Chapter 50
However, for self-defense while performing, Frigg took out a sword from the side and put it on close to her body.

After watching the gate lose its magic power due to freezing, a frost giant opened the gate and walked in.At this moment, Frigga, who was hiding aside, jumped out and killed him with a sword, but before she could breathe a sigh of relief, a larger figure appeared behind the frost giant.

As soon as Frigga saw this figure, her heart suddenly cooled down.Because she knew who this figure belonged to, and he was Laufey, the king of the frost giants!

Originally, with Frigga's strength, she was completely capable of dealing with the elite fighters of the Frost Giants, but what she never expected was that Loki was so capable that even the king of the Frost Giants, even Lau Fei, was invited over. .

"Why are you here!"

Although she knew that she would definitely not be able to beat Lau Fei, Frigg still stood in front of Lau Fei with her long sword.Because no one can hurt Odin until she falls.


Looking at Odin lying on the bed, Lau Fei had no intention of talking to Frigg at all.But Laufey was thinking about the agreement with Loki.So it was just a slap and sent Frigga flying.

And Frigga also fulfilled her promise, no one can hurt Odin before she fell, so she fell.

After Frigga fell, Laufey came to Odin, and opened Odin's only remaining eye.

"It is said that you can still hear and see even when you are out of your body. I hope that is true, so that you can know that you died at the hands of me, Laufey. Go to hell, Odin !"

While speaking, Lau Fei squeezed his right hand, and a frost dagger appeared in his hand.Because he was afraid of long nights and dreams, Lau Fei, who didn't plan to say anything more, planned to end Odin with just one knife.

So after the last word was uttered, Laufey's dagger pierced towards Odin.

At this moment, Lau Fei suddenly saw in the dagger raised in his hand that someone behind him was holding something towards him.


"go to hell!!"

"Hit!" Loki knew he had hit after hearing the voice.

But then Loki, who was standing outside the door, launched his attack, which seemed to have no effect, because a wall of ice appeared behind Laufey, forming an ice wall.

Although Gungnir, the gun of eternity, has a must-hit attribute, it also depends on who is using this gun!
If it was Odin, Laufey, who doesn't have the Frost Box now, would definitely be seriously injured or even lose his life under this sneak attack.

But Luo Ji, a sorcerer, can't fully push the spear of eternity with the divine power in his body, so he can't even break through an ice wall used by Laufey for defense!

"Loki, it really is you!"

After removing the frozen wall, Laufey saw that the person who attacked him just now was Loki holding the Eternal Gun.

"With me here, you can't touch my father. I have to remind you that you will die at the hands of Odin's son."

Loki didn't directly answer Laufey's question, but what Loki said was equivalent to telling Laufey the answer he wanted.

Although I am also a member of the Frost Giant family, and I am your own son, but I yearn for justice wholeheartedly, and I will stand by Asgard's side!

Although Laufey blocked Loki's attack with an ice wall just now, Loki didn't think it was a big deal. After all, with the Eternal Spear in his hand, he thought he would be able to deal with Lauphy.

"It seems that I want to solve it with you."

Knowing that with Loki holding the Eternal Spear, he has no chance to deal with Odin, so Laufey plans to deal with Loki, the traitor of the Frost Giants, first, and then go to kill Odin!

At this time, Thor and Yefu came to Asgard Palace together, but after entering Asgard Palace, they were blocked by a group of frost giants.

"Thor, your strength is not as strong as mine, so I will leave this place to you. You hold them back first, and I will rescue Odin!" Ye Fu ordered.

Although Thor was unconvinced in his heart, he knew that this was not the time for him to be willful, so he nodded immediately, and then waved his hammer to summon dozens of thunderbolts, blocking the frost giant's way!
And Yefu took the opportunity to rush over quickly, crossing the frost giant's defense line.

"Do you think you can fight against me with the gun of eternity!? What a stupid guy!" Laufey waved his palm directly, and an icicle several meters long enveloped Loki in an instant.

Facing Laufey, the lord of the world who once hurt Odin, Loki still has no power to resist even if he holds the King-level Eternal Spear!Directly ko.

After all, in the movie, Laufey, the king of the frost giants, was able to permanently damage one of Odin's eyes, so his true strength should not be underestimated.

And Laufey, the king of the frost giants, is very similar to another villain.

Surtur, the king of flame giants, his core energy source, the Eternal Flame, was captured by Odin and sealed in the treasure house.

Laufey, the king of the Frost Giants, the Frost Box, the artifact of the Frost Giants, was confiscated by Odin as a trophy and stored in the treasure house.

If these two giants regained their strength in the strongest period, they would be the kind of existence that can be tough with Odin, even in the Heavenly Father class, they would undoubtedly be a very powerful group.

Odin's eyelids trembled, as if he wanted to open his eyes, but with a loud shout, he fell silent again.

"Eat me with a fire fist!"

Leaf Fu rushed over quickly and turned into a diamond body, and then the crystal clear fist was burning with raging flames, and directly hit Lau Fei who had just frozen Loki randomly from the side.


The figures of the two directly smashed through Odin's dormant bedroom, and then hit outside the Asgard.

As for Lau Fei, who was hit by Yefu's fist of flame, his skin froze instantly after the skin was damaged, and then the ice sealed Yefu's diamond fist!
And after Lao Fei used his own body to freeze Yefu, he also stared at his scarlet eyes and punched him hard.


Facing Lao Fei's huge icy fist, Ye Fu also didn't have enough reaction power to dodge for a while, his handsome face suffered an extremely powerful impact in an instant, and under Lao Fei's punch, his body Even the slightest cracks appeared in the diamond body.


But before Lau Fei could react, Ye Fu's other fist also punched Lau Fei's icy giant face with more powerful speed and impact force!
In the splash of ice slag, Lau Fei turned his head in disbelief, and then muttered to himself: "How is it possible!? The power and angle of this punch!??"

Taking advantage of being repelled, Lau Fei looked at the person who suddenly appeared in front of him as a troublemaker not far away, his expression became extremely solemn, and then he asked angrily, "Who are you! Why don't I remember Asgard?" Is there such a number one person as you!?"

(End of this chapter)

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