I'm a boss in the Marvel universe

Chapter 2 The Johnny George Convenience Store

Chapter 2 The Johnny George Convenience Store

Allen laughed for a long time, most of the previous fears about this world had dissipated, but a sense of anticipation sprouted instead.Looking forward to this world, because he knows that he who owns the system may also become a superhero, so that he no longer needs the protection of others.Instead, it can protect others.

"This kind of feeling is really good. For the system, I don't know what its function is." Allen, who was in a good mood, finally remembered what he should do, of course, to understand the Super God system.But judging from the name of the system, it must not be weak.Well, super God. .

"What function do you have for the system?" Allen looked forward to it.

Ding!The system functions are currently open modules: task module, unpacking module.The system will automatically release tasks at random. After completing the tasks, you can get experience, unpacking points, and random items. Experience can improve the host's ability and upgrade to become a more powerful hero.

The box opening point allows the host to open the box to get a variety of items, equipment, etc. .For details, the host should explore by himself.

"Wow, the current system elves have learned to be lazy and not work well." After complaining, Alan ignored the others, and slowly "turned on" the system with his mind, and the holographic projection in his mind reappeared in his mind.

The interface of the system is simple, but also very delicate, and the edge of the projection emits a faint golden light, which looks quite comfortable.There are many modules on the interface, and others seem to be inactive, as if covered by a gray fog.

Only in the middle of the interface are the words "task module" and "unpacking module" displayed in gold stamps, which looks very powerful.Curiously clicking on the task module, a ding sounded.As for the box-opening module, it shows that the box-opening points are insufficient.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for triggering the first task: ¥¥¥——Money is not everything, but without money, nothing is impossible. Please find a way to earn 800 US dollars within ten days to improve your own situation."

"Rewards for completing the task: unpacking points*10, a mysterious novice gift pack."

"Mission failed: activate the mission; ask the host to slap me in the face, after all, I can't even do this well."

Looking at the first mission he triggered, Allen was pulled back from the previous "I am invincible" momentum. Indeed, now he has been promoted from an ordinary traverser to a traverser + system man, but he can't go there either. Robbing money, Alan is still a teenager with normal three views.

The reality is that everything needs money.Alan, who was an orphan in his previous life, understands this truth better. Even in this world, "we rely on technology for money, and mutation for money." Looking at the task in front of him, Alan's heart is burning.

In fact, now that I don’t have a job, $800 is still a bit difficult for me. At least he hasn’t figured out how to earn $10 within 800 days. But what is certain is that locking yourself in a room cannot be done out of thin air. Turn into dollars.

I need to go out to find a job, so I do it when I think about it, and I pick up the iPhone 5 that was just launched this year on the table and go out. This is the reward that Allen gave himself when he was a real estate agency and received a commission in the first month. .Just as he was about to go out, Allen saw himself in the full-length mirror on the side.

Sure enough, I was right about the 9-point charm value given by the system, a proper European and American little prince, 22 years old and 183 in height, which is not tall in the United States, and the not-so-long blond hair is combed into a three to seven point hairstyle .

With a straight nose, he smiled at himself, nah!This is the feeling, Allen seemed to see the little plum before he picked up the water gun.Well, Allen is very satisfied with his current appearance, very satisfied.

"Hey Johnny, how's business going?"

"Hey, Alan, don't you have to go to work today, buddy?" It was Johnny George, the owner of the convenience store who bought breakfast here every day before Alan went to work.Johnny George is about 45 years old, a typical American uncle, with a beard
Johnny was also very puzzled. Alan, who came to buy breakfast on time at 9 o'clock every morning, never saw him coming. He didn't expect to see him until it was almost noon.

"Don't mention Johnny, I resigned and I don't think I'm qualified for the job."

Allen, who walked out of the house, didn't know where to find a job that could earn 10 US dollars within 800 days. He could only slowly search along the streets he was familiar with when he was working. After a few closed doors, he saw the "George Convenience Store" Allen had an idea to see if he could find a job here.

After all, the guy who had been helping in Johnny's convenience store hadn't been seen these days, maybe he quit his job.The business in Johnny's store is good, he must be too busy himself, maybe he needs it.Hence the conversation above.

"Give it up, my God! It's not easy to find a job now, you have to think about it, dear Alan." I don't know when, this young man would come to his store to buy things every day after get off work, sometimes I will chat for a while after get off work.After a long time, Johnny also understands him very well, and he likes the young man in front of him very much.

Although Alan has just traveled here not long ago, he is very adaptable to everything around him after being fused with the memory of the previous Alan Klein, and it is so natural to speak familiar and unfamiliar languages ​​from his mouth .

"Yes, Johnny, I thought about it very clearly. In fact, I wanted to ask if you need help? I mean, I want to find a job with you." After greeting, Allen said own purpose.

"I haven't seen John for a few days. Has he resigned? If you need, I think I can replace his job." He will only come up to find this job if he quits.

Johnny looked at Allen and nodded his head in the gray baseball cap. "Yeah, there's something going on in John's house and he needs to get out of New York, I'd be glad if you'd come and help me, buddy."

"That's really great, Johnny, I will definitely serve every customer in the store well." After finding a job, it is not far from completing the task. Thinking of completing the picture when he received the reward, Allen felt a little happy Not from ear to ear.

"Then let's talk about salary. Alan, the salary is 3000 US dollars per month, with full board and lodging. No problem, Alan. John was like this before."

"That's enough, thank you Johnny, but I have a request. I wonder if you can pay me a salary of 800 dollars on the tenth day. You know, I just quit my job." , even the thick-skinned Allen couldn't help blushing, after all, he made the request before he started working.

Johnny didn't speak, but his hands were not idle. He walked to the cash register and opened it. He took a mess of money, counted it, and handed it to Alan. Alan looked at it, and there were about 10 bills of $20. banknotes.

"You take the money first, the total is 200 US dollars, and the remaining 600 US dollars will be given to you in ten days." Johnny trusts Alan very much. Every morning, he looks at the big boy who goes to the store to buy breakfast to make a living. To myself when I was young.At that time, I was just like him. If it wasn't for that incident, I would definitely look different now. .

 Thank you Silver Roll Aprilia Nalan for your support!Thanks
(End of this chapter)

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