I'm a boss in the Marvel universe

Chapter 26 The Unique Talent of Women

Chapter 26 The Unique Talent of Women

Wanda showed a curious look: "Klein Convenience Store?"

"Uh... well, actually I haven't figured out the name yet, and I don't plan to open a store anymore, I want to do something else." Allen blinked.

"What else?" Wanda asked suspiciously.

"Maybe I should open a restaurant. As I said, I'm a good cook."

"Or open a coffee shop, that's also a good choice." Yes, Ellen doesn't plan to open a convenience store when he gets rid of Jin Bing's big bald head, because Ellen hates getting up at 7:00 in the morning, Back home to rest at 11 o'clock.

Such a day is a kind of torture for everyone. Before that, it was because of the need to survive and to help Johnny. At that time, Alan, who had just lost his job, was already satisfied if he could find a job.

But now, Allen said, I am a mature boss, and I have to find a way to be lazy.Where will the cost of reopening the store come from?

Allen was never worried, and someone would naturally pay the money at that time.

Thinking of this, Allen couldn't help but wonder, would Jin not sneeze at this time? After all, he missed him so much.

"Well~ I think we should open a coffee shop." Wanda rolled her eyes and gave what she thought was a professional suggestion.

"Us?" Allen's tone was playful.

"Ah...ah no, it's you." Feeling the ambiguity in the words, Wanda said quickly, her face flushed slightly.

"We'll talk about this at a later time. Now let's talk about another important issue." Allen stopped teasing the shy Wanda.

Wanda stared at Ellen with her big beautiful eyes, expressing all ears.

"Weina, you probably don't have a place to live, do you?" This is nonsense, and of course Ellen himself knows that the current Wanda has no place to live.

But I can't just say something weird like "Hey, Wei Na, live in the same apartment as me".

Although the purpose is the same, Allen feels that he should be more reserved now, so as not to scare the girl, for example like this:
"Well, in fact, the welfare system in our store is very perfect. It not only includes food, but also includes accommodation." After finishing speaking, store manager Alan showed a very generous look on his face, and you made money.

"Wow, that's really great! Thank you very much, Alan." Miss Wanda covered her mouth with her hands and said in surprise.

"You're welcome, I'm a good boss." Allen raised his eyebrows.

"Haha, you are the best boss." Knowing that she would save a fortune on accommodation, Wanda was not stingy with her compliments,

"Since I'm going to reopen the store, I need to make a good plan. The store will be closed for a few days. I'll take you to familiarize yourself with your dormitory now." After finishing speaking, Alan stood up with his hands on his knees.

"Come on, dear Miss Weina."

"Let's go, Ellen." Wanda was very happy to find a place to stay.

Ever since she accidentally fled to New York, Wanda has been very scared and insecure.

But I don't know why, being by Alan's side always makes me feel at ease, maybe he saved me that day, who knows?

Both of them walked out of the store, and Allen pulled down the rolling shutter, only to realize that the sun had already set and the whole city had entered night.

The lights outside were brightly lit, and sirens sounded everywhere. Before walking to the car, Allen suddenly discovered a problem, that is, Wanda didn't bring any luggage, or she didn't have any luggage.

Who would have thought that the future superhero, the Scarlet Witch, would be so downcast. Thinking of this, Allen couldn't help feeling a little distressed.

Opening the car door, she turned to Wanda and pointed to the co-pilot: "You can sit here."

Wanda nodded, walked around the front of the car, opened the door on the right, sat in the co-pilot, looked curiously at the decoration inside the car, and praised:
"It's a beautiful car."

"It's called Jack. This is Johnny's baby. He left it to me. Now I am its father, but it is older than me." Allen patted the steering wheel and laughed.

I started the fire with my right hand and set off. After driving for more than ten minutes, I stopped at 54th Street. 54th Street is the nearest commercial street, where you can find everything you want to eat, drink and have fun.

Seeing Allen going down, Wanda also followed, looking at the surrounding tall buildings, with a curious look on his face: "Are we there yet?"

"Not yet, we're not there yet, it's just that you might need something."

Allen looked at the mall not far away.

Wanda also realized that she didn't bring anything when she came here, and she really needed to buy some daily necessities.

"But... But I have no money now, and I also have daily necessities and clothes, but they are all at Ms. Anna's place now." After speaking, Wanda lowered her head in embarrassment.

Seeing the embarrassment of the girl in front of him, Allen said gently: "Not long ago, I was also very down and out, Johnny helped me, now you have difficulties, I can help you like him, just treat it as Pay your wages in advance."

"Thank you, Alan."

"I don't want to hear words like thank you anymore, let's go, let's go shopping." Alan blinked and said.

Walking into the shopping mall, Wanda, who was a little reserved at first, started a shopping mode unique to women, and bought some underwear and a few changes of clothes.

There are also some things that girls need, and some things like toothbrush, toothpaste and so on.

It took several hours and finally returned to the car again. Allen said that his strengthened legs were a little weak.

If I knew it earlier, I would have bought it for him. If I had been myself, I would have done it in 10 minutes.

However, if there is a woman by his side, everything will be different. Alan, who has never had a girlfriend before time travel, naturally has not experienced this feeling.

After trying it, I have to feel (xin) some (zai) sad (le) sad (huo) for other men.

"Fortunately, I have the blood of the devil Sparta, otherwise I would never be able to resist, let alone those ordinary men, ha, pray for them."

If Sparta knew that his blood was used by Allen in this way, I wonder if he would jump out of hell angrily and knock him on the head a few times.

Back in the car, looking at the full trunk at the back, Alan wiped off the sweat that didn't exist on his face, turned his head to look at the excited Wanda next to him, and planned to pour some cold water on her:

"Hey! Ms. Wei Na... You know, you have already used up this month's salary."

The woman who had just finished shopping did not care about these things, she waved her hand at Alan: "It's okay, Alan, the store includes food and lodging, at worst, I won't buy other things this month."

After speaking, he giggled again.

The cold water plan failed, Allen shrugged helplessly, drove the car around, and drove in the direction of the apartment.

Arrived at Fifth Avenue not long after, and parked the car, Allen pointed to the apartment building in front, and said to Wanda who got off the car first, "We live here."

"It's so beautiful here. I like it here, Alan." Wanda, who got out of the car, hurried to the trunk as if picking up the clothes she bought. Hearing Alan's words, she returned to Alan in front. With a sound.

 I examine myself three times a day, reading? Investing? Voting?
(End of this chapter)

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