Chapter 265
After the balance was broken, Thanos was doomed. Watching the departure of the heart of the universe, the fragile balance was broken, and Ye Fu set his sights on Thanos.

The azure light bloomed in the deep space, and the leaf rot urged the power of the heart of the universe to form an absolute force of obliteration.

This force is a mixture of cause and effect, reality, soul, mind, time, destruction... All the lawful forces that can be used are gathered together, just to completely annihilate the existence of Thanos.

In case Thanos, the heart of the universe, just died, and the reality modifier Thanos is appearing, this real well-known Marvel villain has had too many accidents, Ye Fu, in order to avoid trouble, directly killed this existence in various senses. good.

The azure energy enveloped Thanos, and some remaining energy of the heart of the universe stubbornly resisted the obliteration of Yefu, but with the broken balance, Thanos, who was unable to control the heart of the universe, was not far from failure .

"No! I have merged with the heart of the universe, and I am the only true god in this universe! You have no right to do that!!" Thanos' roar shook the world, but the erasure from the most powerful force did not stop because of his loud voice .

Under this all-round conceptual attack, one of Thanos' hands suddenly disappeared, followed by arms, feet, calves, and finally the torso.

The old Thanos wanted to say something, but seeing his other body turned into fly ash, the old Thanos only moved his lips slightly, but he didn't say anything.

First the limbs, then the torso, and finally the head. The old Thanos also has a small amount of the heart of the universe in his body, but this amount is not much after all. It only caused a little delay. Ye Fu's attack still wiped out all traces of his existence. erased.

No more, no more, it's not a matter of life and death, it's not about Lady Death, it's about denial at the root.

Except for the existence at the level of the life court, even the gods and the universe will not record any information about Thanos.

The battle was over, and Ye Fu started to look at it from another supreme perspective, but there was no trace of it. There is no doubt that Thanos was indeed defeated, and himself from another world won!
In fact, whether it is to wipe out half of life or to restart the Marvel world, these actions seem horrifying, but from Yefu's current perspective, they can indeed adjust the balance of the universe.

After all, the perspectives are different, and the surface of the problem is different. It seems to be destruction, but in fact it is a new life that erases the troubles.

And what Thanos did from the beginning to the end is for the entire universe. He wants the universe to develop more orderly. He has no selfish intentions and no self-interest. They are not thinking about themselves.

But the current fact is that, without being understood by all beings and gods, the administrator of the multiverse invited foreign aid to defeat such a person who is dedicated to the public, a person who is committed to the balance of the universe.

This has to be said to be very interesting.
Winner and loser, Ye Fu has no psychological pressure, after all, this is the Life Tribunal asking for his help, and he saved the Marvel multiverse!

Even if the Supreme Being OAA pops up suddenly, the leaf rot can be explained in this way!

The Heart of the Universe returned to its energy state, occupying more than half of the deep space, quietly floating in front of Ye Fu, after vaguely sensing the power of the same root and origin in Ye Fu, it actually wanted to be with Ye Fu at this time. mix together.

However, Ye Fu rejected this power. For Ye Fu who already possessed the power of the heart of the universe, the heart of the universe is a shackle instead. There is no need to merge with the heart of the universe again, and then have a deeper connection with the Marvel multiverse .

The heart of the universe flickered lightly, as if he was a little puzzled by Ye Fu's choice. After merging with him, he would become stronger, and it was obviously beneficial to both parties. Why did he reject him?
Ye Fu took a step back, and then brought the Life Tribunal to the fore. As for the heart of the universe, let this guy handle it.

Ye Fu left, possessing omniscience and omnipotence in the Marvel universe, reaching the level of omnipotence in the universe.

Everything was restored in one thought, the gods were resurrected, life was revived, and the life court resumed its work.

But the upgraded Ultimate Eraser finally fell into Ye Fu's hands, and the Life Tribunal didn't ask for it.

Ye Fu stood alone in the air, quietly experiencing the power from the heart of the universe, and without a sound, Ye Fu appeared in another unknown place, looking at a blurry figure in front of him, Ye Fu Fu already knew that he had finally entered the sight of the boss.

The two sides communicated without words, without the passage of time, and without the transmission of sound, and then Yefu was driven out.

The existence of OAA is still unknowable and unimaginable, and it is still a leaf rot higher than the level of the current omnipotent universe, but he has stated that he will not interfere with all actions of leaf rot in the Marvel Universe.

For OAA, the entire Marvel multiverse is dispensable in his eyes, whether it is a restart or annihilation, he doesn't even have to think about it.

The power of Ye Fu's acquisition of the heart of the universe is powerful, and he can destroy and restart the Marvel multiverse in a single thought, but it is still far from the OAA.

If Ye Fu's current strength is compared, the level may be similar to the conceptual First Firmament in the Marvel world, and it is still unknown how many levels away from OAA and Transcendent.

However, this level is also in addition to these two big shots, it also belongs to the third place in the Marvel multiverse.

The first sky is just like his name, it is the first one, the beginning and starting point of everything.

The Marvel multiverse was just an original universe in the initial period, and the first firmament is this universe, he created everything, and he is the beginning of everything.

However, the current First Firmament is only strong in design, and there should be a certain gap between the real strength and the power of the heart of the universe.

But if First Firmament could integrate all the powers he had lost, maybe, probably, he should still be able to wrestle with Yefu.

Now, Leaf Rot is the Number 3 of the Marvel Multiverse.

Everything has returned to the right track, it seems that the original crisis of destroying the multiverse has never appeared, and Ye Fu is also quietly feeling the power of the heart of the universe, and has not come out to pretend.

Opening his eyes, Ye Fu looked at the lighter in his hand, and now there was no sense of threat on this little thing, as if his body had re-evolved, enough to adapt to all dangers.

The power of the Ultimate Eraser, if nothing else happens, is already bearable.

 The first time I met Mo Zhe Tun manuscript, I had already finished writing one chapter, but because I fell asleep accidentally in the middle, the screen of the phone went black.As a result, after turning on the screen of the mobile phone, there was no word at all.Now that I'm writing it again, I can't express my feelings.

  By the way, I wish you all a happy Christmas Eve.

(End of this chapter)

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