exaggerated appearance, Wanda chuckled.

"Oh, actually, I just learned how to cook it not long ago, so you have to be mentally prepared. Maybe, um, it won't be very tasty. Well, let me get you a glass of water."

After speaking, Wanda fled the scene at a speed that Alan had never seen before.

"Huh..." Wanda returned to the living room and rubbed her heart with her hand, thinking of Alan's well-proportioned figure, eight-pack abs, and heartbeat several times faster than usual.

Seeing Wanda who pretended nothing happened and then quickly ran downstairs, Allen showed a smile of success.

To flirt with girls, of course you have to show your own advantages, otherwise you can use your good figure for yourself.

Pick up the shirt hanging on the hanger, put it on, and go downstairs to wash up.Looking at the breakfast prepared in front of him, Allen said that whoever disturbs him to enjoy such a day, he will definitely let him try the 12.7mm caliber azure rose, um, Jinbin has already reserved it.
New York, somewhere in Hell's Kitchen

The tall Jin He leaned on a chair, narrowed his eyes and looked at the man with a target carved on his head, took out a document in his hand, threw it to the man in front of him, and said in a deep voice: "Bullseye, That was the goal this time, I needed to see his body."

"What is the background of the other party?" The man called Bullseye by Jin called him, picked up the file and slowly opened it, and said.

"Hmph, a mutant, one of my gangs was killed by a single bomb, and dozens of people were killed. I want him to pay the price!" The tall Jin He sat on a chair and listened to the bullseye After finishing speaking, he snorted.

"Mutant?" Bullseye frowned, "It's interesting, what superpower does the other party have?"

"Ability? Yes, he has a mutated hand, which makes him very powerful, but that's all. It shouldn't be a problem for you." Jin Bin replied.

"Hey!" Bullseye suddenly laughed when he heard that the other party was only stronger. Strength alone is useless. "Since I am a mutant, my salary is not low."

For Bullseye's behavior of raising the price, Jin did not feel disgusted, or did not show it. He raised his head and squinted his eyes: "Don't worry, you will be very satisfied with the reward this time..."


"Alan, do you need me to do anything today?" Wanda said to Alan after finishing her breakfast.

Hearing Wanda's words, Allen thought about it, and there is really nothing to do here today.

But after today, there may not be many leisure days left, after all, it was Jin Bing who offended him.

I just don't know how he will retaliate against himself, sending gunmen?Or something else?Allen doesn't care.

Anyway, the soldiers will block the water and cover it with soil. As for today, just have fun.

In this way, Allen and Wanda watched a movie in the apartment for a day.Wanda is very happy about this.

Until the evening came, Allen suddenly said to Wanda: "Weina, you stay at home, I'm going to visit."

Calculating the time, maybe the other party will do something to me tonight.

If you stay in the house all the time and wait for the other party to come to the door, you will inevitably have to scatter blood all over the place. Of course, Allen is confident that it belongs to the other party.

Hearing that Allen said that he was going out, Wanda's eyes suddenly lit up: "Are you going out again to fight crime like Spider-Man?" Remembering that he was robbed by gangsters in the alley last time, and Allen saw the attack help each other.

Hearing Wanda's answer, Allen couldn't help holding his forehead, and smiled: "Um, yes, I'm going to fight crime, so it's very dangerous, you stay at home, you know."

After rejecting Wanda's request to come out and "fight for justice" with him, Allen walked out of the apartment and went to the street.

To be a bait, you must have the awareness to be a bait. Of course, you have to go to some place where there are no people. If there is no movement for such a long time, it is obviously not that the other party has let you go.

But the other party felt that the timing was not right, and Allen, who was impatient to wait, took the initiative to create conditions for the other party.

Sure enough, after coming to a remote path, a man wearing a hat suddenly came around the corner.

"This looks down on me too much, why do you have to have a dark gun to match your identity as a killer?"

(End of this chapter)

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