Chapter 73 Storage Small World?
Ye Fu looked at the big move that Zhu Kun was planning, and couldn't help showing a more excited expression. It will be another active skill. This Zhu Kun is really a good dragon who is willing to help others.

The purple-golden energy gathered in front of Zhu Kun's mouth again, but this group of powerful energy contained a touch of blood red, and seeing Zhu Kun's extremely uncomfortable appearance, this move should be even more powerful. It's right to be strong!

A moment later, the berserk energy torrent gushed out again, covering the face of leaf rot enjoying enjoyment, obliterating most of its body, the breath of this giant dragon seemed to have exhausted its remaining power, no matter how long the purple-gold energy breath No matter how it is washed, it will not hurt the leaf rot that is rapidly evolving and constantly adapting.

Now Yefu's pure physical defense is already stronger than that of the Taixu Gulong Clan!
Except for Ye Fu's natural affinity for space, there is almost nothing to gain.

After the torrent of purple-gold energy dissipated, Yefu, which had wiped out half of its body, returned to normal in the blink of an eye, and its height grew again, reaching the body of a 2000-meter ancient giant.

A rebound attack condensed by the rules came, and a huge purple-gold beam of light spewed out from Yefu's mouth, colliding more intensely with the seal set by the ancient emperor.

Zhu Kun lied weakly on the ground to recover his physical strength and fighting spirit, then raised his head, staring closely at the collision between Ye Fu's attack and the seal.

And there was no violent explosion when the huge beam of energy collided with the seal, only constant offset and energy consumption of the seal.

Seeing that the seal on his head was about to break through due to the attack of external force, Zhu Kun's mood was completely stirred up.

A few minutes later, Yefu's rebound attack had dissipated silently, but it still failed to break through the seal set by Emperor Tuoshe.

Ye Fu scratched his head in embarrassment, and then said: "Why don't you worry, anyway, the energy of the seal has been consumed a lot now, look at the surface of this seal, it's already very dim and weak."

"I'll just grind it out here slowly." Ye Fu persuaded the gloomy Zhu Kun.

"Forget it, this is a seal set by Emperor Dou himself, and it is impossible to break it by force."

"On the contrary, I lost my patience and lost my patience."

"Go away, if you are moving forward, you will end up like me." Zhu Kun put his head on his paws, and then said in a low voice.

Ye Fu has been promoted so many levels from Zhukun's place all at once, so how could he just leave like this.

So I simply spent the seal with Doudi here. Anyway, my attack has become a skill, and the consumption is not too big.

Moreover, the seal under his feet was indeed much darker.

This is one of the reasons why Yefu is willing to stay.

One is that Zhukun’s seal is indeed expected to be broken, the other is that his own system storage space is about to evolve, and the third is that the ancient emperor Tuoshe’s cave has the aura of emperor origin, and his own strength has reached the passing line , It's time to find a quiet place to learn the abilities that Dou Sheng should master.

The power to manipulate space, the ability to open wormholes, and the ability to open up small worlds all need to be learned by oneself, and then adapted and evolved into one of their own skills!

And the sealed Zhu Kun is undoubtedly the most suitable master. As the Dragon King of the Taixu Ancient Dragon Clan, he is completely qualified to teach himself something to the Nine-Star Fighting Saint Peak.

Besides, both of them are idle, chatting with each other can relieve loneliness and boredom.

In this way, Ye Fu lived on the square outside the ancient emperor's cave, practicing various skills and boxing kung fu with the Doudi seal under his feet every day, and under the guidance of Zhukun Dragon Emperor, he slowly mastered He understood the use of space power and turned it into one of his many skills!

Because in the fighting world, the power of space is too easy to be leveraged. Before reaching the strength of Explosive Star, you can use the power of space superficially. If you go to other worlds, you may not even feel the existence of the power of space. arrive.

Therefore, when Yefu's body evolved and adapted, he turned the use of space power into his own active skills, and in this way he could use it in any world.

In fact, apart from the original energy of the strange fire bred by heaven and earth, which is not bad, the energy essence of grudge is too weak. It is not as high as the quality of ice magic power of Laufey, the king of frost giants in the Marvel world.

So in addition to this world, in other worlds, grudges will eventually be abandoned.

It's no wonder that this world needs a higher level of Diyuan Qi to be able to upgrade to Dou Di, and Xiao Yan also needs to evolve the Dou Qi in his body into spiritual Qi after he arrives in the Great Thousand World.

This is also the deficiency of grudge itself, the essence of power is too low, it is only suitable for running rampant in this low-level plane.

In addition, during this week of training, Ye Fu finally had his own system storage space.

But there seems to be something wrong with this storage space. From Ye Fu's point of view, what the hell is this barren land! ?
Is it a small world?
There is air flow, there is a faint aura, there is a normal flow of time, and there are rules of the small world that are under your control
This storage space seems to be different from what I imagined!

Ye Fu was also confused at the time, saying that he just wanted a simple storage space?What the hell is the system doing to open up a small world for itself?

No wonder it takes so much energy and takes so long.

It seems that my system is really good and powerful.

A small request of mine actually brought me an unexpected surprise.

Yefu is very satisfied. Of course, the small world has been formed, so it doesn't matter if you are not satisfied.

"Host, the small world of storage has been developed. This world has a round sky and a complete set of rules, and can devour everything and undergo continuous evolution!" This was what the system said at the time.

In Yefu's current storage ring, apart from some snacks and snacks, the rest of the high-grade medicinal materials, various monster crystal nuclei, and various other things have been swallowed up by the small world.

But after these things were thrown, there was no splash at all, and they were all digested.

For this big stomach king, Ye Fu was also very helpless.

After all, this world is bound to oneself, and the rules of the world in it are completely under one's control, so it is naturally impossible for Yefu to let it be used to store various things without allowing the small world to evolve.

Ye Fu feels that he has been cheated miserably, and there is a big stomach king beside him, how can he maintain the state of salted fish!

After passively accepting the small world, Ye Fu treated it normally.

Although the unique rule power of the small world can help him fight against or devour other world consciousness, but how can he go against the world consciousness? Isn't this superfluous! ?
So Yefu didn't take it seriously, simply ignoring this kind of problem.

 If it weren't for Cai Xukun's basketball invitation, I would definitely be able to update five cards!

(End of this chapter)

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