Chapter 243 Leaf Rot Shot
The final place of the pseudo-immortal road is a majestic city wall, and the eleven great emperors throughout the ages have all stopped at this last pass.

"The last level in the legend, Immortal Realm is in front of you!" The chariot of Changsheng Tianzun has been chopped into pieces, and there is death energy all over his body, but the momentum on his body has reached its peak.

"Break through this wall, and you will become immortal!" The Heavenly Desolation War Halberd in Shihuang's hand had some cracks, and the holy spirit robe on his body also had fist marks one after another, obviously after a hard battle.


The attacks of the eleven great emperors directly penetrated the city wall in front of them, but the strange thing is that this city wall is like a real phantom, and the attack was not blocked at all, and directly penetrated the city wall, and It suddenly landed on Ye Fu who had been waiting for this attack and had grown into a giant ahead of time to meet the collective big move.

Endless light, infinite mighty power, the aftermath alone is enough to shake the heavens and clear the universe. Under this attack, even if Yefu replicated the full strength of the Qing Emperor, it is already the emperor's peak combat power, but without it In any case of resistance, he directly received the full attack from the eleven great emperors with his body.

In the Supreme Law of the Eleven Supremes, Ye Fu's body and primordial spirit were cleared from the level of law, as if apart from these eleven radiances, there could be no matter or elements at all.

"Is this the Immortal Realm?" After breaking through the last wall, the Qilin Ancient Emperor felt the immortal energy and undead matter rushing towards his face, and looked at the endless abyss in front of him that was punched out by himself and others, and he was stunned for a while. land.

How could it be possible to reach the Immortal Realm so easily?All the great emperors couldn't believe this result, but the fact seems to be the case!

"Is this the last hurdle?" The Supreme Light and Darkness couldn't believe it.

The eternity of self-sealed waiting, the dark turmoil that was launched in order to prolong life, these past events were reviewed one by one, and it was a bit of a trance for a while.


Feeling the changes in the body, the worsening injuries and the passing of life span have stopped, all the great emperors finally laughed heartily.

After going through all kinds of hardships and passing the test, at this moment, the gate of the fairyland has been opened, and the road to becoming a fairy has been opened.

The long wait for eternity has finally come true!
"We have finally set foot on the fairyland!"

"Immortality is at hand!"

All the great emperors smiled happily, carefully corrected their appearance, tidied their clothes, and walked into the fairyland with a smile on their faces.

However, in the absolute domain that is almost filled with various emperor's laws, all kinds of emperor's laws gather together in the void, as if the residual law breath is attracted by something.

This sudden change also alarmed the Eleven Supremes and Great Emperors. Looking at the bottomless abyss created by him and others, could it be that some mysterious creatures in the fairyland were provoked?
Inexplicable and indescribable fluctuations came, and the figure of Ye Fu appeared at the center of this lawful energy, and then his body began to evolve, and the rebound with a three-fold increase also suddenly landed on the bodies of the eleven supreme beings. The absolute backlash of sex, even the emperor cannot avoid it.

"how is this possible!?"

"This kind of aura of law belongs to our own unique Tao!!"

"I knew that Immortal Realm couldn't be that simple!"

All the weeping supremes have tried their best to resist this sudden triple rebound attack, but facing the all-round triple rebound of their own all-out attack, how can it be so easy to catch?

After enduring this wave of attacks, the injuries of these supremes who had just recovered a little became more serious, and even the weaker supremes were already close to the edge of the path of transformation.

And because this world is completely controlled by Ye Fu, after the rebounding attack came, Ye Fu directly cut off their aura and undead matter, and the whole world is against them at this moment, the perfect fairyland, So scary and exclusive in this moment!

"God's will suppresses, rules seal!"

Miaomiao Tianyin came, and a being shrouded in regular power could be vaguely seen walking from the void.

"Could it be that what we did alarmed the legendary 'immortal'?"

"Stop the fairy!" Some great emperors suddenly panicked and couldn't help shouting.

However, Yefu ignored these shouts.

"This is my world. These are my rules. This is my domain."

Ye Fu stepped out of the light source, and pressed his palm with a slight smile.

"I am in charge of the principles of heaven, responsible for the destiny of heaven, and enforce the rules of heaven. In my world, you have no room for resistance."

Looking at the group of residual blood in front of him, Ye Fu didn't use his own strength, but just invoked the power of the rules of the small world, and very easily suppressed and sealed these seriously injured self-cutting supremes respectively.

After this concentrated fire attack, Ye Fu felt that his body had reached a level where he would still exist even if the universe exploded.

As for whether it can reach the level of Hongchen Fairy?Yefu himself doesn't know.

But the current self is much stronger than the original self. In terms of the energy system, it has at least doubled. In terms of the evolution of the physical body, I am a little bit confused!
"Fortunately, we devoured the broken Little Immortal Realm ahead of time. Otherwise, the attacks of these eleven great emperors, even with their own bodies as a defensive buffer, would have greatly damaged the Little World." Ye Fu waved his hand and flattened the The bottomless abyss was created, and then it also sensed the degree of damage to the small world this time.

However, because of the harvest of eleven supreme beings, everything is still within the tolerable range!

"Immortal God, Stone Emperor, Light and Dark Supreme, Abandoned Heaven Supreme, these four should be eliminated directly according to the rules. In order to make up for your sins, it is better to let go of your cultivation and give back to the world." The characters don't need to search for memory at all. They are all the masters of the restricted area who have launched dark turmoil, so they are not worth staying.

What's more, to make up for the damage and promotion of the small world, but rely on these masters of the restricted area.

With a thought, the four supreme beings turned into light spots and added to the small world.

After these points of light merged into the small world, Yefu clearly sensed that the small world became stronger.

Seeing the remaining supreme beings under the seal of the world's rules, Ye Fu approached the door one by one, and then used the world's rules to forcibly pry open the primordial spirits of these ancient supreme beings.

Those who have launched the dark turmoil are directly wiped out on the spot, just because of obsession, in order to witness whether there is an 'immortal' with their own eyes, they leave the means in their bodies and then release them, but if they want to leave the small world, basically It's just not possible.

(End of this chapter)

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