Chapter 32 Have Another Cup

After arriving at the research institute, Coulson led a team of agents under him into Jane's research room.

The sudden intrusion of a large group of people in black and sunglasses frightened Dr. Eric who was staying at home.

However, as one of the top experts in the scientific world, Dr. Eric can still recognize the special logo of S.H.I.E.L.D., so he sincerely did not stop or ask.

Afterwards, Jane and Daisy also got out of the car, and planned to follow Coulson to copy a document.

As for Ye Fu and Thor, they came to an open space outside the laboratory after getting off the car.

Thor in a hospital uniform is moving his hands and feet, planning to avenge the punch he received earlier!
But when he fixed his eyes on Ye Fu, he found something that he couldn't take his eyes off.

Mjolnir, the small hammer that he has used for thousands of years, was hung on his waist by that person so casually!

Thor instantly felt that his mentality exploded, his beloved artifact betrayed him, and there are other people who have been recognized by him, is he really unworthy to be the king of Asgard?

Is it true that I have not been recognized by my father, and am I not worthy of having Mjolnir, Thor's Hammer?
Thor was stunned, and his whole body became weak in an instant.

"What's the matter, do you still want to fight?" Ye Fu asked casually.

"I won't fight anymore, I have been deprived of my divine power now, and I will definitely not be able to defeat you who has the power of Thor." Thor said in a low voice.

Ye Fu walked up to Thor, took off Thor's Hammer hanging from his waist, and handed it over.

"This is your hammer, let's see if you can pick it up first." Ye Fu said.

Thor looked at the hammer in front of him a little emotionally. After all, his precious artifact has been used for thousands of years, and his feelings cannot be expressed.

So after hesitating for a while, Thor saw that a mortal in Midgard could pick up his own Thor's Hammer, and no matter what he said, he would not be inferior to a mortal! ?
Thor stretched out his hand, and then held the familiar hammer handle, still so kind and familiar.

"Hold it, then I can let go." Ye Fu asked.

Thor nodded seriously, and then gripped the handle of Thor's Hammer with both hands.

"Since I can hold it now, I will definitely be recognized by it!" Thor thought secretly in his heart.

But just after Yefu let go of his palm.



Thor's Hammer fell to the ground without warning.

Thor's arms and face were flushed, and even his strong spine flickered, but he still didn't mention the weapon that once belonged to him.

Thor sat on the ground in a daze, then looked at the hammer in his hand, and fell into self-doubt.

Ye Fu picked up the hammer again, shook it casually a few times, and then hung it on his waist.

Since I conquered this hammer with brute force last time, the current Thor's Hammer, apart from having no additional buff bonus, has not deliberately made things difficult for myself, such as applying weight.

Seeing his beloved little hammer turned into someone else's hammer, Thor couldn't help feeling a sense of sadness welling up in his heart.

It was as if a child I had raised for thousands of years suddenly ran away with someone else.

"Prince Thor, I also know a little bit about your situation, so you need to think about it carefully. Why haven't you been recognized by Thor's Hammer until now? Have you fulfilled the requirements your father said? ? After you figure it out, Thor's Hammer will return to your side." Ye Fu stood in front of Thor, looked down at Thor who had lost his fighting spirit, and then said.

Thor listened to Ye Fu's questioning, and then thought of the fundamental reason why he was punished, because of his recklessness, because of his arrogance, and what his father said when he punished him.

After thinking of these, Thor lowered his head unconsciously.

But Ye Fu stretched out a palm, and then Thor heard Ye Fu's words: "You are the prince of Asgard, even if you are frustrated for a while, you must not lose due etiquette and nobility , get up from the ground now, and everything will be fine!"

Thor, who has never been hit like this before, is in a mess now. Since he came to the earth, nothing good has happened, and nothing good has happened.

Especially after he just found out that his hammer actually admitted that others did not recognize him, he received a critical hit of [-] points in an instant.

After Thor wiped the dirt off his hands, he stretched out his hand to hold Yefu's palm, and then stood up.

Thor, who just stood up, patted his old waist that had just flashed, and then his stomach growled.

After hearing this voice, Thor couldn't help but blushed.

Now that I have lost my divine power, I can't even block the feeling of hunger for a short time. It's really embarrassing to throw at home.

Ye Fu smiled heartily, then called the agent who was driving over, and said, "Report to Coulson first, and then take us to a restaurant for dinner, and let him come to me later .”

The agent serving Yefu directly took out the walkie-talkie to convey Yefu's words, and then got the order from his immediate boss, Coulson, to drive the two of them away temporarily.

At this time, Coulson was faced with a laboratory almost full of various materials, and directly ordered the experts to move over several dedicated S.H.I.E.L.D. computers to connect the equipment and make copies.

The busy Coulson didn't have any extra time to accompany the two of them to eat, so they split up.

Although the goal of my mission is to contact this alien prince, all the research materials of Jane Foster are also very useful. After all, it is impossible for S.H.I.E.L.D. to let him get in touch with aliens.

In a nearby restaurant, Ye Fu was drinking a small wine, watching Thor who was gobbling because of excessive hunger.

This guy's eating speed is comparable to that of the fighting race, the Saiyans.Ye Fu sighed softly in his heart.

"This drink is delicious, I like it." After taking the last bite of the muffin and drinking the Coke in the cup, Thor held the cup and smiled with satisfaction.

"Since you like it, then continue to order, anyway, someone will reimburse you this time." Ye Fu said and glanced at the black-clothed bodyguard standing behind him.

I don't know how much the braised eggs cost, but it's easy to go out and reimburse for food and drink.

"I'm having a drink." Then Thor slammed the glass on the ground.

But just as the cup was about to fall to the ground, it was caught by Ye Fu's protruding palm.

"Your Highness Thor, if you want another drink, you don't need to smash the glass, just say it." Ye Fu reminded.

"Oh? Is that so?" Thor said with a dazed look on his face. Coupled with his dirty hospital gown, he looked like a mental patient who had just escaped from a mental institution.

"Yes, the customs of our earth are different from your Asgardians, so we don't have the habit of throwing wine glasses." Ye Fu said again.

Thor nodded seriously, indicating that he had made a note of it, and then said, "Thank you."

"Boss, have another drink!!" Thor shouted boldly.


(End of this chapter)

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