Chapter 28 Arriving in New Mexico
The small town of Pointe Antigol, where Thor landed in the original plot, Yefu set off in the evening after Nick Fury left, and did not fly to New Mexico until night fell.

After arriving at the place, Ye Fu first saw a small base under construction.

Dozens of elite agents surround the small base, on alert for various emergencies at any time.

The leaf rot didn't cover up, and fell to the ground swaggeringly, and then the alarm bell was ordered to be turned off just after it rang.

Seeing the leaf rot falling from the sky, Coulson quickly put away the pistol, and strode towards the leaf rot.

"I didn't expect you to come here so early, I really trouble you." Coulson said excitedly.

As one of the few trusted subordinates of Nick Fury in S.H.I.E.L.D., Coulson obviously knows more than these ordinary agents.

And knowing that this incident actually involved aliens, Coulson also felt a little nervous and at a loss.

Fortunately, the director specially invited experts, and now Coulson felt relieved.

"Well, after Chief Nick talked to me, I set off without even eating dinner. You still need to be cautious about this matter." Ye Fu nodded and said.

Although it is impossible for King Odin to really let Thor die on the earth, because of Loki's existence, the battle is inevitable, so these agents will be needed to help deal with the aftermath and spread the masses at that time.

After all, each of them has a bunch of documents in their hands, and they belong to the official power, the kind that are easy to use for talking thieves.

"What should we do now? Do we want to build this temporary research base?" Coulson asked, pointing to the temporary building in front of him.

Ye Fu took a look at the temporarily remodeled building, and said, "It's absolutely unnecessary, this hammer has the power of magic, and it's impossible to research anything with the current technology on Earth. In addition, if it is really The Asgardians are coming, and your tofu defense can't resist them at all."

Although the performance of the Asgardians in the movie is very ordinary, they are also the gods after all. The frost giants can control the ice, and the Asgardian warriors also have a physique that transcends mortals. A full set of excellent armor and weapons made by the dwarves of Davile.

It is estimated that the pistols of these agents cannot even break through the defenses of Asgardian elite fighters, but their weapons can easily tear through the thick armor and flesh of humans.

"Okay, I'll give you an order now, and all construction activities will stop immediately." Coulson did not hesitate, and completely followed Ye Fu's suggestion.

"Now Thor's Hammer is in the building in front of you, right?" Ye Fu felt a huge and stable magnetic field fluctuation from the magnetic field control force.

Coulson replied: "That's right, the Thor's Hammer you are talking about is in this base, but this hammer is very special and special, even if we use a high-power crane, we can't move it at all." !"

Ye Fu chuckled, and then explained: "It's normal that you can't pick it up, because this hammer is not an ordinary thing at all."

"He is the artifact in your Norse mythology, Mjolnir, the weapon of Thor, the god of thunder. The material also contains the weight of a death star core, and the spell of Odin the king of God is cast on the hammer. Under special conditions, ordinary people will absolutely not be able to move at all!"

"But unfortunately, I am that extraordinary person, this hammer, maybe I can move it!" Yefu gradually felt a little excited, this unknown sense of challenge, very interesting.

According to calculations, the weight of a white dwarf is about ten tons per cubic centimeter, and according to the data of the hammer in the movie, Thor's hammer has a weight of about 6750 cubic centimeters, which is about 6.7 tons.

Normally speaking, if you want to use this hammer freely, Thor's arm strength must be at least about 30 tons.This force is almost the weight of an aircraft carrier, or a 200-meter-high skyscraper.

But in the movie Thor, Thor obviously does not have such a powerful force, so either too many other materials were added to the hammer when it was made, such as the magical Uru metal.Either it is the magical magical power in Asgard, that is, the blessed power of the god-king Odin, and the wonderful power that the dwarves bestow on weapons.

But no matter what the reason is, Yefu is very interested in this hammer.After all, most of his predecessors who traveled through Marvel can basically lift this hammer, right?

Speaking of this, Ye Fu thought of Magneto King Eric again. In the parallel universe of the comic "Ultimatum", Magneto can control Mjolnir at will, and wantonly attack Thor, the hammer god.

Although it was because of cheating with the power of the magnetic field that Eric could not use the true power of Thor's Hammer and was not recognized by Thor's Hammer, but he has also lifted Thor's small hammer hammer.

But the current Yefu has reached the level of the old Magneto in terms of magnetic field control, and it is even better because of physical reasons.

In terms of pure strength, the height of more than 80 meters has evolved in the world of reversing the future. Although the evolution has slowed down a little in the Marvel world because there are not many battles, it has also reached an incredible height of [-] meters.

And Ye Fu, who has a body of [-] meters, should be enough to lift the weight of Thor's Hammer in terms of pure strength.

So no matter how you look at it, this hammer cannot avoid the fate of being lifted.

"The hammer is inside. If you want to try it, you can also challenge it, but this iron lump is really evil." Coulson also said helplessly.

But since Ye Fu is so interested in this hammer, and he can still lift it according to what he means.

Coulson was also slightly curious.

After all, the hammer inside is a magic weapon. If it is really lifted, what will happen?
"Let's go, go in and have a look." Ye Fu started to take a step as he said that, intending to see the legendary Thor's Hammer for himself.

On the way, Yefu was still considering whether to use pure physical strength to lift the hammer, or to use the method of Magneto in the comics to control the hammer with the power of a magnetic field.

After turning a few corners along the way, you can already see the silver-white hammer in the deep pit.

The roof of the base has not been built yet, under the starlight and moonlight all over the sky, the hammer shone with a cold brilliance, as if to show its extraordinaryness.

 School is about to start, and I went to the county to transfer tuition fees in the morning, emmm, so I had to change it at noon.

(End of this chapter)

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