Invincible from the beginning of the United States

Chapter 256 The Sentinel and the Birth of Nothingness

Chapter 256 The Sentinel and the Birth of Nothingness
As an ignorant gangster and a reclusive gentleman, Robert Reynolds is also proficient in the traditional skill of sliding doors and picking locks. After prying open the door outside the laboratory, he flipped in through the window on one side, and walked in. Into Cornelius' laboratory.

He walked past Ye Fu's eyes, but he didn't realize that there was someone watching him secretly.

He searched through boxes and cabinets for a while, but found nothing, no money, and nothing that looked like 'medicine'. He was very disappointed.

At this moment, Robert Reynolds saw the beaker placed on the workbench out of the corner of his eye. After much thought, he grabbed the beaker and drank the half cup of golden liquid like water.

The potion itself didn't have any special effects at all, but as the world spun around for a while, the body hollowed out by the 'drug' plus the trance spirit and this foreign potion produced a subtle chemical reaction between the three.

Under the care of the power of the universe, this cup of waste medicine finally played its intended role, that is, to give birth to the strongest hero in human history—the Sentinel!
Robert Reynolds' eyes congested rapidly. In less than three seconds, his whole body twitched continuously, flushed, and his veins swelled. Finally, his neck tilted and he died lifelessly.

Under Yefu's all-round perspective observation, in the analysis of the power of small world rules, without any interference from external objects, a very wonderful change took place in Robert Reynolds' body, the molecular structure He was reorganizing, and the chance of being infinitely close to zero was [-]% hit by him.

The world of Marvel is so fucked up. It is a nonsense fact that a drug addict who has no ideals, no goals, and doesn't even know what he should do can rely on luck to become a strong person, even the top one.

Seeing such a powerful energy in the hands of such an addict, Yefu felt very worthless, he had to correct this mistake in the Marvel world!
Although the cause cannot be controlled, the current Ye Fu can completely cut off the result because he has this strength and ability.

The power of Yefu's primordial spirit has located the newly born universe gate and brand-new coordinates of the universe in Robert Reynolds' body, and Yefu directly took advantage of the time before Robert Reynolds came back from the dead to walk away easily. went in.

Ye Fu, who has a body of time and space, easily found the door to the new universe, a brand new super universe that can provide the power of millions of stars.

"Hello? Is there anyone? Help! Someone help me!" Robert Reynolds only remembered that he was stealing in a laboratory one moment, and appeared in a barren continent the next second.

This world is very strange, there are mountains and waters, the sun and the earth, but as far as the line of sight can see, there is no life other than himself.

Not to mention people, even flowers, birds, fish and insects, there is nothing. This world obviously has water, but there is no life, even life with the simplest structure has not been born.

where is this place?He was completely dumbfounded, and only felt that he was in a huge and incomparable trouble.

"This is my clothes? My body? How is it possible?" He suddenly found that his muscles had become extremely strong, his arms were full of explosive power, and he had been addicted to 'drugs' for many years. His body and senses should have been It is already extremely dull, but he just judged that there is no life in this world with just a casual glance, how did he come to this conclusion?

Is your mind really that fast?
After taking a general look, I found that the original jacket and jeans were gone, replaced by a golden tights, with a dark blue cape behind him, and the original belt was replaced by a black belt, which looks a bit like a huge A gold belt, but in the middle is a golden 'S' letter.

Is this still me?He stroked his soft golden hair and was completely at a loss for a while.

Above the sky that he couldn't see, Ye Fu also followed into this universe.

What a lucky one, Ye Fu couldn't help feeling a little bit emotional, besides himself, there was actually someone else who was able to obtain the almost invincible ability so easily.

Robert Reynolds seemed to have hit a big luck, opened a door, behind this door is connected to a brand new universe, where the universe has just been born, many stars are still moving slowly according to the established orbit, and life is still alive. Key nodes that do not appear.

As the only living body in this universe, Robert Reynolds directly possesses all the authority and energy of this universe. It can be said that he reached the sky in one step, and almost became the supreme god at the beginning of the universe.

Just like Dormammu in the dark latitude, this guy used to be a wizard on the earth, but because his spiritual body and the dark dimension merged into one, he directly jumped out of the long river of time and possessed incredible power , became a powerful demon god in the multiverse.

It has to be said that Robert Reynolds is simply a miracle of the universe. Under almost impossible circumstances, he hit two infinitely close to zero probabilities. It is said that the universe would not take advantage of such loopholes, but Robert Reynolds Just bumped into that impossible probability!
When such a change occurs in the universe, the universe itself must follow the rules and have to make some responses.

In the Marvel universe, although all kinds of combat power are very collapsed, it still follows a basic balance that everything must be maintained. Only in this way can the universe develop in an orderly manner.

Everyone not only has a goal, but also needs an opponent if they want to go to a higher level, or the will of the world arranges an opponent for you. The opposite of eternity is the talisman, the opposite of Thor is the earthly python, and the opposite of Qin is black. In Phoenix, many people have a corresponding enemy, which has nothing to do with their subjective consciousness, and the strength of both sides may not be equal, but it must exist.

Now Robert Reynolds exclusively enjoys the energy of the universe. He is an alternative with no foundation and no support, which breaks the balance of the universe.

In the eyes of Ye Fu, this universe seems to be fighting back on its own. The powerful energy combines the dark side of Robert Reynolds. Under his fragile psychology of an addict, an extraordinary life form that can use the energy of this universe is being formed step by step.

This is the opposite of the Sentinel, used to check and balance the nothingness of Robert Reynolds!

The birth of nothingness is completely from scratch, using the psychological dark side of the sentinel and the independent counterattack of the universe. The birth of this special personality is like a demon on the side of cultivating immortals, which is very difficult to deal with.

But in Ye Fu's eyes, all of these are meaningless. Now that he has found this universe, no matter whether it is Sentinel or Nothingness, this brand new universe that belongs to their source of power cannot escape being swallowed It's over.

(End of this chapter)

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