Invincible from the beginning of the United States

Chapter 211 Changing the Battlefield

Chapter 211 Changing the Battlefield
Saitama's invincibility is unquestionable, and Yefu only relies on the four absolute innate abilities of immortality, evolution, regeneration, and rebound to maintain the battle situation.

After a short few minutes of confrontation, the planets and meteorites in this area were all reduced to dust, and Saitama also completely lost the place to borrow strength in space.

However, in order to continue this increasingly fierce battle, Saitama insisted on blowing air to maintain this unbeatable battle.

"Yefu-kun, fortunately I followed your advice, otherwise, the earth would really suffer!" Saitama waved his fist to meet Yefu's rebound, while attacking and resisting with ease.

"Saitama, the current battle is too unfavorable for you. You stop attacking first, and I will find a new place to fight." Ye Fu watched Saitama spinning in space again after punching, and couldn't help but Some helpless.

Saitama has invincible strength. Although his body has adapted to space after evolution and can breathe internally, he still has not learned to fly freely.

And if it can't fly freely, it's really powerless in the vacuum that shattered the meteorite.

"There's no need to waste time looking for it. I feel like I've adapted to this state, and my blood is about to burn!!" Another breath was blown out, and then the body that flew upside down forcibly turned, and once again charged forward with fists raised.

Ye Fu's body was injured again and again, healed again and again, and then continuously strengthened in the process of evolution, but Saitama's invincible strength is also constantly displayed, and he still controls the rhythm of this battle with ease !

"Wait! I've found the place to fight!!" After being blasted all the way for tens of millions of miles, within the range of Ye Fu's spiritual power, a harder planet finally appeared!

I saw Yefu pointing to the extremely distant front, where there were several neutron stars floating in disorder.

Saitama also looked over, but with his eyesight, he couldn't see through the deep cosmic starry sky at all, and he couldn't see the distant neutron stars at all.

However, Saitama still believes in Yefu's words, and if he has a planet as a fighting platform for himself, it will undoubtedly greatly enhance his mobility.

Saitama said: "Okay, where shall we go first!"

"However, since the battle has been terminated ahead of schedule, I will get serious from the beginning when I get to a more suitable battlefield."

Ye Fu also nodded fearlessly and replied: "That's good! Now the warm-up is over..."

"I'm going to start getting serious!"

Ye Fu first found Broly, who had been watching the battle, and then reached out and grabbed Saitama's shoulder. Following the positioning of the spiritual power, he directly crossed the space, and brought people to teleport again, and instantly appeared on the nearest one. above the neutron star.

This is a celestial body filled with free electron gas, which can be regarded as the worst planet in the universe, second only to black holes.

In the Marvel world, it is said that Thor's hammer is made of the core of the Death Star, but after Yefu asked Odin himself, he learned that Mjolnir only used Uru metal and other precious metal materials, that's all. It is only because of the addition of magic power and runes that those characteristics and conditions are formed.

As for the neutron star material, it is not used at all.

Because the material of the neutron star is too heavy, even with the help of Odin, it is completely unfavorable for Thor to use it.

Let’s use this as an analogy. If the earth is compressed into the outermost material of a neutron star, it can be compressed into more than 20 cubic meters.

However, the neutron star Yefu found has a diameter of more than ten kilometers. Saitama's vision is blurred when standing on it, and because of the light escaping from the parabola, the line of sight is misplaced. It wasn't Yefu's real position, and this caused the battle to be fought almost only by intuition.

And Ye Fu said that the life of cheating does not need to consider the various situations and rules of the natural world, the power of the mind, the power of the soul, and the eyes of the sky. Ye Fu with all kinds of power in his body can fight without using his eyes.

But Qitama is different, no matter how invincible Qitama is, he is still a human being, and the rules of the universe still have to be obeyed unavoidably.

Just like in a vacuum, if there is no leverage point, Saitama can only rely on the airflow of his inner breath to turn, otherwise he will always float down...

Feeling the high temperature of more than 1000 million degrees on the surface of the neutron star, as well as various powerful pulses, the leaf rot felt like a spring breeze blowing on the face. This level of damage was already unable to break the leaf rot's defense.

It was the first time for Saitama to come to the neutron star. Looking at the figure of Yefu not far away, although his vision was very blurred, his eyesight, as one of his physical qualities, was also unfathomable.

Saitama first walked two steps, then measured the visual gap, and directly found the location of the leaf rot.

"Ye Fu-kun, I have adapted to the environment here, and now—the real battle has begun!" Saitama's dignified voice came out, and then the fist of his right hand was already clenched, obviously ready to resume fighting again.

"Shoot as much as you want, I am absolutely immortal!!" After Ye Fu finished speaking, he took the lead in attacking.

The mountain cutting ax suddenly fell, causing the degenerate free electron gas on the neutron star to flow turbulently.

After Saitama felt the fluctuation of the attack, his body reacted autonomously. He raised his left hand to block, abruptly stopped the falling of the mountain axe, and then directly exploded the condensed body of Yefu with his next punch. ax!

"Seriously headbutt!"

After making an attack with both hands, Qi Yu directly used his big bald head, and suddenly hit Ye Fu's stomach.

After a series of being chased and beaten and targeted evolution, Yefu can basically bear the serious series of attacks. Although it still hurts and hurts, it is not as serious as before.

After spitting out a mouthful of blood, Ye Fu also started a rebound attack.

The same head hammer, but was hit on the head by Saitama's fist in advance.


Countless free electrons were scattered, and cracks instantly appeared on Yefu's hardest skull.

"Hahaha, Mr. Yefu, I have already understood your attack!"

Saitama laughed loudly, facing Ye Fu's rebounding punch again, it also hit Ye Fu's punching arm in advance, and gave Ye Fu another heavy blow that broke his arm!

Yefu's rebound is too easy to see through. Saitama has already figured out Yefu's forced rebound, but in a vacuum, he is flying around without force, and he can't do anything about this situation. an effective counterattack.

After arriving on a neutron star with strong gravity, everything is different.

After adapting to this harsh environment, Leaf Fu's attack was already full of regularity, and was completely targeted by Saitama!
(End of this chapter)

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