Chapter 40 Disposal of the Corpse
After another ten minutes, the battle was completely over.

Due to Thor's deliberate hangover, even the constant explosions and the roar of the Frost Giant did not wake up Thor, who had completely lost his mind.

He suddenly heard that his invincible father died, his mother refused to go back by himself, and Asgard was in danger of war because of himself, and these situations were all caused by his own recklessness.

This caused Thor's psychological defense to be broken in an instant, and now he just wanted to escape, without any hope of returning to Asgard.

In addition, the current Thor is just a mortal body, so Thor is really unconscious, and he has not seen the result and process of this battle.

Seeing the corpses of frost giants all over the place, as well as some S.H.I.E.L.D. agents who were slightly injured, Ye Fu said, "Leave me three or five bodies, and you can take the rest. oh!"

"Well! Thank you for your special protection. If it weren't for you, the elite team of agents I brought this time would have lost a lot!" Coulson thanked earnestly.

Banner took off his azure blue armor and was very excited about his first battle.

Although he was very strong in the past, that was Hulk's ability. In the Hulk transformation state, Banner didn't even have a clear consciousness, so how could it be his own battle?
So Banner was very excited to go to battle in person this time. Instead of relying on the Hulk in his body, relying solely on his own brain and wisdom, Banner is enough to prove that he is not weaker than anyone else!

Seven people with doctoral degrees are simply terrifying!
Coulson summoned his men to start the follow-up process on the battlefield, and Ye Fu lost interest after looking at it twice.

Dr. Banner is a top scientist in physics, but due to the appearance of the Hulk, Banner has spent a lot of time learning biological science.

And the current body of the Frost Giant can be regarded as being able to be used as waste.

With Banner as an all-rounder, it is reasonable to keep a few frost giant bodies for himself.

Although I don't know what can be produced, but now that the small island already has complete scientific research equipment, plus Benner's genius mind, it is right to be able to produce something anyway.

After all, the protagonist's halo really does exist.

But even if S.H.I.E.L.D. took half of the Frost Giant's body, he still couldn't use it all up.

So Yefu directly used his psychic ability to communicate with Mr. Tony who was having a rich nightlife!
"Hey, Tony!" Ye Fu greeted directly with his psychic ability.

On the other side of New York, Tony turned his body helplessly, then stared blankly at the ceiling, and responded in his mind.

"What the hell!! Don't you need to sleep!? And you contacted me suddenly at this time! I was so scared that I almost stopped lifting, you know!?" Tony's irritable voice was transmitted through the power of the mind .

Ye Fu immediately thought of what this playboy was doing, so he couldn't help laughing.

However, thinking that this time he was here to talk about business, Ye Fu didn't joke too much, but said: "I'm looking for you this time for business, I plan to give you some good things, I don't think you will refused."

Tony put his hand on the other end of the bed, and then responded weakly: "Tell me, what kind of benefits can I, the top richest man, not refuse!?"

"I just hunted a team of aliens, and now there are a few spare bodies that I have not dealt with, and I plan to give them to you, how about it?" Ye Fu asked casually.

Tony on the other side immediately regained his energy after hearing this sentence. After all, it is a sample of an unknown alien life form. As long as some things are researched, it will definitely be a profitable business!
As a businessman, Tony really couldn't refuse this kind of benefit that came down from the sky.

"In addition, you are still very familiar with these aliens. They are the frost giants in your myths and legends. They are born with strong physiques and can control ice."

"How about it, is it good research material!?" Ye Fu's voice sounded again, Tony turned on the light in the room, and then hurriedly put on his clothes.

"Wait for me, I'll go over and collect my research materials!" Tony quickly replied.

"Haney~, what's the matter?" Just as Tony was getting dressed in a hurry, a sweet female voice sounded and asked.

"Baby, I have something to deal with now, so I'll leave first, bye!" Tony stopped hesitating after speaking, and walked out of the room with the unfinished clothes.

"Haney!" The woman's voice sounded again, but Tony didn't show any sympathy at all right now. At a time like this, it's more important to get down to business!

"Jarvis, help me put on the armor!" Tony walked out of the room, and then gave a voice command to a mechanical armor in front of him.

"Yes, sir!" Jarvis' voice sounded on the armor, and then he controlled the armor and began to wear it.

Seeing the flames flying through the air, the cover girl of Time Magazine silently returned to the room, and then went to sleep.

"Jarvis, start at the fastest speed and go to the island of Leaf Rot!" Tony had regained his composure, and then issued his own order.

Just as S.H.I.E.L.D. had just cleaned up the battlefield, and then recruited a few fighter jets to transport the corpses of the frost giants, a burst of flames burst through the air, and then stopped rapidly just before landing.

"Hey, I'm not late." Tony's voice sounded, and after opening the faceplate of the steel suit, he exhaled softly.

They rushed all the way here at a high speed, in order to check the goods first, and by the way, completely preserve the bodies of these frost giants that have just been hunted down.

"What's wrong here? Could it be that the battle started here?" After seeing the damage marks on the ground and the scene of the explosion, Tony asked Ye Fu in disbelief.

"That's right, these giants specially crossed space and came here to hunt down a person, or it would be more appropriate to say a 'god'." Ye Fu said softly.

"The 'god' you mentioned is not referring to you!?" Tony asked cautiously.

"It's not me, I'm not that weak yet, the god they're chasing after is this drunk man next to me." Ye Fu pointed at the drunk Thor.

Tony was speechless, what do you mean you are not that weak?
Could it be that a dignified god is not as good as you! ?
However, in order to ensure the activity of the experimental samples, Tony began to order a trustworthy person from the company to come and load the goods after a few casual remarks.

Leaf Rot also helped to freeze these dead frost giants to facilitate subsequent shipment and storage.

Anyway, the cold ice will not cause malignant changes to their bodies, but will benefit the corpses of these frost giants.

(End of this chapter)

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