Invincible from the beginning of the United States

Chapter 2 Reversing the Future World

Chapter 2 Reversing the Future World
The X-Men reversed the future world. Since the sentinel robot for mutants was developed from Mystique, mutants are almost extinct in the current human world.

The remaining mutants huddled together to keep warm under the constant search of the sentinel robot army, but it was difficult to change their fate of being wiped out.

Magneto and Professor X, the leaders of the two largest mutant forces in North America, are now in a state of old age and frailty, and have completely lost their previous prestige.

Faced with the oppression of the sentinel robot army, the two old enemies and friends finally came together again, but even if the two joined forces, they still could not compete with the army of sentinel robots that could appear in the form of an army.

Professor X's killer weapon, the original brain wave expander, has long been destroyed by the sudden attack of human forces. Facing Magneto's powerful ability, the sentinel robot can also evolve a body composed of nano-carbon atoms, which is simply impossible. Ignored Magneto's abilities.

As a result, the abilities of the two most powerful strategic figures were completely useless, and the fate of the mutant race became even more difficult.

Near the Himalayas, the last stronghold of mutant forces, Phantom Cat is using Wolverine Logan's undead ability to transmit his conscious soul to the past, intending to change the future from the root and cover all changes in the future.

This is the only way they can think of to break the situation, but in the face of the sentinel robot army, which is almost like a net, even if they have been hiding in this high mountain wilderness, they can't hide for much time at all.

Under normal circumstances, it will not appear for an hour before being discovered by endless sentinel robots and then ruthlessly wiped out.

In this future world, the power of mutants is so miserable. A person with space ability, a person with time ability, and a few mutants with high-level combat power barely survived.

And even this miserable situation was saved because of Phantom Cat's time ability, which developed an ability similar to game file loading, and it was saved when it could be restarted.

Inside the ancient temple in the cave, Magneto and Professor X stood guard, while the other mutants were on guard.

In the center of the ancient temple, Wolverine is lying on a platform, and then a phantom cat uses her mutant ability to press on Wolverine's temple, maintaining the connection between the past and the present.

Through Wolverine's immortal consciousness, the past and the future are connected, and then the effect of changing the past and covering the future is achieved.

"Bang bang bang!!" Suddenly, there were several sounds of heavy objects falling to the ground in the temple.

Professor X quickly used his spiritual power to explore the past.

I saw four or five transport ships coming from the sky, and then the densely packed sentinel robots fell down like dumplings, and then landed firmly on the cliff.


After Professor X muttered softly, a fierce battle broke out outside.

Facing the mindless robot, Professor X has nothing to do. The old Magneto still has the power to fight. After he exchanged a glance with Professor X, he walked out calmly.

Storm has already lifted off, and then summoned the dark clouds that covered the entire mountain, blue and white lightning flashed around her, and raging winds continued to surge.

Sunspot transmitted the solar energy he had absorbed to Bishop, who had energy conversion and energy absorption, and when the human body was charged, the energy gun in Bishop's hand was filled with energy almost instantly, and then began his own Sniper combat.

Pyro turned into raging flames, and then spewed flames and flew up to meet the falling sentinel robots.

The cold ice under the iceman's feet formed a slide, and then his whole body turned into indestructible ice, with endless cold air erupting from his hands to block the other side.

Colossus protects Blink, who has the ability to teleport through space. By the way, with the cooperation of Blink, he keeps appearing in every corner of the battlefield to help his teammates in time.

And Blink is also constantly opening the space door on the ground to cooperate with teammates. With the cooperation of Blink's space door, these powerful mutants continue to appear beside the sentinel robot like ghosts, or help them avoid the sentinel robot. attack.

After Magneto came out, he didn't take the lead in attacking. Instead, he gathered all the steel around him, and then blocked the gate of the temple.

The old Magneto doesn't have much fighting power anymore, and its role is to delay time and hold the last line of defense that represents the hope of mutants.

In the face of more and more sentinel robots, these powerful mutants are finally about to be unable to hold on anymore. In the nearest few cities, there are still a steady stream of robots coming, constantly replenishing the new force .

But inside the temple, there is a life-and-death plan to reverse the future. This time, as before, they can't use the flickering space door ability to escape in time.

So this battle is destined to be the last battle!Either win or lose.

If they win, their existence will be changed, and everything about the mutants will also be changed.

And if they lose, there will be no future, because they will all die at the hands of the sentinel robot army.

As the battle continued, after just a few minutes, the mutants became unable to overpower the Sentinels.

After all, these sentinel robots were created based on Mystique's ability, and their simulation ability has formed a system. During the battle, the abilities of these mutants were analyzed, copied and restrained.

So different from before, the mutants only feel more and more difficult to fight, because the sentinel robots have changed into a specific form to attack specific mutants!
The indestructible Diamond Sentinel and Ice Sentry siege Pyro, and the magma-filled Pyro Sentry and Cyclops siege Iceman.

Storm, who was flying in the sky, also began to be targeted. Flames, ice, diamonds, and laser cannons rushed into the sky one after another.

In the huge eye of the wind, the tornado briefly defended against the attack of the sentinel robot, while the violent thunder and lightning kept falling like raindrops.

Storm Girl's ability has been overloaded, and on the ground, Blink, who is in charge of coordinating the use of the space gate ability, has turned pale to the point where she is almost unable to stand.

There are too many sentinel robots, You Qi is still coming over, and her space door is constantly opening, almost reaching the limit.

Colossus is now entangled by several diamond men and iron men, and even Blink is completely unable to rescue him.

However, amidst the despair of the crowd, a giant egg as white as jade finally broke through the weakness of this space and floated in.

"Drip, time travel is successful, the system is restarting..."

"The attribute panel has been opened, please check the host in time!"

Hearing this familiar voice, Ye Fu slowly woke up, as if...he was not dreaming.Ye Fu thought subconsciously.

(End of this chapter)

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